Textile Strike Bulletin
The United Front of the Workers Against the United Front of the Bosses
Vol. 1 No. 20 Passaic N. J. Thursday, July 15, 1926
Strip For Action
Strike Committee Accepts Challenge of the Citizens (Vigilantes) Committee
Our strike and its leadership is again challenged. This time by the so-called Citizens Committee. This Committee composed of the worst elements of the Ku Klux Klan, the Passaic Chamber of Commerce, business men and bankers threatens violence against the strikers and their leaders, against the peace and the interests of the general public.
This "Citizens" Committee is the creation of the mill owners, and its full page advertisements were written in the office of Forstmann and Huffmann by Mr. Rheinhold. Its declared purpose is break the strike and smash our union by any unlawful means.
The United Front Committee of Passaic and Vicinity accepts this latest challenge, of the mill owners. It is on its face a move of desperation. It will fail as all other schemes of the bosses have failed.
We Passaic Textile Workers now on strike for six months will know how to defend ourselves and our union against these apostles of force and violence.
The strike is on for our just demands and will be on until they are granted. The mill owners can settle this strike and peace can be restored in the industry only when the mill owners will consent to meet with the delegates of the strikers and negotiate a settlement. All other means will fail.
The Textile Strike Bulletin will publish in its next issue an analysis showing exactly who are the men signing themselves as a "Citizens" Committee and what they represent.
Meanwhile every decent citizen in Passaic and vicinity will remember the names of these agents of the bosses and refuse to deal with them in any way.
Strikers Kiddies To Pass Through Paterson, Newark And New York On Way To Summer Camps
One thousand Passaic Strikers children will leave the strike zone Friday morning, July 16, en route to summer camps and the opening of Victory Playground, the first children's playground to be opened in the strike zone. The children will go in buses and will be accompanied by their parents and a brass band, whose services has been donated for the purpose.
They will pass through Paterson, Newark and New York City and will visit the headquarters of various labor organizations in these cities, where they will greet their friends and thank them for contributions received and help promised. They will arrive at the 42nd Street ferry, New York City, at 12 o'clock, where they will be welcomed by delegates from labor unions and relief committees helping Passaic relief. A demonstration at some central place in the city is contemplated for six o'clock, the exact place to be announced later.
In New York City they will visit the offices of the following: New York Conference for Passaic Relief, the International Workers Aid, the Workers Health Bureau, the Strikers Emergency Committee, the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, the Workers Party, the Cap Makers, the Furriers Union, the Forward Building, the Hebrew Trades, the Freiheit Building, the Bakers Union, the Amalgamated Food Workers, the Volkszeitung, the Ukrainian Daily News, the Elore, the Rand School, the New Leader, the A. F. of L. headquarters, the New Masses, the New York World, N. Y. Times, N. Y. Mirror, N. Y. Daily News.
In Newark they will pay a visit to the home of Henry F. Hilfers, secretary of the New Jersey State Federation of Labor, whose letter on the Passaic strike the bosses have been using in an effort to crush the strike. They will give Hilfers an opportunity to see that the strike is still on and is still 100 per cent strike, and will be fought to a victorious finish for the strikers.
These children represent the first batch to be sent off under the plans of the General Relief Committee of Textile Strikers. They have been selected with a view to the greatest need and are most of them underweight and underfed.
Ten Thousand Strikers Adopt Letter Answering Statement Of A. F. of L.
William Green, President of the American Federation of Labor.
Dear Sir and Brother:
The statement issued by you in the name of the Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor on the Passaic Textile Strike, and given wide publicity in the press, is a blow aimed at the hopes and aspirations of over 16,000 textile workers of Passaic, Garfield, Clifton and Lodi, N. J. Under the leadership of the United Front Committee of Textile Workers of Passaic and vicinity, 16,000 textile workers have carried on one of the most heroic and determined struggles in the history of the American labor movement. These hitherto unorganized workers have earned the respect and admiration of the rank and file of the American Federation of Labor and of every bona fide trade unionist in America.
For twenty-four weeks we have been waging a battle for the right to organize and for a decent standard of living. It is unfortunate that this statement comes at a time when the mill owners are doing their utmost to smash our strike by frame-ups, brutal assaults and the importation of strikebreakers as well as a vicious campaign of misrepresentation and slander.
Under these circumstances any statement that attacks the textile strikers, lends material support not only to this campaign of the mill owners but to all open-shoppers and enemies of organized labor as well. We want to call your attention again to the issues of this strike. We were amazed that the statement does not deal with these issues. It is generally the practice of trade unionists to deal with concrete demands. The statement, however, ignores the demands for which we, 16,000 striking textile workers are fighting, namely: --- the restoration of the ten per cent wage cut and an increase of ten per cent in wages; the right to organize and recognition of the union; the 44-hour-week, and time and one half for overtime. We are positive that the Executive Council of the A. F. of L. cannot find good reasons for objecting to these demands.
These are the vital issues in this strike. Around these issues we, 16,000 textile workers have rallied, and are carrying on a heroic and determined struggle against the powerful employers for a better standard of living and for trade union organization.
Our heroic struggle has won the sympathy and support of organized workers all over the country and of a large number of central trades and labor bodies and local unions affiliated with the American Federation Labor.
We have been able to take care of the needs of our sixteen thousand strikers and their families during the 24 weeks of struggle, through the generous support of workers organizations and sympathizers. Six picket line lunch counters operate to provide food for the thousands who daily picket the many acres of textile mill territory in Passaic. Four food stations function to capacity in distribution to needy families their daily food rations. Two children's kitchens provide nutritious meals for more than one thousand under-nourished textile strikers children. Hundreds of our children are being sent to camps and to the homes of sympathizers. The strikers receive free fuel and free services of physicians. A total of 445 strikers have been clubbed and jailed and for these, competent legal defense has been provided and their families cared for. There is no form of relief of which the textile strikers are in need that has not been provided. Now, after six months of struggle the need for relief becomes a more serious problem for more and more strikers families are applying for relief. It is at this stage of our struggle that the organized labor movement of America should stand staunchly by us instead of lending discouragement or ill-advised criticism.
To prevent continuous support and relief for the strikers and their families would amount to starving these workers back into the mills at the bosses terms. The statement issued by Mr. Henry F. Hilfers, secretary of the New Jersey State Federation of Labor, which spread unfounded and destructive rumors that the Passaic workers have been defeated by scab-herding textile bosses, calls for an immediate repudiation by you since such unfounded statements operate to cut off relief so necessary to the winning of the strike. We do not see it fit or necessary to enter into any lengthy discussion relative to the false charge contained in your statement that the Passaic strike of nearly six months is a Communist strike, or "a strike for Communism." In a recent public statement you, yourself, declared that the demands of the Passaic textile strikers were just demands. No worker will take this charge seriously or place trust in those who continue to make it. The country-wide support given to the Passaic strikers and their leaders by hundreds of workingmen of all political beliefs and affiliations, and the help given by church groups, which not even the blackest open-shoppers have yet dared to call "Communists" show that this allegation is groundless.
Lawyers, journalists, United States Senators and prominent churchmen, together with many labor unions and union officials, affiliated with the A. F. of L. have endorsed the aims and purposes of the strike. Our strike its a bona fide one and the struggle is wholly in line with the best traditions of the American labor movement.
The committee conducting this strike, the United Front Committee, is charged with being a duel union. We have always indicated our readiness to affiliate with the A. F. of L. It is a matter of public record that on our own initiative, we addressed ourselves to you as the President of the A. F. of L. to bring about the unity of all textile unions under the A. F. of L. and our committee pledged itself to render every assistance to bring our workers under the banner of your organization.
Our unsolicited approach to you was evaded and we were referred to Mr. Thomas F. McMahon, the president of the United Textile Workers of America. Negotiations were entered into by our United Front Committee with the United Textile Workers. A committee was elected by the committee conducting the strike to meet with a committee of the United Textile Workers to enter into arrangements for complete affiliation. These negotiations were blocked by the action of Mr. McMahon, President of the United Textile Workers, who declared that until the strike was ended, no action along these lines could be taken.
We find in your statement the following:
"The working people of America can raise their standard of life and living, whether it be those employed in the textile industry or in any other lines of industry, by joining the bona fide, organized labor movement. We welcome all."
The United Front Committee of Textile Workers of Passaic and vicinity hails this statement as a portent and a promise. In the name of the 16,000 textile workers now following our leadership, we pledge ourselves to disregard the unwarranted attacks leveled against us during the bitter six months of our struggle. We have no quarrel with the great body of organized labor as represented by the A. F. of L. Our quarrel is with our employers. We greet the ideal of unity of all labor in America under the banner of the A. F. of L. and herewith publicly repeat our offer to enter into negotiations with the United Textile Workers and the A. F. of L. for the complete affiliation of 16,000 textile workers in Passaic and vicinity. And to this end, we propose that you appoint a special sub-committee of the Executive Council of the A. F. of L. to arrange for an immediate conference between the United Textile Workers of America and the United Front Committee Textile Workers of Passaic and Vicinity, which is recognized by the strikers as their strike committee and bona fide spokesmen.
The cause of the 16,000 strikers is the cause of all organized labor. The victory of these textile workers will pave the way not only for better conditions, but also for better organization of the workers in the textile industry. The statement of the Executive Council of the A. F. of L. is therefore not only injurious and detrimental to the strike but to the A. F. of L. itself because it paves the way for the enemies of organized labor to initiate campaigns of wage-cutting and speeding-up and the supplanting of bona fide unions by company unions, organized by the employers.
We hope that the Executive Council, after investigating all the facts, will reconsider it's statement and will take a position more in harmony with the needs of the great masses of the unorganized workers, and that with respect to the Passaic strike, it will cease its hostile attitude and will make a strong appeal to all workers to double their efforts for moral and material support.
In closing we wish to reiterate our statement that everything done by our committee in connection with the Passaic strike has been open and above board. All our transactions are open to the scrutiny of all bona fide organizations.
We trust that this letter will pave the way toward more cordial relations and a better understanding between the executive council of the American Federation of Labor and the United Front Committee, representing the striking textile workers of Passaic and vicinity.
With fraternal greetings,
United Front Committee of Textile Workers of Passaic and vicinity.
Albert Weisbord, Chairman.
Gustav Deak, secretary.
Ten thousand striking textile workers gathered at Belmont Park, Garfield, N. J., last night, and with their union cards raised high above their heads, unanimously adopted this statement addressed to William Green, President of the American Federation of Labor.
Pitkowwitz Gives The Lie To Leary Of "The World"
Associated Silk Workers of America.
Paterson, N. J.
To the Editor of the Evening World,
New York City.
Dear Sir:
Again I must call your attention to the news item that appeared in your paper on Monday, June 21st, to the effect that "after the meeting it was said that the main differences of opinion was over the extent to which the representatives of the conservative unions would back Weisbord in his efforts to raise funds for the Passaic strikers. On this point the conservatives declared no agreement had been reached. Mr. Weisbord had nothing to say." This, my dear editor, is nothing but a tissue of lies; for I have been a delegate to both conferences held on June 5th and 6th, and to the committee conferences held on June 19th and 20th.
The garbled and colored-up reports of your reporter Mr. Leary, makes me think that he would make a better spiritualist reporter .... than a reporter of labor news. I cannot recall any instructions to Mr. Batty and Mr. Weisbord, who were to give out the news to the reporters of our proceedings, authorizing them to make such statements. I remember distinctly that when Batty and Weisbord spoke to Mr. Leary in the lobby of the Imperial Hotel, I was a bystander and listened in to the statements given to your reporter, and I emphatically denied that any such statement was given to Mr. Leary. In
other words this brands Mr. Leary as a non-reliable reporter of labor news.
Trusting that my letter will appear in the columns of your editorial page, I remain,
(Signed) Selig Pitkowitz.
100 Strikers Kiddies Off To Camp
The General Relief Committee of Textile Strikers announces that one hundred strikers children were sent to camps Wednesday, July 14th. This represents the first large batch to be placed in summer camps in line with the Children's Campaign to place each striker's child in a camp or in a home of a working-class family.
Those that left on Wednesday were sent to the International Workers Aid camp, near Morristown N. J., the Mohegan Colony, Peekskill, N. Y., the Modern School Association's camp at Stelton N. J. and to the Chatham Camp.
This week also saw the opening by the union of the first children's playground in the strike zone. The playground has six acres of land and is equipped with showers and various games for the kiddies.
The United Front Committee Is Fighting For Free Speech
The United Front Committee of Lawrence appealed the case of Fred Beal, Secretary, arrested by the police for speaking at an open air meeting on Monday, July 5th. Two other speakers, Professor Harry W. Longfellow Dana, of the Civil Liberties Union and Anthony Ramuglia, the Italian organizer of the United Front Committee, were not arrested by the police.
The chief of Police had refused permits to the United Front Committee to hold its meetings. This action was undoubtedly dictated by the mill owners who are preparing to bring back the 54 hour week to the Lawrence workers. The bosses chief of police does not refuse permits to all kinds of other organizations. According to the city ordinance, the chief of police is obliged to grant a permit for open air meetings on application by an individual or an organization. He does grant permits. But to whom? To everybody but to a workers organization --- to an organization that fights for the workers.
In court, Marshall O'Brien, who caused Beal's arrest lodged a complaint against him of violating a city ordinance by speaking without a permit. The Marshall surely knows about the right of free speech. Yes, everyone has the right to speak if he obtains a permit. But the Marshall refuses to grant
us any permit and refuses to give any reason for his action.
The United Front Committee will show that the wishes of the mill owners and the company union agents is not supreme law in Lawrence, Mass. The workers pay for and build the streets, and will fight for the right to use them. The United Front Committee has the support of every friend of the rights of the workers to free speech and free assemblage. The refusal of a permit is a blow against the Lawrence workers. It is an attempt to outlaw their organization. The workers will not allow this discrimination against a labor organization. The American Civil Liberties Union and the International Labor Defense have taken up the fight. Attorney H. Hoffman is in charge of the case. The higher courts will compel the Marshall to grant us our constitutional rights.
Millionaire Mill Owners Plan Return Of 54 Hour Week
"The 48 hour law should be repealed for a period of 5 years." This is the decision of the Industrial Commission appointed by Mayor Walter T. Rochefort in its report on Friday, July 2nd .
The mill owners of Lawrence have thus openly announced their intention to force the return of the 54 hour week upon the workers. When the Mayor's Commission consisting of Mill directors and agents like Chas. E. Bradley and Irving M. Southward was first appointed it proclaimed to the world that it would remedy the unemployment crisis.
The workers of Lawrence are suffering. Unemployment is widespread. Thousands of workers have made but two to three days a week for months, while hundreds of families have no means of livelihood, or are forced to exist on 8 to 10 dollars a week.
The Commission's promises proved a hoax and a sordid betrayal of the Lawrence workers. They deliberated for 4 months and decided to turn to the mill owners for advice. Accordingly Mr. Carr passed the following question to the textile manufacturers, "What are your needs from an industrial standpoint?" To this the owners replied: "Equalization of the Labor Law of Massachusetts which will place this state on the same basis OF WORKING HOURS as the rest of its competitors."
The owners and their city administration have concocted a beautiful remedy which is very much like the fantastic and spiritual cures of the medicine men of old. The workers suffer from unemployment. The bosses claim that work is slack. The average worker works 2 or 3 days per week, making 16 to 24 hours out of a 48 hour week. Therefor to remedy the unemployment evil, increase the working day. "The 48 hour law should be repealed," say the millionaire mill owners. Bring back the 54 hours and the situation is saved. Now the workers will do the same amount of work in 1 or 2 instead of 3 or 4 days, receive less wages, and increase the millions of the owners and the misery of the workers.
Don't Scab!
The strike of your 16,000 brother Textile workers of Passaic is still on. it is in its 25th week, and stronger than ever. The spirit of the Passaic workers cannot be broken in spite of the renewal of police brutalities, and all the strike breaking activities of bankers, the chamber of commerce and the rotary club of Passaic.
The mill owners are standing on their last leg. The mills are paralyzed. They know that the strike will be won if the workers can carry through the month of July. The bosses are therefor making desperate efforts to recruit strike breakers. They have agencies all over New England. They have paid advertisements for scabs in all textile centers.
The scab herding agencies fool the workers with promises of high wages paid in mills near New York, and then take them to Passaic where they are kept like prisoners inside the mills which they cannot leave.
Workers of Lawrence! Don't scab on your fellow workers of Passaic.
United Front Committee of Lawrence.
Cheating And Slave Driving
I am a worker in the Wood Mill and it is very hard for me to explain what is going on in every room, but my room, I think, it is the worst of all. I have worked in the winding room for several months and the most I have got in a week is three to four days, making $12 to $14 on average per week.
My boss, he is as strict as they make them, for he is always hollering for every simple mistake and most of us are even afraid to ask him any questions for fear of his voice of hate. He takes advantage of this and is using a scale which under weighs the finished yarn four pounds. We are paid according to the weight. For every four pounds we get 10’. For every four pounds stolen from us we lose 10 cents. For the week it amounts to quite a sum. The weigh girl is with the Company of course.
The boss does not treat all the workers alike. He gives those who are in his favor the best wool which is very strong. But to the poor aged women who are not in his favor, he gives the worst wool so they can not rest for a minute, and they make less because the work is harder, for we are all on piece work. And even so he is pushing them along as though they were slaves in a corn field, with master and whip over them. If some of them kicks about the work he says to them, if you like it, stay, if you don't, go home and stay home.
I have heard some of the women in the room say that the work has changed since 1924 for the worst. For the work they do in one day now took them at least two days then with more pay.
We do not all get the same pay. For there are some that give the boss something so that he will make them work one or two days more than the rest. If any of the workers do any talking to one another he will tell them that they are losing time and that they will be the first ones out.
Wood Mill Worker.
The Young Workers Meetings
Next Meeting Friday, July 16, at 7:30 P. M. At Ukrainian Hall
More young people than ever before attended our last youth meeting. At the meeting that will be held on Friday ALL YOUNG STRIKERS must show up. For twenty-four weeks we have been carrying on a stiff fight. The young workers have been in the force, front of the fight and the young workers must again step to the front. Young workers, OUR UNION calls us. We must respond to the call. COME TO THE NEXT MEETING. Let this be the largest meeting the young strikers have yet held. This will be the best answer that we can give to the fake Citizens Committee.
Passaic Young Workers Are Infected With Tuberculosis Due to the Conditions in Shops
Youth Killed For Profit
In the examination of the striking textile workers by the United Front Committee, the physicians discovered that out of 404 workers, 100 cases of tuberculosis in different forms. 28% of the tubercular cases were found among the young workers from 11 to 18 years old.
Case No. 37 is an example of what happens when a girl of 14 is forced into the mills. This girl is 14 pounds underweight. For one year, she swept dusty floors and cleaned bobbins from 8 to 5 daily, getting from $7.45 to $11 a week. Had to stand constantly breathing dust in a room where the windows were never opened because "the ends of the wool would break." Result: incipient tuberculosis. She and her brother are the sole support of a family of six. The brother works irregularly. When he is out of work, this child must take care of the whole family.
Similar cases are with other young workers. No wonder that they are fighting so vigorously for the simplest conditions of work. This heroic fight must find support by every young worker in this country.
10,000 Workers Boo the Citizens Committee and Support the Union
"You have done nothing for us in the past. We expect nothing from you in the future. We don't need your advice. You are no friend of ours."
With these words Elizabeth Gurley Flynn summed up the attitude of the strikers toward the new "Citizens Committee" formed with the avowed purpose of ending the six months old textile strike by breaking it.
She was speaking at the great mass meeting in Belmont Park on Thursday night. She was speaking to ten thousand loyal strikers, who have stood firmly and courageously for a union and for the working and living conditions of an honest, working man. They were gathered to give their answer to the spurious "friends" who have stepped forward now with false promises. Their number and their enthusiasm were the best possible answer to these tools of the bosses.
"Hooray!" what a cheer went up when Albert Weisbord was borne to the platform on the strong shoulders of young working men. "Boo," cried the workers in response to his characterization of the "workers friends" in the Citizens Committee.
"Hooray." When they heard John Ballam cry "Three million honest trade unionists want you to have a union, want you to win," and pointed out the names of seventy-five local unions whose contributions were listed in that week's issue of the Strike Bulletin.
It was reminiscent of the [mass] meeting at Wallington when the strikers told the world that they would have Albert Weisbord and none other to lead their strike to victory. This was another crisis, when their fellow townsmen had struck at them from behind to break their strike. They met it with a mass front. "Weisbord! The Union!" The enemy may well be discouraged.
Nancy Sandowsky Held Not Guilty
Judge William B. Davidson in police court was forced to release Nancy Sandowsky, the "Joan of Arc" of the striking textile workers, her sister Mamie, and Catherine Toth, all strikers, who were picked up last Monday by a special officer, Max Meyer, on the astounding charge that the three frail girl strikers had attacked him and beaten him up.
Meyer failed to prove that the girls had attacked him or had been disorderly in any way, and Judge Davidson was reluctantly forced to adjudge the three girls not guilty of the stupid charge of assault and battery preferred by the husky police Cossack.
The bosses papers have given Meyer great praise for his "heroism" for say they, "single handed, he arrested the girls."
A petition presented by workers of Dayton Avenue, asking for his removal from that beat was thrown into the scrap basket by the notorious Police Chief Zober.
The Rat
There's a guy I hate,
It's Mickey Moss
He squeals on workers,
To the boss.
It's Wood
He hates this strike
Does Spikey Wood
The head of Spike
Is not much good
Dinner Pail Epic
By Bill Lloyd, Fed. Press
I see the foreman is a-getting from higherups a lot of petting to make the foremen handy tool's to turn us workers into fools. "Key men," they say the foremen is, which means, I guess, that it's their biz to be policemen, guards and jailers, stool pigeons, dicks, perhaps blackmailers.
The straw boss gets a monthly treat, with all the pork chops he can eat, and when they've stuffed him to a fill, the company will pay the bill.
Between the soup and hunk of fish, a speaker serves an oily dish to make the foremen proud to feel they are the spokes within its wheel. And when the salad cums along, the President, he sings a song to make the foremen have a hunch how they can train the working bunch to swallow all the bosses fakes, which otta give 'em belly aches ---insurance and this moochal aid, sum wage incentive, never paid. Well, that's the dope on foremen training to swell the flood of profit-gaining, but if it tin't a boynousin, I axes where us guy's cum in.
"Passaic strikers are putting up one of the best fights in American labor history. In spite of the use of all of the state powers against them, the strikers have stood firm, and ruthless oppression has failed to break their ranks. Funds are sorely needed to alleviate the suffering of the women and children and the Detroit labor movement is resolved to do all it can to give them the necessities of life so they may continue the battle."
Detroit Labor News.
From The Children At Camp
Camp Germinal, Jameson, Pa.
July 11, 1926.
Dear Mr. Weisbord:
We are glad to tell you that we are safe in Camp Germinal. We are very happy here. We have good food, good beds, good folks and everything is just as good as ever. We hope you all get your UNION!
Yours truly,
Peter Martin,
Happy Kiddies Write From Summer Camps
The striking parents of the children sent to summer camps by the General Relief Committee of Textile Strikers, in cooperation with other workers organizations, have begun to receive enthusiastic letters from their happy progeny.
Julia Tambor, a 12 year old strikers kid, undersized and carrying the marks of the environment of oppression in which all mill children are raised, writes her mother as follows:
"My Dear Mother:
Just a few lines to let you know that I am all right. Hoping these lines find you all in the very best of health also. We were on a big picnic on Sunday. We all had a very good time. We go swimming quite often with some of the big girls. They take good care of us. I like it very much in Perth Amboy. I have a lot of fun here.
How is my sisters and brother Joseph? I was in the Workers home when I wrote this note. Your loving daughter,
Julia Tambor."
We Defy Both Bosses and Gangsters
In their sheer desperation the mill owners are resorting ever more openly to violence and provocative tactics. In yesterdays papers, Recorder Baker, of Garfield is reported to have said, "You strikers have declared open war on the police and law abiding residents of this city, and it has become necessary for us to fight back. It is my sworn duty to see that law and order are maintained in this city and I intend to do so. You people have been trying to make fools of the police officers and we will stand it no longer."
Under this charge that the strikers are committing acts of violence, the gangsters employed by the mill owners and police are daily clubbing, knifing, and shooting our strikers. Yesterday for example, one of our strikers was seized by the police, rushed into the Botany mill office and beaten senseless by clubs. At yesterday's meeting we a took a picture of the man's body which was all blue from the clubbing that he had received. In Garfield the hired gangsters and imported scabs acting evidently under orders of the mill owners and with the official sanction of Recorder Baker, are parading through the streets armed to the teeth with guns, knives, clubs, blackjacks and lead pipes. Everywhere they are beating up our strikers while the police look on and laugh.
What does all this mean? It means that the mill owners have declared open and violent war against the strikers. The mill owners understand they are above and beyond the law and can with impunity perpetrate all of the outrages that they continuously place against the strikers.
What can the strikers do? Can we file complaints with such bitter and biased judges as Davidson and Baker? Davidson has repeatedly declared that he will listen to no strikers complaints against policemen of Passaic, Recorder Baker, in such statements as the above, made publicly over and over, has proven himself a Fascist who would stop at nothing in crushing the union and in toadying to the mill owners.
We wish to say that should these provocative actions on the part of the mill owners result in clashes that it will not be the fault of the union or of the strikers. When strikers are dragged out of their homes at night time and beaten up by police and scabs together, should someone be injured in the process, the citizens in the strike area will understand that it is the mill owners and their agents who are directly responsible by their provocative and violent actions, for anything that might result.
We declare again that neither the clubbings, nor the shootings nor the bombings, nor the other outrages that are daily committed against the strikers will have any effect except to strengthen our union. The spirit of our workers under these actions is growing daily and it is now clear to everyone that we are prepared to fight to the very finish for our demands. The union, not the mill owners, will triumph in this strike.
L. I. D. Gives Again
"Organize the unorganized. Thats what they are doing at Passaic. Without the organization of the unorganized it is futile to talk of industrial democracy in America. " These were the words of Norman Thomas, Director of the League for Industrial Democracy, addressing the annual conference of that organization at Camp Tamient, Penn., on June 27th.
"The workers of Passaic are putting up a magnificent fight in the face of the combined powers of the mill owners and the local public officials. And the relief work for these strikers is magnificently organized. These workers must be supported."
Thomas told the members of the L. I. D. and the conference participants to go back to their local unions, fraternal societies, clubs and social bodies of all sorts, and take up collections for the Passaic strike and secure pledges for regular support until it is won.
The L. I. D. has done much for the Passaic strikers. It will continue its good work until the strike ends in victory for the union. With a union in Passaic, the first step on the way toward industrial democracy will be achieved.
Picnic For Benefit Of Strikers Children
On August 1st a picnic is being held by all the Workingwomen Councils jointly for the benefit of the textile strikers children.
A very pleasant picnic ground has been found on Van Houten Avenue, located near Passaic, yet far enough out to be woodsy and quiet. Music will be provided by St. George's Sokols Band of Passaic. There will be a program and speakers for the afternoon. Refreshments will be sold on the grounds.
Organizations in sympathy with the strike, here is a chance to support it. Come to the picnic of the Workingwomen's Councils! Sell tickets! They are 25’ each. All proceeds to go towards feeding the textile strikers children.
One Of Them
The kitchen is full of children. It is hot, but they are eating eagerly and every few seconds dozens of hungry hands are stretching for the bread which Mrs. Bordak is distributing from a full basket.
Mrs. Bordak is very fat, but her walk is brisk and her movements are sure and quick. Her big round head is covered with straight yellow hair drawn back and knotted behind.
Mrs. Bordak is only 36 but her full shiny face has deep furrows and her usual expression is almost gloomy. However she can be made to laugh very easily. Then her face is completely transformed, hard furrows turn into sunny rays. Her eyes seem to disappear and two rows of white teeth flash quite unexpectedly. Her jolly laughter shakes her whole body and one cannot help smiling at this round good natured woman.
While walking between the rows of children her small but keen eyes now and then spot a child that does not seem to eat heartily enough. She hastens to the slacker and scolds big heartedly in Polish: "Why don't you eat? Clean it up, its good for you!" She urges him until the plate is actually clean. Then she removes it with joyous satisfaction on her face.
As she does not speak English, she feels shy to accept any duties that require the knowledge of English, but she is an untiring hard worker and takes her turn in the kitchen very often. When someone suggests her name as a candidate for work at a picnic or elsewhere, she smiles shyly and says: "No need put my name. Sure, I work if I go."
Her life story is short. She came from Poland, married and toiled in the mill. Her husband was a drunkard and she left him many years ago. She has two children and she supports them.
She has slaved hard all her life. Now she is a good striker and one of the many women determined to win the bitter fight against the mill bosses.
Stanislawa Piotrowska.
The Women Support The Playgrounds
The lucky children who will be taken out every day for the rest of the vacation to the playgrounds in Garfield will be given a meal in the middle of the day. They will be fed by the same organization which established the children's kitchens in Passaic, the United Council of Workingclass Housewives. The United Council is supported in this work by the United Women's Conference, which was organized on June 19th, and which is raising funds for the work and by the Workingwomen's Councils of Passaic and vicinity, which will provide the committees of women to prepare and serve the meals. The food will be light but wholesome and nourishing, and a glass of milk will of course be given with the meal. An additional glass of milk will be given during the afternoon.
Mothers can rest assured that the kiddies will be taken care of on the playground, and will not be left to run wild by themselves. Committees of women are being elected from the women's Councils to watch over the children and keep them from falling down, eating the green apples off the apple trees and otherwise getting into harm. Their play will be supervised and the days in that sunny, grassy, sweet-smelling spot will be filled with games, talks and study. The women are tackling this new job with the same energy and intelligence with which they have conducted the kitchens.
And they as well as the kiddies are looking forward to the opening of the playgrounds which will give them a chance for country air and wholesome quiet.
The Unions Are Standing Solidly Behind The Passaic Textile Strikers
The textile bosses who have latterly injected themselves into the labor movement, in their effort to cut off strike relief for the 16,000 striking textile workers are getting their answer in the only practical way that organized labor can answer their impudence. That answer is coming in from labor unions and workers fraternal organizations all over the country. The last week saw contributions to strike relief from hundreds of labor unions and sympathizers. Some of the letters that came in are given here:
"Fellow Worker Deak:
"With this I let you know that our organization has donated the sum of five hundred ($500) dollars for the relief of the Passaic strikers. We also send our regards and hope for speedy and victorious settlement.
Joseph Kertesz.
Workingmen's Sick and Benevolent and Educa. Fed."
From Local 54, (Lithuanians) of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, comes the following letter:
"Fellow Workers:
"We are sending best wishes to the textile strikers and hope that your fight will be won with a great victory and success.
"Enclosed you will find a donation of $200 as a relief for the textile strikers.
"Hoping your strike will soon be ended with victory,
Yours fraternally,
Local 54;
A. Babauskas, Treasurer."
The United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America sends the following:
"Fellow Workers:
"Enclosed we are sending you an additional check, amount $125.00 for financial assistance. Wishing you success,
Richard Morton,
Fin. Sec'y."
While from Canada comes a donation from the Grand Division of Railroad Employees:
"I enclose checque of our organization for $25.00 in response to your appeal on behalf of the Passaic Textile workers.
"Many of the workers in Canada are following the Passaic strike with keen interest and sympathy. We are hoping for your victory. Sincerely and fraternally,
M. M. Maclean,
Connecticut Relief Committee Raises 15,000
The Connecticut State Committee for the Passaic strike relief has just completed a drive for an additional five thousand dollars with every prospect of success. Already $2000 has been subscribed to the new $5000 drive.
The amounts so far collected in the new drive are as follows: June 20, Hartford, $253.55; June 21, Middletown, $14.00; Workers Party, $10.50; Wallingford, $20.00; June 24, Naugstock, $118.00; June 25, Derby, $54.38; June 26, Waterbury, $435.35; June 27, Waterbury Picnic, $40.24; Literature, ..; July 1, Norwich, $148.74; July 3, Bridgeport, $129.34; July 4, Bridgeport, $13.44; Literature, $5.25; Norwalk, $50.00; New Haven, $..8.71; Of the amounts collected in New London and Norwich, $66.16 was given to the textile strikers of New London; and $85.11 (Norwich) to the New London strikers.
The Committee has arranged a flower day in New Britain in which the committees from New Haven and Hartford are expected to co-operate. The work has been receiving full co-operation of the unions and workers fraternal organizations.
In the ten thousand dollar drive the following cities raised close to one thousand dollars each: Waterbury, Bridgeport, New Haven, Hartford, Ansonia, and Stamford. Good work was also done by the labor forces in New Britain. New Britain, Naugatoc and New London are rapidly working up to the thousand dollar mark.
The State Executive Committee of the Passaic relief organization has pledged itself to continue the good work until the brave strikers of Passaic and vicinity have achieved a victory against the bosses and the open shop.
Unbreakable Faith In Justice Of Our Fight
Passaic, N. J., June 28, 1926.
Brothers and sisters:
May be some people are in doubt about the results of the strike in Passaic, may be some of the former friends of the workers deserted them, but I have not, I have the unbreakable faith in justice of their fight and I'll keep on helping them until the victory is won.
Here is my bit. $11.75 collected last Sunday in the church.
Yours truly,
Rev. John Werblevski.
Give Fine Ovation and $600 For Passaic Strikers
CLEVELAND, O. Seven hundred delegates to the Convention of the Theatrical and Stage Employee Union held at Hotel Winton, this city, gave a rousing welcome to several Passaic textile strikers who appeared before them. The textile strikers told the story of the struggle with the textile barons and the boss-owned police and courts and were given a great ovation. A collection was started at the instance of William F. Canavan, president of the union, and the sum of $555.81 donated. The 700 delegates present made it plain by their enthusiastic reception of the strikers speakers and the fine financial response that their organization will support the strike unto victory.
Chicago Relief Conference Greets Passaic Strikers And Assures Of Support
The following telegram has been received from Victor A. Zokaitis, secretary of the Chicago Conference for the Relief of the Passaic Strikers which was organized at the meeting July 8th at the Machinist Hall, 113 South Ashland Boulevard:
"Chicago --- Relief Conference for Passaic Strikers greets 16,000 strikers on their splendid fight and assures them that everything possible will be done towards aiding relief of the strikers for the duration of their struggle.
Victor A. Zokaitis, Secretary.
Passaic Mill Owners In New Offensive
Brutal and illegal terrorism having failed to break the spirit of the 16,000 heroic striking textile workers of Passaic and vicinity, and the cruel starvation offensive against the strikers and their babies having come to naught because of the staunch support and generous aid of organized labor, the textile bosses have launched a new offensive.
This time the bosses and the boss-owned police and judges are staying in the background. They know the strikers have their number! They have organized a new force for their dirty work. THE BLACK VIGILANTES OF GREED! They have stampeded the bankers and merchants of the strike zone with the scare-bogey of a dull fall and winter if the strike is not settled immediately and on the bosses terms.
These potential lynchers have responded nobly to the appeal to protect their pocket books. They met the other night in a court house and announced their intention of driving the strike leaders out of town and breaking the strike for the bosses. Then they issued a page statement in the local newspapers addressed to "our fellow citizens, the textile workers in the Passaic industrial district," advising the striking textile workers that here at last were their true and loving friends and urging upon them the necessity of getting rid of their leaders and going back to work --- on the bosses terms.
The strikers answered this belated and peculiar expression of friendship of the mill bosses friends with a huge mass meeting at which they unanimously voted, union cards in hand, confidence in their present leadership and determination to carry on the strike to victory. Two days later this new committee of strike breakers retorted with another page add with the diabolical heading "The Strike is Lost."
The strikers have given their answer. Unanimously they have voted confidence in their union and its present leadership. It is now up to organized labor to reply to this latest attempt to crush the union with renewed support for relief. The bosses and their tools would like to have relief cut off. They are doing everything in their power toward that end. They are aware, with the strike leaders, that BREAD MEANS VICTORY. They have seen their starvation offensive brought to naught by the solidarity of the workers with the 16,000 textile workers of Passaic and vicinity who are striking for a union, living wages and decent conditions in the mills. So now they seek to cut off that support.
But the workers will not be fooled by these efforts of the bosses to isolate the heroic textile strikers. Every decent worker, every intelligent worker, every union worth its salt, will resent the bosses attempt to inject themselves into the labor movement, and will continue to support the strike with renewed effort and renewed energy. The bosses desperation should be the workers cue. Get busy at once. Send in your contribution to the strikers relief committee, the General Relief Committee of Textile Strikers, 743 Main Avenue, Passaic, N. J., and help win the strike. If you have already given, give again to make victory surer. The bosses are sick. Help make them sicker.
Talking Points
Seventeen textile strikers have already been sentenced to a total of 1,450 days in jail. Other are still out on exorbitant bail.
Textile workers children are raised on coffee and bread. Fifty per cent of them are undernourished and underweight. They need milk. We must give 5,000 of them nutritious meals in our kitchens. You must help.
Passaic strikers have faced, and are facing, great odds. But through 23 long weeks they have carried on magnificently. Not for a moment have they weakened. The strike is still an hundred per cent strike!
Money and Approval for Passaic Strike
At the last meeting of Local No. 15 of the International Union of Elevator Constructors, the members voted to contribute $15.00 to your relief fund. Enclosed please find our check for this amount.
The condition of our general fund at the present time is such that we are unable to make a larger contribution, but I can assure you of the hearty sympathy of our organization and our approval of your efforts to organize the textile workers.
Fraternally yours,
C. S. Fowler, Rec. Sec'y.
Money And Wishes
Shamokin, Pa., July 3, 1926,
Dear Sir:
I received your second appeal for aid and I read it in our local meeting and I am glad to state that he members voted to forward you an additional $25.00 to add to our former donations.
We all wish we could be there to help you in your fight. Keep the good work up.
Very truly yours,
Loc. 3883, United Mine Workers
N. H. Beisel, Sec'y.
Cleveland Union Buys $20 Worth Pictorials And Donate $50
CLEVELAND, O. Local No. 53, Plumbers Union, bought $20 worth of the pictorial "Hell in New Jersey" for distribution among its members. The same union also donated $50 to Passaic strike relief.
Chicago Organizing Passaic Relief Work Conference July 8
CHICAGO, Ill. --- Passaic strike relief work is being rapidly organized in this city. The past week showed great strides in this field. Many big contributions have been forwarded to the officers of the General Relief Committee, Textile Strikers, at 743 Main Avenue, Passaic, N. J. Rebecca Grecht, field organizer in this territory for the relief committee, reports endorsements by local bodies of a call for a Strike Relief Conference to be held in this city, July 8.
On account of the fine response it has been necessary to secure a larger hall than originally planned. Therefore, the hall cannot be announced at this time. Many big unions have sent in credentials for delegates. The Hebrew Trades, the Workmen's Circle branches, the Lithuanian and Slavic organizations will also be well represented.
Many of the unions are not waiting for the conference to make their contributions to the support of the textile strikers fight against wage cuts and long hours. Among the contributions sent from this city during the last week are: Machinists Local No. 119, $100; Local 6, Metal Polishers, $50; Machinists Local No. 126, $25; Local 272, Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union, $25.
Painters Local No. 521 is to tax its 700 members one dollar each for strike relief. Several other unions are taking up the question of taxing their members and it appears certain that several thousand dollars will shortly be forthcoming through this means.
Turns Over Fund Raised for Furriers
The Needle Trades Council of Los Angeles, Cal., whose letter heads bear the motto: "United We Stand, Divided We Fall," was sent a check for $82.00, with the following letter:
Dear Fellow Workers:
We are enclosing herewith checks for $76.00 and $8.00.
The sums were collected here from various organizations, were gathered here at the call of the Needle Trades Council to help the Striking Furriers. A Furriers Relief Conference was organized, with eleven organizations represented.
As soon as the Furrier strike was settled, it was immediately decided to turn all the funds over to your organization.
Hoping for a speedy and successful settlement of the textile strike. With best wishes,
J. Rabinoff,
Sec'y of Furriers Conference.
Electrotypers Send Fifty Dollars
Enclosed herewith please find our check for $50.00 which is a contribution from our organization towards the success of your present struggle.
With best wishes for your success,
Chicago Electrotypers Union 3,
Frank R. Adams, President.
"Passaic Strike Must Be Won" Is Conference Cry
"The Passaic strike must be won," was the keynote of the conference called in the Machinists Hall, 113 So. Ashland Blvd., at which 27 local unions, 3 central labor bodies and 35 fraternal and other organizations sent their delegates to plan how to aid the 16,000 striking textile workers.
Delegates were present from the Metal Trades Council representing 25,000 members, the United Hebrew Trades of Chicago, the joint board of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, Typographical Union No. 16, Plasterers Union Local No. 5 and the city central committee of the Workers Circle.
Werlik Chairman
An executive committee of eleven was elected. John Werlik, of the Metal Trades Council of Chicago and business agent of the Metal Polishers Union No. 6 was elected Chairman. Victor A. Zokaitis of the Chicago Typographical Union No. 16 secretary and Duane Swift of the Bank Clerks Union and the Liberal Club of Chicago, treasurer.
Representative Executive
Anna Dubrov of the Chicago joint board of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, Morris Seskind of the United Hebrew Trades, Joseph L. Pruneau of Plasterers Union No. 5, Andrew Overgaard of Machinists Union No. 390, Rupert H. Isenhammer of Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America Local No. 6, Anna David of the Millinery Workers Union Local 52, Fagan of the city central committee of the Workmen's Circle and Greenspoon of Branch 448 of the Workmen's Circle were elected to the executive committee.
Roofers and Cornice Makers Union in Full Sympathy
PHILADEPHIA, Pa. The Roofers and Cornice Makers Union passed a resolution at their last meeting, expressing full sympathy and support for the Passaic textile strike, financially and morally. They also made a contribution to strike relief, which is listed among contributions.
The Citizens Committee --- A Hypocritical Gang of Liars
Of course we expected the citizens committee to come out and bray like a jackass.
This hypocritical gang of liars can be found in every city where there is a strike and an actual struggle by the workers to get up from their slavery.
We had this gang in the revolutionary war. It bellered about the king and his highness and his goodness, vile as he was.
We had this gang in the civil war, when honest people wanted to do away with chattel slavery. Remnants of that gang can still be found in the south. Hangovers of that gang can be found in all parts of the country.
We had this gang in Butte, Montana. There that gang murdered Frank Little.
We had the gang in Everett, Washington, where it shot and killed a number of innocent workers.
We had that gang in Centralia, Washington, where it mutilated and killed Forest Everest.
We had that gang in Bisbee, Arizona, where it drove at the point of the bayonet three thousand workers on a train and shipped them to the desert to let them die of hunger and thirst.
We have had that gang in too many places already. It has gotten away with murder. It has left its blight on every community it has infested.
Now that poisonous cobra raises its serpent head in Passaic and expects to get away with some rough stuff.
This gang comes from under its cover too boldly in its very first declaration. It is either a hyena expecting to spring upon its prey or it is a slimy coward trying to intimidate the workers with threats.
In either case, the United Front Committee of Textile Workers, and all the workers on strike stand ready.
If you are simply trying to fool us we can but laugh you in the face and hold you in still greater contempt than we have before.
If you intend to pull the rough stuff, we are prepared to defend ourselves and our homes.
You might as well understand now as later that we are not running away, nor are we silly enough to go back to work without our union just because you tell us to do so.
You call yourselves our friend. We do not need that kind of friendship. We do not want it. We do not accept it.
That kind of friendship is the Judas kind. Keep it. Give it to the lowest beasts in the jungle. Do not pester us with it. We scoff at it. It is no good.
You say you will drive out our leadership. You will do no such thing. There are 16,000 of us who know whom we want for leaders and we are not taking your advice.
You lie to us when you tell us that we are being mislead. We are not mislead.
You lie to us when you tell us that our leaders are not sincere. They are sincere and we know it.
You are hypocrites when you tell us that the bosses do not need us. They are anxious to get us back if they can get us back without our union. You know it, you lying scoundrels.
No, we are not listening to you. You are a gang of strikebreakers and hypocrites and liars for whom we have nothing but supreme contempt.
Our issue is our wages.
Our issue is our union.
Our issue is decent conditions.
Come and talk to us about these issues and we will listen, and we will go over the matter with you.
If you were half decent you would come to us like men. You would go to the mill owners and have them negotiate with us.
The way you go at the subject gives you no standing with us, and we ask you to keep still and not bother us.
"Your Cause And Ours Are Twins"
The striking textile workers of Passaic stand shoulder to shoulder with their brothers, the striking Interborough men of New York City. These workers are making a valiant fight against a pernicious company union, established after a real union had been broken by the employers. They are fighting for a wage increase for men who work all day or all night underground. They are putting up a courageous fight against tremendous odds.
The United Front Committee sent its good wishes to the Interborough strikers on a crucial day, that set by the employers as the final date for return of their employees. It expressed solidarity between the two organizations as follows:
Edward P. Lavin,
Striking Interborough Workers,
New York City.
Dear Brother Lavin:
The United Front Committee of Textile Workers of Passaic and Vicinity instructs me to send you our heartiest congratulations on your splendid fight and our hope that you will not only win your demands and smash the company union, but that you will build a real union as you desire.
Fraternally yours,
Albert Weisbord, chairman.
The following reply was received:
Albert Weisbord.
Passaic, N. J.
Dear Brother:
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind message at this time. Your cause and ours are twins and we will win.
Yours in unity,
Edward P. Lavin, chairman.
Grand Coney Island Stadium Concert For Benefit Of The Textile Strikers
Coming! The greatest event in greater New York in behalf of the 16,000 striking textile workers and their families. A grand concert will take place in the Coney Island Stadium at Surf Avenue and W. 6th Street, Coney Island, N. Y., on Saturday evening, August 28th, at 8:30 P. M.
Organized labor in New York will stage the biggest demonstration held in the country for the benefit of the textile strikers when they pack the Coney Island Stadium having a seating capacity of 25,000. The concert will be featured with an unusual CLASSIC PROGRAM. A few of the outstanding features will be Folkinas' Ballet known throughout the world for their beautiful and artistic performances, two of most popular symphony orchestras now playing in New York City and one of the best choirs along the Atlantic seaboard. Other features are being arranged that will be announced later.
The concert at the Coney Island Stadium will be significant in many ways. All labor unions of Greater New York, fraternal societies, liberal and radical groups are urged to mobilize all their forces behind this affair. You are requested to buy and sell tickets and advertise this coming CONCERT. The committee is hiring the best of talent and arranging a CLASSICAL PROGRAM. Brothers and friends, the Passaic Strike has lasted six months! The strikers and their families are in urgent need. If this strike is to be a victorious one, we must supply MILK AND BREAD for the CHILDREN!
Fellow Workers of New York City, this GRAND CONCERT will be held under the Auspices of the General Relief Committee of the Textile Strikers Conference of New York City. Put your shoulders to the wheel and we will pack the Stadium and help to put the Passaic Strike over the top to a final victory and aid in the establishment of a strong, powerful union in the textile industry.
Textile Strike Bulletin
United Front of the Workers Against the United Front of the Bosses
Vol. 1 No. 21 Passaic N. J. Thursday, July 22, 1926
The Slavic Committee (Associated Societies) and all
Decent Citizens
Have Come Out Openly and Plainly In the Support
of the Passaic Textile Strikers
The statement of a Slavic Committee (Associated Societies) in support of the striking textile workers and in condemnation of the of the so-called Citizens Committee should be sufficient to prove to everybody that it is not the bogy put up by the Citizens Committee that is the issue, but it is the wage and the right to organize that must be settled.
The Citizens Committee has dodged this issue. The strikers and all decent citizens will stick to the issue till the strike is won.
The Citizens Committee threatens to drive the leaders out of town. Will it also drive the Associated Societies out of town?
Associated Societies Give Citizens Committee Well-Earned Wallop
Representatives of 40,000 Rap Passaic's 400 for Strikebreaking Outrages.
The Executive Committee of the Associated Societies and Parishes of Passaic, representing more than 40,000 citizens, have attacked the strikebreaking activities of the so-called "Citizens Committee," organized recently with strong mill backing for the purpose of attacking the leadership of the strike and depriving the strikers of relief funds.
The "Slavic Committee," as the Associated Societies and Parishes are commonly called, denounced in no uncertain terms the publicity statements of the Citizens Committee, intimating that it was the tool of a few politicians and of business men who are feeling the pinch of the long strike.
After declaring that the Citizens Committee was organized by the Chamber of Commerce "upon order of the dominant influence of that Chamber, the textile mills," and that the committee had portrayed living conditions of the strikers as "ideal" and refused to take into account the low standard of wages existing in this industry, the Slavic Committee statement takes up the question of the use of the name of the American Federation of Labor as a means of beclouding the issue.
"The Citizens Committee makes liberal use of the name of the American Federation of Labor for the evident purpose of beclouding the real issues and moulding of public opinion, thereby leading the public and the world at large to believe that the mills are perfectly willing to welcome an American Labor Union such as the American Federation of Labor, whereas we know and hereby publicly assert that this is not true and we know that the mills are as much opposed to the American Federation of Labor as an organization to control the textile employees as they are to Weisbord, if not more," the statement asserts.
The statement relates the experiences of an American Federation of Labor Organizer who was driven out of town by the same group now so quick to quote the A. F. of L. and denounce the United Front Committee as an "outlaw" from that body.
"Every speaker at the organization of the Citizens Committee but one and the Committee itself called upon the textile workers to return to work on the ground that Weisbord is a Communist, whereas we call attention to the fact that Weisbord and Communism is not the issue in this strike, the issue is the strikers bread and butter for themselves and their children. The textile workers are not striking for Communism but for bread and butter and for a union to protect their bread and butter. The right to organize has always been denied them and the mills will not even now allow any labor union to exist among their employees."
The statement casts doubt upon the motives of the Citizens Committee, declaring that statements attacking the leadership will not be helpful for a just termination of the strike, and that only one individual, Monsignor Kernan, suggested that it should look into the question of wages, and that he was "evidently through" after he had "dared to make such a proposition." "His suggestion is still rotting by the wayside," says the Slavic Committee.
The Slavic Committee proceeds to ask some very pertinent questions of the citizens on the "Citizens Committee" as to its authority to promise "every assistance in seeing that the best wages are obtained in the woolen industry." It points out that the dominating Chamber of Commerce numbers most of the mill owners among its membership and therefore are in a "position to know what the mill will or will not do concerning the strikers demands." This should be made known to the strikers before the Citizens Committee "tells them to quit their leaders and go back to work."
"The Committee must inform the persons whom they address by their paid advertisements what authority they have received from the mills to render every assistance in seeing that they obtain the best wages and working conditions possible in the woolen industry. In fact what we and the strikers want to know is, has the Citizens Committee any power to guarantee anything?"
The direct, challenge is given to the motives of the Citizens Committee in the statement. "We are really beginning to wonder if the Citizens Committee does want to aid the strikers? Or does the Citizens Committee only counsel the textile workers to go back to work under the same old unbearable conditions so that the business men in the committee would not lose any more in their several businesses through the depression of business caused by the strike."
Is this a political move?" is the next pertinent question to be put by the Slavic Committee. Are the few leaders "not making capital of this unfortunate textile situation in order to bring themselves before the public eye, and stay there for at least such time as the election of commissioners of Passaic will take place?" Predicting the failure of this political move, if such it be, the statement declares "the strikers have the votes and though you may not believe it they know, or will know, when the election comes around, how to use them."
Attacking the attempts of the Citizens Committee to deprive the strikers of relief funds, the statement declares: "If you will take away from the strikers the financial support they are receiving, the strikers may have to go back to the mills and then to the same old conditions. If you succeed in running Weisbord out of the city, he of course will take with him the financial support he is now giving the strikers. The mills have repeatedly stated that they cannot, under any condition, reemploy all of the strikers, so that the great percentage of strikers, when the Citizens Committee has succeeded in breaking the strike, will be left without any means of support whatever."
"Poormaster Donnelly has stated that he has been called upon very little, in fact less than in previous years, to give assistance to needy families. So you see that the leaders of the strikers are taking care of the people whom they are leading, and yet you want to take that leadership away so that the strikers would not be receiving financial support from anywhere."
The statement ends with the opinion that "It is indeed a sad spectacle to see prominent and some intelligent citizens of our communities lending themselves and their influence to a . among them who have so large an axe to grind," and . a challenge to "count no ."
"We urgently and emphatically suggest that Hon . is Citizens Committee call a meeting of all those who [are] with them, excluding none . same will be done by us a it..same time, but in a little
New York City Gives Rousing Welcome To Passaic Kiddies
Labor Delegations Meet Strikers Children; Huge Meeting At Union Square
One thousand strikers children who passed through this city on their way to summer camps and the new Victory Playground for strikers kiddies were given a rousing welcome by workers and workers delegations of this city.
Led by Albert Weisbord, strike organizer and leader, and Alfred Wagenknecht, strike relief head, the parade of buses and trucks carrying children and some of their parents entered New York by way of the Forty-second street ferry, cut up Tenth Avenue to Fifty-third street, and thence crosstown to the headquarters of the Amalgamated Food Workers, 133 West Fifty-third street, where they were served an enjoyable lunch with ice cream and fruit.
At the ferry they were met by an army of newspaper men and photographers and weekly movie news features.
The Furriers Union, International Labor Defense, International Workers Aid, United Council of Workingclass Housewives, Emergency Committee for Strike Relief, and a number of other labor organizations sent delegates in automobiles, decorated with greetings to the Passaic strikers and pledges for continued support.
After leaving the Amalgamated Food Workers headquarters, the children visited other union headquarters where they cheered their friends and gave thanks for contributions received and aid promised. Among the headquarters visited were: N. Y. Conference for Passaic Relief, Int. Workers Aid, Workers Health Bureau, Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union, Emergency Committee for Strike Relief, International Ladies Garment Union, Workers Party, the Cap Makers, the Furriers Union, the Forward Bldg., the Hebrew Trades, the Freiheit Bldg., the Bakers Union, the Volkszeitung, the Ukrainian Daly News, the [Flore] Rand School, the New Leader, the A. F. of L. headquarters, and the New Masses.
The kiddies were gloriously happy over the outing and the prospect of spending a few weeks at summer camps. All through the trip they sang "Hail, Hail, the Gangs All Here," "Solidarity" and other victory songs.
The cars were placarded with banners bearing strike slogans: "Help Make Our Children for the Struggle," "Down with the strike breaking Citizens Committee," "Give and Give Again," "The Greedy Mill Owners Will Never Get Us," "Save the Passaic Strikers Children from the Greedy Mill Owners," "Send Us Bread," were some of the slogans.
The streets through which they passed were lined with factory workers and many a rousing cheer went up for the Passaic strikers. Hundreds of workers insisted on shoving money into the empty milk bottles which the children carried as a symbol of the Children Milk Campaign conducted by the General Relief Committee of Textile Strikers.
The automobile procession wound up at Union Square where a strike meeting of several thousand people was addressed by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Robert Dunn of the American Civil Liberties Union, William Pickens of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Miss Susan Brandeis, ex-assemblyman August Claessens, of the Socialist Party, and Benjamin Gitlow, of the Workers Party.
In the evening a benefit dance was held at the Community Church, Park Avenue and Thirty-fourth street, for the benefit of the Children's Milk Fund.
The children were unanimous in declaring the trip "the greatest thing ever." Many of them saw New York City for the first time and thought it "great."
There are four Summer Camps at which the children will be cared for: the camp of the International Workers Aid at Bernardsville, N. J., the Modern School, Stelton, N. J., Chatham Camp, Floral Hill, Chatham, N. J., and Mohegan Colony, Peekskill, N. Y. It is planned that about 500 kiddies a day will use the new Victory Playground near Garfield, N. J., recently opened by the strikers for their young.
Professor Lauck Answers Aldous
My attention has been directed to a letter signed by George S. Aldous, chairman, Committee of Public Information and Accuracy, which was printed in the Baltimore Sun of June 26, and other papers no doubt, and which disputed certain statements which I had publicly made relative to infant mortality rates in Passaic, and to the deplorable conditions existing in t the textile mills of your city.
There can be no dispute as to the subnormal conditions which the author of the letter states exists in the woolen and worsted industries at the present time. Such compressed conditions, however, afford no palliation for the unspeakable and un-American conditions which have been visited upon Passaic by the owners of the textile industries there, and which directly caused not only the existing industrial collapse in that city, but also the recent break-down in civil government, and the denial of the Constitutional guarantees of civil and personal liberty.
During the past four months some of us here have exerted every possible effort to secure a fair investigation by the Congress, but have not been able to prevail against the opposition to such a procedure, especially against that of the Senators from New Jersey. If the people of Passaic, or any part of them, have been desirous of the dissemination of "accurate" public information, this letter to your . has been the first wished the truth to be known.
Several delegations of textile strikers and their sympathizers have petitioned the Congress and the President to authorize an investigation and to ascertain the facts. Beyond these futile efforts there has been no support for such a movement from Passaic. The conclusion which I have been forced to draw from this seemingly incredible apathy of Passaic citizens has been that its business, commercial and social life is so subordinated to the owners of the textile mills that they are fearful of giving expression to any feelings of righteous indignation.
The facts about the textile industry of Passaic are clear and incontrovertible. They have been known for some time. The present strike is but another protest of employees. There have been others in recent years. The most deplorable thing that can be said is Passaic does not seem to think it is an evil that such conditions exist, but the evil exists in protesting against them.
The industry may now be depressed, but in the time of its greatest prosperity the wrongs against which the strike is directed existed. They are not the outcome of the present stagnation. When the mills were at the height of their prosperity, and when the owners were garnering indefinable profits, they were then denying adequate wages, and the industrial and which have been sanctioned by enlightened public opinion everywhere.
As to the "appalling" rate of infant mortality in Passaic, the record is equally clear. My statement referred to the increase of the death of infants in Passaic and not to the number of deaths of infants under 1 year per 1000 living births, or the ordinary "infant mortality rate." Either standard of measurement, however, is equally condemnatory of Passaic.
If we take as a basis the percentage of child deaths to total deaths, we find that this percentage for New Jersey as a whole in 1924 was 13.2; for Hoboken it was only 11.5, and for East Orange only 8.6, while for Passaic it was 19 per cent. In other words, the increase in the deaths of infants in the whole State and in other leading com ng 1925 a considerable increase in the rate of infant mortality. There could be no better proof of the unenviable position of Passaic.
Yours very truly,
W. Jett Lauck.
Great Enthusiasm Marks Opening of Victory Playground in Strike Zone
The new Victory Playground was opened Saturday, July 17, with some six hundred enthusiastic strikers children present.
Albert Weisbord, strike leader, and Alfred Wagenecht, relief head, visited the camp during the day and was vociferously received by the appreciative kiddies. A number of workers from New York City also ran up during the afternoon and were lustily cheered by the youngsters who were anxious to show their appreciation of organized labor's contributions in their behalf. These workers expressed the greatest admiration for the way the playground was organized.
The Victory Playground consists of eight acres of land; with lots of shade trees. It is equipped with showers, swings, baseball fields, handball and basketball courts, see-saws, sand house, milk station and a children's kitchen (the third to be opened in the strike zone) where nutritious meals are served the children. The playground is conducted very economically, the only cost being for the food and milk. The work of equipping it was all done by strikers. The lumber was obtained at very low figures, and the whole cost was very small.
The playground will care for over 1,000 strikers kiddies daily, thus freeing their mothers for the picket lines and other union activities while giving the children necessary fresh air, exercise and nutritious food. The children are well cared for by trained and experienced game directors who have donated their services for the summer. Games are well organized, and the children are showing a fine sense of responsibility. Union sentiment is tremendously strong among them. Buses will pick them up at nine in the morning and will take them back to their different localities at four o'clock.
The children are highly satisfied with the whole arrangement. Saturday's children were all enthusiastic; their eyes a-sparkle and their every gesture showing intense enjoyment.
Dyers Of The Pacific Mill
Fellow Workers: You are being betrayed by the bosses agents once more. The officials of the company union know that you workers in the dye house have no use for the company owned shop council. They know that you want a real union ---that you were the first to fight the shop council, and demand real unionism.
The bosses are now using clever tricks to hoodwink you. They stage fake lay-offs of Company union agents in order to make you believe that the bosses don't like them. Then they take them in again. The same people who are close to the bosses in the shop council and the plant committees are also parading as a union.
We ask you fellow workers: How can the same individuals be both leaders of a bosses union and talk about a workers union? What kind of union is it that admits agents of the company and overseers to its meetings to speak? Dyers, don't' be deceived. Ask these people. WHY DON'T THEY REPUDIATE THE BOSSES SHOP COUNCIL? WHAT ARE THEY DOING WITH THE MONEY THEY HAVE BEEN COLLECTING FROM YOU? WHY ARE THEY NOT SENDING ANY HELP TO THE STRUGGLING PASSAIC STRIKERS? DID THEY JOIN THE BOSSES UNITED FRONT AGAINST THE PASSAIC STRIKE?
The Shop Council people tell you that the United Front Committee is Red. The bosses say the same thing. The bosses hate the UFC. You may be sure that whatever the bosses hate is good for the workers. The company union agents are against the United Front of the workers. They are already in the United Front of the BOSSES.
The UPC is in the way of the bosses who are ready to force the 54hour week back upon you. The UPC is leading the strike of 16,000 brave strikers of Passaic who will surely win better conditions for all the textile workers. The UPC has already stopped the American Woolen Co. from cutting wages in Lawrence several weeks ago, when the bosses already had notices ready to post on the bulletin boards.
Dye workers! Join the thousands of dye workers of Lodi, New Jersey, who are showing a wonderful courage in battling for a better living. Join the United Front Committee. Repudiate the agents of the company union.
Get out your cards to-day.
May We Surmise?
Why does the Police Department refuse to grant the UNITED FRONT COMMITTEE a permit to carry its message of Organization to the textile workers of Lawrence? Why do the responsible heads the Police Department decline to give the reasons for the refusal? Is such conduct on the part of the Police explainable?
Most things are explainable, many things are quite obvious though not wholly apparent. There are no valid reasons that the Police can give to justify their abuse of authority The UNITED FRONT today is the same organization that it was three month ago, when the Police issued us permits.
We are an economic organization having for our purpose the organization of the textile workers into an effective UNION. We know from what we see all about us that a strong UNION will obtain for the textile workers: More money; Protection on the job from petty abuses; A certain right to the job; A great deal of Independence and in time, shorter hours. This is what other Unions have done for other workers. This is what the UNITED FRONT proposes do for the textile workers. What's wrong or illegal about this, Mr. Police Commissioner? Are we in any way infringing upon the law, gentlemen of the law? If we are, we stand ready to answer for it. If not we demand that this Persecution cease.
You will not explain your reasons for attempting to silence us. May we then surmise?
There seems to us to be a connection between the movement of the mill owners to reintroduce the 54 hour week, and the attempt of the police to suppress the voice of the United Front Committee. The United Front Committee is an obstacle to the introduction of the 54-hour week. We are a force that stiffens the resistance of the workers against the impositions of additional looms an tasks. The United Front by its activity has prevented wage cut in the mills of Passaic. Frankly, the United Front is an annoying element in the path of the mill owners rapacity. "We must be silenced," command the interests of the mill owners. And who is to silence us? The police of course. What else are we to surmise?
The Bosses Are Organizing --- How About You Workers
The textile barons know the value of organization. According to the newspapers, the Textile Manufacturers Association is growing in membership. The mill owners are practically organized 100 per cent. Why do you suppose the bosses organize? To cut wages, to beat down the workers, to do away with competition among themselves, and make it up on the workers. The mill owners work together. The conditions in the textile industry are about as rotten in all the textile centers.
The workers must organize. A system where one worker competes with another for a job is a scab system. While the organized boss filches everything he can from the worker the unorganized worker is helpless as an infant. The only weapon the worker has against he lowering of his conditions of life is organization.
Workers Oppose Speed-Up Schemes in Pacific Mills
The efficiency boards who get from five to ten thousand dollars a year to do nothing but make plans how to increase the speeding up and get more out of us, have lately put a new card system into place in the Pacific Mills. It is a system of cards with the names and time which is kept in a closed box. This card is suppose to be punched each time we come or leave. If you don't get your card right after the whistle blows, we have to wait some time, and get another card. Our time is counted from the time we get the card and punch it.
Then they want you to punch it whenever you finish a piece of work you are doing. Notice is taken and you are timed on everything. It makes you sick to be watched like machine. The reason for the system is to find out exactly how long it takes to produce or to do a certain job. Then they start speeding up to see if they can cut down a few minuets. The workers of the Pacific are opposed to the system. They know that they are being prepared to a system of getting paid only for the amount of cloth done and will lose the time while waiting for the work or fixing something that's gone wrong. This card system surly means more speeding up, and we have too much already.
The Smokescreen
In their war against the standards of life of the workers, the bosses use good military tactics. They prepare a smoke screen before they attack. The millionaire mill owners of Lawrence are preparing the textile workers. They want the 54 hour week back again. They even introduced a bill before the Legislature and publicly announced through their Mayor's
Commission their decision to repeal the 48 hour law for women. They want women and children back on the night shift in the mills so they can compete with you and lower your wages still more. They want to suck more profits out of you,
your wives and children.
In preparation for, this attack on the very lives and well-being of the workers the smoke screen is already working. The newspapers and all agencies of the bosses are working overtime in their attacks against the United Front Committee. These attacks are natural. Always before the bosses attack the workers they first try to discredit and kill those who are in their way, those who point out the state of affairs to them and defend the workers and whom the bosses fear. This fearless organization in the textile industry, which fights for the workers is the United Front Committee.
The Newspapers are carrying daily scare headlines and poisonous editorial's. These same bosses who have in the past and would in the future fight against the AFL if they only attempted to organize the unorganized textile workers, suddenly began to shower praises upon the AFL. If the AFL came now to Lawrence to organize the workers, the same newspapers and bosses would denounce them as it denounces the U. F. C.
Every intelligent worker understands what this cry means. It is the bosses smoke screen. It is the surest sign that the millionaire mill owners and their hirelings are up to something nasty. It is enough for the worker to see who raises the scare to understand that it is the bosses work. No honest worker will be scared. On the other hand when he sees that the bosses attack any organization or individual he will be certain that they must be fighting in the interests of the workers and against some scheme of the bosses to exploit and [rob] the workers. Workers of Lawrence prepare yourselves. One of the organizations that organizes the unorganized textile workers for better conditions is the United Front Committee. Organize. Join us.
Bosses Organize Against Workers
The Textile Barons, using all the forces at their command, the company unions, the spy system, the police, and the courts, are trying to break the United Front of the Workers, and at the same time without interference building the United Front against the workers, the Manufacturers Association.
A report made public a few days ago by the Campaign Committee of the Cotton Manufacturers Association says that 65 new members have been admitted in the last few months and that its present enrollment of 1030 is the largest in its history. A number of Southern states as well as all cotton manufacturing sections of the North are represented in the membership. To this solid United Front of the Bosses we must put the solid United Front of all the workers.
A Lawrence Worker
United Front Committee Base Ball Team
The United Front Committee Base Ball Team went through two hours of hard practice on the Common Ball Field Saturday afternoon. In the absence of William Beal, Steve Murphy conducted the practice. The boys are all in trim. None of them is flat or flabby, their work in the mills keeps them down all right.
The United Front baseball team is composed of mill workers, of course. The team has issued challenges through the local sport pages to other teams of the city. It would like especially to play the team of the Sons of Italy, and the various mill teams.
About the 20th of this month the team will be in uniform. The uniforms will bear the inscriptions U. F. C. Boys may come to the office of the United Front Committee at any time, at 81a Common St., and leave their challenge on the desk of the secretary.
The U. F. C. team will play at the picnic given by the U. F. C., Aug. 1st at Maple Park. We are all proud of this new addition to the activities of the United Front Committee. The boys are raving to go, and are anxious to take a crack at the best mill team in Lawrence. "Thats all now." As Steve the captain said to the boys at practice this afternoon. "You will hear from us again."
Nino the Mascot.
Call for an Organization Conference
To Be Held The Continental Hotel, Broadway and 41st St., New York City,
Sunday, August 1st, at 9 A. M.
To All Unattached Textile Workers Organizations, and To All United Front Committees of Textile Workers.
Greetings: --- The movement to unite all textile workers and all textile workers organizations into United Front Committees has been carried on for the past eighteen months. This movement has met with considerable success, and has been the means of resistance to the mill owners vicious campaign of wage-cutting and speeding-up. We have created a widespread sentiment for organization among thousands of our fellow textile workers.
We have already held two national textile conferences in April, 1925, and in February, 1926, at which this Central Bureau was elected.
The heroic struggle of our textile workers of Passaic has been conducted by our United Front Committee of Passaic and vicinity under the leadership of our organizer, Albert Weisbord. The Passaic strike has called the attention of our fellow textile workers to the need for organizing the unorganized men and woman in every center of this industry.
Our movement has inspired the textile workers to organize and unattached textile organizations and clubs have been formed in New England and elsewhere. These have no present affiliation and we invite all such organizations to which this call is addressed to send a delegate to our Organization Conference.
We must be prepared to crystallize the growing discontent of our fellow textile workers and organize them for resistance and for bettering conditions of work and wages in the industry during this coming Fall and Winter. It now becomes necessary to consolidate and to centralize into ONE BODY all present unattached textile units and to change the name of the "United Front Committee of Textile Workers" into one more in harmony with out aims and purposes.
The purpose of this ORGANIZATION CONFERENCE is to affiliate AS A SINGLE BODY with all other independent textile unions with the ultimate aim of AMALGAMATION of all textile unions into ONE POWERFUL UNION.
Therefore, the CENTRAL BUREAU of UNITED FRONT COMMITTEES of TEXTILE WORKERS has decided to issue this call for an ORGANIZATION CONFERENCE to which ALL unattached textile organizations and clubs are cordially invited to send delegates, to be held at the CONTINENTAL HOTEL, Broadway and 41st St., New York City, at 9 A. M., SUNDAY, AUGUST 1st, 1926.
The following Agenda will be submitted to the Conference:
Fellow workers: --- NOW is the time to prepare for future struggle. Now is the time to lay the basis for the Amalgamation of all textile unions in order to organize the unorganized into ONE powerful union, capable of resisting the exploitation of the millionaire owners.
Every organization receiving this call is urged to send a delegate. Out of town delegates are asked to be on hand early SUNDAY morning.
Fraternally yours,
Albert Weisbord, Secretary
John J. Ballam, Chairman,
Pioneer Camp Secretary Praises Passaic Strikers Kids; Gain in Weight
The summer camp of the Pioneer Youth of America has sent an enthusiastic letter to the United Relief Committee of Textile Strikers, praising the strikers children who were taken into that camp. Joshua Lieberman, secretary of the organization, writes that the children are happy and were found to be very responsive and cooperative. "their presence," he says, "has served to be a fine educational opportunity for our other youngsters. The discovery that they were children of Passaic strikers led to questions and stories and even strikers songs around the campfires. And finally, when the other children discovered that these children did not have sufficient clothing --- such as, additional pair of shoes, rubbers, bathing suits, shirts, etc., --- the children pooled together and raised a little over $18 with which they bought these camp necessities.
All this was done in the finest spirit and the Passaic children were never made to feel in any way obligated.
He reports that the children have gained as follows: Joe Zepla, 2 pounds (5 days); Frank Strobel, 1½ pounds (5 days); Mary Strobel, 2Ύ lbs. (6 days); Julia Sudol, 2Ύ lbs. (6 days); and Helen Indec, 1½ lbs. (6 days).
They are all in good health.
The Passaic Strike
The worker are out striking
They want a ten percent raise
The bosses say they won't give it.
But thats only a simple phrase.
Workers, don't lose courage
Don't lose your nerve --- your hope
Only to your brothers listen
But not to the bosses dope.
Just think of the striking children
That have no food for days,
While our government to us preaches,
That we here pave our own ways.
If you work you eat, are the words they say,
You always have a big chance,
But that's a lie, a big darn lie,
For the bosses hold the lance.
Welfare Song
By Will Herford
Sing a song of "Welfare,"
A pocket full of tricks
To soothe the weary worker
When he groans or kicks.
If he asks for shorter hours
Or for better pay,
Little stunts of "Welfare"
Turn his thoughts away.
Sing a song of "Welfare,"
Sound the horn and drum,
Anything to keep the mind
Fixed on Kingdom Come.
"Welfare" loots your pocket
While you dream and sing,
"Welfare" to your paycheck
Doesn't do a thing.
Sing a song of "Welfare,"
Forty 'leven kinds,
Elevate your morals,
Cultivate your minds.
Kindergartens, nurses,
Bath tubs, books and flowers,
Anything but better pay,
Or shorter working hours.
From May Days,
an Anthology.
The Union Flag
The flag that waves in New York City
Will also wave in Passaic and vicinity.
The union flag has always proven to be true.
And we strikers have made up our minds
That we too want one workers union.
We have a leader, to lead us on to victory.
At all costs we shall return to the mills victorious.
Now, fellow workers, listen to me:
Never a company union!
Three cheers for our union flag!
May it forever wave on high.
Above all textile mills!
Down with the company union!
It shall never live among us!
We want our own union!
Down with the company union!
M. A. S., a strikers wife.
Relief Chairman Answers Dr. Ryan On Kiddies Need Of Milk
The statement of Dr. N. Ryan, city health officer, that the children of the 16,000 striking textile workers are not in need of milk was sharply assailed by Alfred Wagenknecht, chairman of the General of Committee of Textile Strikers, in an interview here to-day.
Declaring that Dr. Ryan was "dutifully falling in line with the policy of the mill bosses and their latest tool, the Citizens (Vigilante) Committee, in attempting to cut off relief and starve the workers back to the mills," the Relief Chairman challenged Dr. Ryan to go into the homes of the workers and test the truth of his assertion.
"He will find most of the strikers children suffering from underweight and malnutrition as a result of their parents inability to furnish them with nutritious food on the starvation wages paid by the millionaire mill barons. And, if he is not altogether prejudiced against workers children getting milk, he will be forced to agree with us that these kiddies are in urgent need of milk and other nutritious food."
The Relief Chairman called attention to the cases of one hundred strikers children who were recently given a medical examination. "Fifty of them were found to be underweight and suffering from malnutrition and anemia," he declared. "They were all chosen at random, as the first hundred to register for summer camps. The study of the Workers Health Bureau of New York City of 404 cases of Passaic textile workers and their children showed similar results.
"Weather Dr. Ryan and the Citizens (Vigilantes) Committee like it or not, the workers of America are going to see that these underfed and puny bodies are strengthened to resist disease and for the struggle against such autocracy and oppression as exist in the textile industry.
Having failed to drive the textile strikers back to the mills with police clubs, gas bombs, drenchings in zero weather, savage jail sentences and excessive bail bonds, the bosses are now in a starvation offensive. And they have picked the tenderest point. They aim to break the strike at the breasts of the mothers. They plan to weaken the splendid resistance of the striker parents with cries of hungry children. A few days ago, through the Citizens Committee, they impudently injected themselves into the labor movement in an effort to cut off relief. And now, through the accommodation of Dr. Ryan, they make an attack on the Passaic Strikers Children's Milk Campaign, on the assumption that workers children do not need milk and nutritious food. Not satisfied with beating up and gassing the strikers, the bosses have now attacked their little children. But this attack, like all the others, is doomed to failure. The workers are wise to the bosses game, and have already begun to answer this latest attack with greater support for strike relief."
Relief Committee Gets Sick Kiddie Into Physicians Home
The General Relief Committee of Textile Strikers, 743 Main Avenue, reports that it has been able to place Nina Morris, an underweight striker's kiddie, suffering from Mitral disease, in the home of a physician for the summer.
Nina is 12 years old, and is nine pounds underweight. She has been adopted for the summer by Dr. Mislig Michael of 43 West 93rd Street, who will give her the medical attention she is so badly in need of.
The case of Nina is only one of hundreds being as efficiently handled by the General Relief Committee. The Committee is placing hundreds of strikers children in summer camps and in the homes of workers and sympathizers. A large percentage of the strikers children are suffering from heart disease and other chronic ailments. These children are not sent to the homes of sympathizers, but are either sent to camps where medical attention is assured, or the General Relief Committee makes an effort to get them adopted by friendly physicians, as in the case of Nina.
Ukrainian Citizens Club Speaks Out
The Ukrainian Citizens Club of 237 Hope Ave., Passaic, at a special meeting held on Sunday, July 18, at the Ukrainian National Home, had a discussion on the textile strike and particularly on the work of the Slavic Committee and the Citizens Committee in bringing a settlement to the 25 weeks strike. The following resolutions were passed:
"We the members of the Ukrainian Citizens Club are in accord with the work of the Slavic Committee and condemn the interference of the so-called Citizens Committee.
"We members of the Ukrainian Citizens Club protest against the so-called Citizens Committee's paid advertisements in local newspapers and distribution of all kinds of leaflets calling the textile workers to go back to work without any settlement by manufacturers, and a union, when we see a good spirit among the strikers and well experienced union leaders to handle the strike.
"We protest against all kinds of lies against the United Front Committee and their leaders and calling them Communist agitators without any foundation.
"We protest against those four clergymen for criticizing the United Front Committee for giving a ride to strikers children through Greater New York and sending many of them to camps for the fresh air which is better needed to the children of the East Side and was never done by anyone before.
"Therefore we agree with the United Front Committee which we declared was a fully competent union to handle and win the strike. We never heard any communistic agitation on their part. We see a great solidarity of the strikers, great affection for the union and its leaders which should lead to a great victory for the textile strikers."
How We Buy for the Children's Kitchens
"What, for these peaches you want $1.65 a crate? A dollar sixty-five? You think maybe its for myself I'm buying? Don't you realize it is for the children, for the strikers children I want this? --- to win the strike? Come now, a dollar and a quarter, no more. That's right. Make me out a bill now, and carry it on the car. And when the strike is won, the children should thank you!"
This is our friend Mrs. Bloomkin of the Buying Committee for the children's kitchens, holding forth at the wholesale markets facing the canal at First street any Monday or Wednesday morning. Or, if you come around there another day, you may find Mrs. Bogorad buying or it may be Mrs. Rabinowitz, and with them perhaps Mrs. Weber, Mrs. Pankowitz, Mrs. Manner, Mrs. Maximitz or Mrs. Fidler. These are the women who, six days a week, are going the rounds of the markets and stores of Passaic, buying and collecting donations for the kitchens and playgrounds. It is no easy job. It means hours of tramping around among the crates of peaches and cantaloupes, and barrels of onions, potatoes and lettuce of the wholesale markets. Hours of dickering to get a better price or to get something donated for the children. It is not easy, but it is very valuable work, and the women who are doing it, elected on the Buying Committee from the Women's Councils, are doing their good share of work toward winning the strike."
We Have the Playgrounds at Last
This long sunshiny, busy, happy day, July 17th, marked the opening of the children's playgrounds. For the women, whose duty it was to feed those four hundred children who went out the first day, the day was filled with endless sandwiches, endless cups of milk, endless hungry hands stretched out to receive these. How hungry these children are! How they clamored for the food even before it was ready!
A canvas roof stretched outside the little house formed a shelter for our outdoor kitchen. It was shady and cool. We had two long tables on which to prepare the meal. The children were organized into groups to which the women carried their sandwiches and fruit. For bread and milk, the rest of the meal, the children were marshaled in a long double line. With the help of the young people who are out for the summer to supervise the play and other activities of the children, they were marched past the tables and handed a cup of milk and a slice of bread.
Of course, the same organizations which managed the kitchens will take charge of serving the food at the playgrounds. The United Council of Workingclass Housewives will be responsible for the meals at the playgrounds. They will be assisted in this work by the United Women's Conference and the Workingwomen's Councils of Passaic and Vicinity. The women doing the work at the playground are members of the last named organizations.
At Our First Educational Meeting
Last Thursday night, July 15th, was a landmark for the women who are organized in the Workingwomen's Councils of Passaic and vicinity. It was the first time that the women of all the Councils came together for an educational meeting. This meeting is the beginning of a series which will be held hereafter regularly every second week.
A short account was given by the Chairman, Leona Smith, of the work done so far in organizing the women of Passaic and vicinity. Seven Workingwomen's Councils have been formed. These have united a few hundreds of the best elements among the women, the most active and intelligent, the best fighters. This is a good start. The first educational meeting is a landmark showing that a firm basis has been laid upon which to proceed further. There are still many more intelligent and active women who must be drawn into our movement. Besides there are the backward ones who must be pulled out of their isolation and ignorance. In no community of the whole country are the women of the working class in greater need of organization than here, where their lives are so oppressed. There are not only the striking women, but also those who work in other industries, in the cigar and handkerchief factories, for wretch wages. The housewives, too, the wives of poorly paid workers, need the Workingwomen's Councils. The task of the Councils now is to extend their work to draw in all these women.
Short reports were then given by women from each of the seven Councils, telling where their Councils are located, who belong to them, what work they are doing, etc.
Mrs. Gitlow spoke, telling us that a dream of her life was being realized here, in this organization of the women of the working class.
Then came the main feature of the evening, a talk by J. O. Bentall on the very vital subject, "Why the Workers Are Poor." Fellow worker Bentall showed very plainly how the development of machinery led to private ownership of the factories and other means of production. The workers are poor because they must sell their labor to the bosses, who grab all they produce and return only a small portion to them in the form of wages.
Bentall's talk and the entire meeting was an inspiration to the women who attended. This meeting is only the beginning. Every second week hereafter we shall have speakers on the subjects nearest our lives and most necessary for us to know.
Lithuanians Hold Relief Picnic
At a picnic held on Sunday by the Lithuanian Chorus, at Maple Park, $21.74 was collected for the Passaic Strikers, and many copies of "Hell in New Jersey," a story of the Passaic Textile Strike told in pictures, were sold. A. Ramuglia, of the United Front, in his brief talk showed the need of the workers of this city as well as others now more than ever to help the Passaic Strikers win. "You must give for it is you who can feel and understand the struggle of your fellow workers. We can not go to John D. nor the Mill Owners nor the Government for support of the Passaic Strikers. We have to come to you fellow workers although your earnings are small for help to feed the strikers and their children."
Coney Island Women Working
General Relief Committee
Dear Friends:
Enclosed please find check for the amount of $89.55. This sum was collected and sent by the United Council of Working Class Housewives, Branch No 5 of Coney Island for the children's kitchens.
Bertha Fishman,
Contributions and Collections of Organizations
from March 8th to June 16, 1926, for
Name Organization List Meal Books Amt.
Homier Loan Ass. by C. No. 1. Donation $25.00
Ceine, A., Finnish Sewing Circle 6 $12.00
28911 $1.00
Int. Labor Defense 8010, 11, 12, 13, 14 $26.95
Ceine, A., Finnish sewing Circle 8 $16.00
Lattishower Young Friends Donation $20.00
Community Welfare League, Passaic $20.00
Lithuanian Prog. W. W. A. of America
B. 26, Rochester Donation $10.00
B. 12, Waterbury Donation $10.00
Zlocyzower Society $5.00
Odessa Ladies K. U. V. Donation $10.00
Lithuanian Prog. W. W. A. of America
B. 93 Donation $20.00
Women's Relief Society, by C. No. 3 16462 $5.00
Russian Society, So. Brooklyn Donation $13.20
Ceine, A., Finnish Sewing Circle 4 $8.00
Walker, Org. Retail Groc., by C. No. 3 16384 $20.75
Men's & Women's Aid Soc'y., by C. No. 1 Donation $5.00
Society Russian B. R. C. Passaic Donation $4.00
Cohen, M. B., C. Passaic Donation $12.50
Kleine, W. A., W. C. Br. 94, Stamford 15 $30.00
Kleine, W. A., W. C. Br. 93, Stamford Donation $30.50
(To Be Continued)
Earnings And The Standard Of Living
"The earnings of the great mass of boys and men workers in the texti1e mills at Passaic run from $1000 to $1200 a year, and those of the girls are too low to permit the head of the family to support his family unassisted, and the housewife and older children are forced into the mills to piece out the family income.
"The National Industrial Conference Board, an organization of employers of factory labor figures the cost of the minimum American standard of living in communities contiguous to Passaic at $1400 a year (after correction for changes in the cost of living since 1920). It is thus apparent that the earnings of these workers are not such as to enable them to enjoy even the minimum of the standard contemplated for them by the makers of the tariff schedules."
W. Jett Lauck.
Comment on Company Unionism
The employers and their professional advisors know what company unionism means to industry and to the workers. Sometimes they state it very frankly. Here is one D. R. Kennedy, an "industrial relations" expert, discussing the wide varieties of names used to camouflage the company slave union. He says:
"After all, what difference does it make whether one plant has a 'shop committee,' a 'work council' or whatever else it may be called? (Mr. Forstmann calls his the 'representative assembly.' Ed.) They can all be called company unions and they all mean the one fundamental point --- the open shop."
The open shop is another name for the shop in which the boss rules like a tyrant, fires workers at will, and tolerates no real labor union.
A professor of economics also knows what a company union is for and tells us quite openly. Mr. Herbert Feis, in the International Labor Review published by the Labor Department of the League of Nations says:
"The can be no doubt that one of the chief objects in encouraging the shop committees is to prevent the growth of trade unionism."
And the leaders of the Welfare Department of the Catholic Church are equally clear as to what the company union means to workers. A statement issued by this department headed by Dr. John A. Ryan, says:
"The company union puts the workers at a great disadvantage since they cannot be strengthened in bargaining by the help of others in their or industry. They would not have skilled and independent bargainers to speak for them."
In other words, workers are entirely at the mercy of the bosses under a company union scheme. The Passaic workers know what it is to be at the mercy of Mr. Forstmann, Mr. Johnson and the other autocrats and Prussians who run the woolen mills.
And finally let us note what Prof. John R. Commons, one of the most eminent economic scholars in America, says: "Company unions have nothing to do with trade unionism. They are just labor management."
Which means they are just a device to keep the workers docile slaves.
Unions Raise Wages And Shorten Hours
WASHINGTON --- Trade unions numbering 775,112 members in nine industries increased their average wage rates four and one-half cents per hour in 1925, as compared with 1924, and secured an average work week of 45½ hour's, declares the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics in its annual report on the union scale of wages, and hours of labor. The average hourly rate advanced from $1,046 in 1924 to $1,091 in 1925, an increase of 4.3 per cent.
The bureau's figures cover bakers, building trades, chauffeurs and teamsters, and drivers, freight handlers, granite and stone cutters, laundry workers, linemen, book and job printing, and publishing, newspaper printing and publishing and street railway motormen, and conductors.
The per cent of increase in hourly wages in 1926 over 1924 follows:
Bakers, 3.5 per cent.; building trades, 3.9 per cent.; chauffeurs and teamsters and drivers, 5.5 per cent; freight handlers, 0.6 per cent; granite and stone cutters, 2.1 per cent.; laundry workers, 7.2 per cent.; lineman, 0.3 per cent; book and job printing and publishing, 1 per cent.; newspaper printing and publishing, 1.7 per cent; street railways (motormen and conductors), 1.7 per cent.
The rates and hours of street railway motormen and conductors do not enter into the grand averages for all trades combined, as men is these occupations do not have uniform hours.
The average union hours per week in each trade group are: Bakers, 47.4; building trades, 44; chauffeurs and teamsters and drivers, 56.4; freight handlers, 45. 4; granite and stone cutters, 44.1; laundry workers, 48.1; linemen, 46.6; book and job printing and publishing, 44.4; newspaper printing and publishing, 45.3.
Since 1918 union bakers have reduced their working hours per week 10.3 per cent; chauffeurs, 12.3 per cent.; teamsters, 11.8 per cent and freight handlers, 23.1.
"In the earlier years of the bureau's reports on union wages," the report states, "weekly hours in the bakery trades frequently ran from 54 to 60 and in some cases as high as 72 and 78 hours. The steady demand on the part of the bakers for shorter hours together with the introduction of machinery in almost all bakeries, may be given as the cause of such reduction.
"Freight handling has also participated in the advance of machinery as an agent in ameliorating the toil involved while hours have been reduced.
"The automobile has gradually supplanted the horse-drawn dray or truck, and a reduction of the time consumed in transporting goods from one point to another has been accompanied by a reduction of hours of labor in this group."
The bureau's report is for the year ending May 15, 1925. Most agreements are settled before that date.
The Lowdown on the Company Union
The Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, one of the strongest unions affiliated to the American Federation of Labor, has vigorously attacked the company union fakery in recent issues of its official journal --- the Electrical Worker. Extracts from its indictment of the company union follow:
"Company unions are trade union dummies Company unions were given employees only after independent trade unionism proved that worker organization is a necessity.
"Company unionism gives no independence. They are a pretense, a bluff, a blind, a snare. They harbor softness, toadyism and applesauce diplomacy.
"Company unions give the lowest wage possible in competition with the wages won by independent labor unions. Company unions give what jollied, drugged and blind company unionists will take. This isn't much!"
Then the electrical workers journal adds that by tactful fighting and propaganda the company union-duped workers can be won over to real unionism. "Company unionists will be won over to the ideal of manly independence in industry, symbolized by real trade unionism."
The electrical workers know the company union applesauce. They have been fighting it in the big electrical industry just as the United Front Committee and other textile workers organizations have been fighting it in the textile industry. The workers of Passaic take an honest tip from the electrical workers. They will have nothing to do with the bosses unions. They will not fall for the company union gold brick.
N. Y. Daily News Sees Citizens Committee as Strike-Breakers
The Passaic textile strikers are not alone in condemning the newly organized "Citizens Committee" as a strike-breaking organization and a tool of the textile bosses. The New York Daily News, which can hardly be accused of Communism (the pet bogey of the Citizens Committee) gives the following editorial comment on the committee:
More Passaic Mistakes
In the hope of ending the Jersey textile strike, 300 well-meaning citizens of Passaic have formed a committee.
A committee or anything else might well be formed if it would stop this twenty-four week fight in which all parties are losing time and money. But not a committee with the policy this one has adopted.
This policy is to conduct a publicity campaign against the strikers. The committee begins by giving the strike leaders a general cussing out. It rakes over strike bulletins and handbills, hunting material for libel suits.
There's nothing in such tactics. Strikes are not settled by these means.
The Picnic
The Lawrence United Front Committee will hold a Picnic at Maple Park on Sunday, August 1st. Various kinds of sports as wall as music will be the order of the day.
Many pleasant and successful picnics has been held at this park which is situated midway between Lawrence and Haverhill.
Because so many workers are unemployed and on short time, the Committee decided not to charge admission. Therefore entrance to the park will be free.
The purpose of the picnic is a good time and to freshen workers for the coming fall struggle. To get to the park take the Haverhill car at Hampshire Street and get off at Maple Park.
WANTED --- Robert O'Brien
What has happened to Robert J. O'Brien, strike-breaker representative of the National Security League? He promised us a lot in that first and only issue of the "American Review" some weeks ago. He was going to give us a big expose of our friends, the American Civil Liberties Union and tell us how the strike was supported by heaps of gold direct from Moscow. A reward will be offered to any one who can find Soap box Bob. Has he run out of strike-breaking schemes or is he too busy scaring the scalps off of rich ladies at afternoon teas by telling them about Weisbord and the other Terrible REDS in Passaic! Perhaps he thinks Jacob Nosovitsky, the "international spy" hired by the mill owners to frame-up Weisbord, is furnishing enough comic opera in Passaic for the present --- together with that other funny creature, Jack Bryan, who now gets a nice meal ticket from the mills organizing "meetings" to break the strike.
This strike has certainly experienced the finest collection of provocateurs, spies, strike-breakers, patriotic nuts and other bosses agents that were ever inflicted on any city during a labor struggle. We can't make up our minds which is the most comical actor yet on the scene. Perhaps there are others yet to put in an appearance. So we will withhold giving the grand prizes for craziness till they have all had their chance to show what fools they can be in attempting to break the solidarity of the Passaic workers.
U. M. W. of A. Sends $591 for Passaic
The following letter, with check for $591 has been received at the office of the General Relief Committee.
Fellow Workers:
Please find enclosed a check for $591 from Local Union No. 884, U. M. W. of A., of Bicknell, Ind. As you remember I sent in advance of this a check for $250 which makes $841 we have sent you. Hope this will be of great benefit in helping win the strike and with good luck and best wishes I remain,
Albert Henry, Treas.
Loc. 884, U. M. W. of America.
Bicknell, Ind.
He Kicks
I have been working fourteen years in the Arlington Mills. When I need a pair of shoes my wife has to go out to do housework.
An Arlington Mill Worker.
Labor Answers The Textile Bosses
Eighty thousand members of organized labor in Chicago, through their elected delegates at the Chicago Conference for Passaic strike relief, July 8, at Machinists Hall, pledged themselves to support to the limit the struggle of the 16,000 striking textile workers of Passaic and vicinity.
Many of the unions represented at this Conference had already sent in contributions to aid the textile strikers in their struggle against the open shop, starvation wages and unsanitary conditions in the mills. They voted, with the others, to
continue organized labor's support of the big textile strike.
This is Organized Labor's answer to the bosses attempt to divide labor and so, isolate the strikers. The bosses latest tool, the strike-breaking "Citizens Committee" of pot-bellied bankers and merchants, has injected itself into the Labor Movement in an effort to cut off relief and break the strike.
The bosses have fooled the working class so long that it's hard for them to realize that those days are past! The Chicago workers have given the only answer that intelligent, decent workers could give. Now, let the workers dig down deep into their pockets for Passaic relief. The bosses desperation is the workers cue. And within the last two weeks the bosses have shown themselves truly desperate. First a stupid frame-up against Weisbord. Next the organization of the strike-breaking "Citizens Committee" and its impudent announcement of intention to drive the strike leaders out of town. And now, the more impudent effort to inject into the Labor Movement in order to cut off the Strike Relief.
Let the workers answer with more relief. Relief is now the important thing. Money for relief will win the strike, which after twenty-four weeks is still 100 per cent solid, 100 per cent strike. Send your contribution at once to the General Relief Committee of Textile Strikers, 743 Main Avenue, Passaic, N. J.
To the Ladies Garment Workers
July 14, 1926.
Fellow Workers:
The International Ladies Garment Workers Union is having a general strike in New York and the intention of the international union is to organize workers in Passaic, Garfield, Lodi and its vicinities for workers that are working under non-union conditions for the same manufactures that the New York strikers are working for. We are interested in the garment workers in this vicinity that are working below living wages. We want to organize them for better living conditions, therefore we wish that all garment workers would enroll in the office of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union which is located at 100 Charles St. in Lodi.
Our demands are as follows:
First --- Forty hours a week, that is, five days a week. Second --- A guarantee of thirty-six working weeks a year. Third --- The manufacturers and jobbers that send work to contractors shall be responsible for contractors and employees for the above demands.
We are endeavoring to increase our wage scale.
We believe that it is about time that the workers of America shall well understand that the union is the foundation of independence. If our forefathers had not united themselves, they would have lost. We are soliciting sensible workers of ladies garments in order to accomplish better living conditions. Why should the bosses in general, live and enjoy the fruit of our hard labor. We are making them, don't we deserve a better living? It is up to you, you have been slaving long enough. And again we kindly ask you to enlist in our union and you will be protected.
Respectfully yours,
M. Goldstein, organizer.
Sends Another Big Check for Relief
The General Relief Committee of Textile Strikers, announces receipt of a check of $150.00 from Bakers Union, Local No. 237, Chicago, affiliated with the A. F. of L.
Dear Brothers:
Enclosed please find a check for $l50.00. Please take notice that this is the second check and makes a total of $300.00, and we promise not to stay away in the future. We wish the Textile Strike a successful end.
Yours truly,
Bakers Union Local No. 237,
Chicago, Ill,
Jose Weishaw, Secretary.
Miners Dig In
Christopher Trades and Labor Assembly.
Christopher Ill.
General Relief Committee,
Passaic, N. J.
Dear Sir and Fellow Union Men and Women:
Enclosed find draft for $20 donated by the members and their friends of Organized Labor of Christopher, Ill.
We realize that this donation is not a very large amount for a city the size of Christopher to make, but Brother this is a coal mining town, and the coal trade is shot all to pieces in Illinois, the mines are most all closed down and times are very bad here at present.
However small, we hope it will be accepted in the spirit it is given, also that you will have complete victory in your strike.
Yours fraternally,
Fred Silkwood, Treas.
Fur Dressers Union No. 2 Gives $200
Fur Dressers Union No. 2. I. F. W. U. of U. S. and Can.
Brooklyn, July 7, 1926.
Fellow Workers:
Enclosed you will find check for $200.00.
Fur Dressers Union No. 2.
A. Helb, Treasurer.
New York Furriers Give $12,000 to Passaic Strike Relief
Shop Chairmen to Take Up Collections and Support Concert
At a meeting of shop chairmen of the New York Furriers Union recently a decision was reached to assess the membership one dollar each for Passaic strike relief. As the union has 12,000 members, this means that $12,000 will be raised for strike relief from this source alone.
The meeting also decided to take up shop collections upon the basis of the contribution lists of the General Relief Committee of Textile Strikers.
The meeting instructed the shop chairman to rush energetically the sale of tickets for the big concert to be held at Coney Island Stadium on August 28 for the benefit of the Passaic strikers children. A committee was elected to supervise this work. It was decided that each shop chairman should get as many tickets as there are workers in his shop.
To Hold Furriers Day
It was also decided to hold a Furriers Day in Passaic on Sunday, July 25, when all the furriers will visit the strike zone. They will go over in buses and automobiles, and will be given the royal welcome that befits friends. They will be shown around the mills and will be taken to the four relief food stores in operation, the two children's kitchens, where one thousand strikers kiddies are fed daily, the clothing store, the mobilization center, the picket line lunch counters. They will also be taken to the new Victory Playground, near Garfield, which was opened Saturday, July 17, and is equipped with kitchens, showers, games and other arrangements for the proper care and direction of the children.
Answers Bosses Impudence
Commenting on the Furriers action, Alfred Wagenknecht, Relief Chairman, said:
"Another labor union has answered the impudent attempt of the most recent tool of the mill bosses, the Citizens (Vigilantes) Committee to inject itself into the labor movement in the effort to isolate the 16,000 striking textile workers, cut off relief and starve them back to the mills. Police clubs, savage jail sentences, exorbitant bail bonds have all failed, and this latest attempt will also fail. Organized labor is far more intelligent and alert than the bosses give it credit for being."
Committee of Passaic Strikers Returns Enthusiastic From Tour
The committee of Passaic strikers which toured the state of Connecticut, under the direction of R. S. Kling, returned to the strike zone yesterday. They brought back enthusiastic stories of splendid receptions given them everywhere by organized labor and sympathizers.
They all reported good treatment by the workers in every place visited. They had no trouble in getting accommodations, for the workers were all anxious in their homes. The only difficulty was that there were not enough strikers to go around.
The textile strikers of New London co-operated in every way with them and at New London and Norwich a joint relief campaign was carried out.
The Singing Society of New Haven gave them a royal reception, and listened to the Passaic strikers sing songs of the strike zone. In this city they attended a Lithuanian picnic and received an enthusiastic ovation. In both instances money was raised through donations and the sale of the pictorial "Hell in New Jersey," the story of the textile strike as told in pictures.
In Hartford, the meeting of the Plumbers Union gave them a rousing reception, rising to their feet with thunderous cheers as the representatives of the 16,000 heroic strikers entered. The meeting again rose to its feet as they departed. In this same city they attended a Swedish picnic of 6,000, which was addressed in their behalf by Dr. Per. Nelson, who, in Swedish, told of the big textile strike and the urgent need of relief. A collection was taken up, and other aid promised.
Returning through New York they found many friends of the Passaic strikers. J. Johnson and [C. T. Anderson, both of them] A. F. of L. men, expressed themselves in hearty sympathy and organized a collection for strike relief, which a large amount was taken up.
All in all, the trip was highly successful. The strikers found friends everywhere. At one place, however, they were driven out of town by the authorities. This was at Manchester, Conn. Here the Mayor of the city owns most of the mills, and he was determined that his mill workers should not get the opportunity of hearing the inspiring story of the Passaic strike against rotten conditions in the mills and starvation wages. In Norwich too, they found the bosses in active opposition. This town had been placarded at huge expense with signs of the fake breach of promise suit frame-up against Weisbord. These placards told nothing of the New York World expose' of the whole idiotic frame-up.
The strikers on the tour were: Jennie Rigger, Elizabeth H. Kikalier, May Martin, Helen Kovaly, Mary Byra, Betty Oberling, Mary Columbus, Mary Harvortj, Anna Turpko, Joe Fett, Julia Chaski, Annie Fett, Joe Knapp, John Windish,
Mary F ., Tony Anazon.
Cornice Makers & Roofers Union
We, the Cornice Makers and Roofers Union of Phil. have resolved to declare ourselves in absolute sympathy with the Passaic strikers.
John Honur, Secretary.
Ben Gallin, Chairman.
At present we can offer only $20.00. but we shall not neglect you in the future.
John Honur,
1233 No. 44th St.
Musicians Association Sends $150
The following letter has been received from the Musicians Protective Association, with cheek for one hundred and fifty dollars:
Musicians Protective Association, Local No. 77, A. F. of M. Affiliated with American Federation of Labor and Central Labor Union of Philadelphia.
Chas. J. McConnell, Sec'y.
Phila. July 12, 1926.
My Dear sir:
I enclose you check for $150.00 as a donation from Local 77, American Federation of Musicians, Philadelphia Pa., for aid of the fund of Passaic Strike Relief. Kindly acknowledge receipt of same. By order of local.
Very Truly,
Joseph Bassle, St.,
Treasurer Loc. 77, A. F. of M.
The Citizens Committee
Reprinted from the Passaic Daily News
Editor Daily News: --- An impartial, non-partisan, Citizens Committee without prejudice or malice aforethought was organized for the sole purpose of ending the strike through mediation.
This committee is sponsored by the chamber of Commerce, and it certainly bears the stigma of a Chamber of Commerce child.
Instead of bringing about an agreement between employers and employees, the committee has set out upon an infamous campaign of propaganda against the leaders of the strike. Why does it not confine itself to its duties of mediation?
In spite of the full page advertisement disclosing the "horrible" record of the strike leaders, there is still a question of doubt whether fighting the cause of labor or violating an espionage act (which is contrary to the very spirit of the Constitution and true American tradition) is really an act of criminality.
Labor has seldom stooped to the level of the bosses who hire spies to do the filthiest type of "frame up" work.
It is a pity to see the Citizens Committee turn out to be a strike-breaking committee.
How about a full page advertisement telling us who the bosses are? I remember that not so many years ago one of the requisites for securing work in local textile mills was a knowledge of German, for all the forms were printed in German.
It is remarkable how quickly the bosses became Americanized compared with their employees!
Passaic, July 16.
Forwards Sends $500 for Milk Fund
The General Relief Committee of Textile Strikers announces receipt on Monday, July 19, of a check for five hundred dollars from the New York Daily Jewish Forward for the milk fund of the Passaic strikers children. Some time ago, this paper contributed $1,000 to Passaic strike relief.
That Unspeakable Committee
The statement of the politician Campbell, speaking for the so-called Citizens' Committee, that it will drive Weisbord out of Passaic provokes an answer. We would like to know what the Citizens Committee means when it says "Drive Weisbord, out of the city."
Do these "law and order" citizens mean to use force and violence? If so, the workers have never yet proven cowards and are conscious of their rights to defend themselves against illegal attacks.
Doe the Citizens Committee mean to drive out Weisbord by argument? In the first place, Weisbord is under thirty thousand dollars bail and cannot leave the city.
In the second place, Weisbord is a citizen of the United States, a citizen of the state of New Jersey, and a resident of Passaic, and will remain so for a long time to come.
In the third place, no one pays attention to their arguments, which are so dishonest on their very face.
The Citizens Committee pledges the workers better wages and at the same time says that they get the best wages in the industry.
The Citizens Committee says it will give charity to all the strikers children who need milk and at the same time says that nobody needs milk.
The Citizens Committee says that its members are the friends of the strikers and at the same time want to break their union. The Citizens Committee says it is not against the American Federation of Labor, yet these very men helped to drive out the American Federation of Labor organizers from the city some time ago.
The Citizens Committee says it represents the citizens, when as a matter of fact, it is mainly composed of Chamber of Commerce men, Klansmen, Legionaires, and Fascists of all descriptions. They are a motley crew, not a single worker belongs to their committee.
The dishonesty and crookedness in argument is further shown by the way in which they try to identify the leadership of the United Front Committee with persons, some of whom have spoken here only once and some of whom have not even been in the country for many years. Yet the Citizens Committee tries to make the United Front Committee responsible for all the statements alleged (in many cases dishonestly) to have been made by these people.
We would like to know since when the members of the Citizens Committee have become experts on labor unions and their leadership. We would like to know how many strikes the members of a Citizens Committee have ever won, and how many unions they have ever formed?
The whole argument of the Citizens Committee is dishonest and the workers, understanding the whole game, simply smile, and prepare for any battle that may yet come. The workers will not permit the bankers and saloon-keepers, politicians and real estate sharks, to dictate to them what kind of a union they are to have.
We Wonder About That, Too
W. Jett Lauck, the noted investigator and economist of Washington, a hearty supporter of the government, wonders why the mill owners did not pay decent wages to the workers when the industry was at its highest point of prosperity.
We wonder, too.
The argument is made that the textile industry is now at low ebb and that the mill owners cannot afford to pay a higher wage than it did when the strike started.
Well there was a time when the mill owners got a return of 98 per cent profit on the investment. Did they raise the wages then? Could they afford to pay their workers a living wage then?
Fact is that the textile industry can pay decent wages right now if it wants to. There is no poverty in the industry except among the workers.
We are not bluffed by this poverty drivel from the bosses. Mr. Lauck points out very clearly that the bosses can pay a decent wage if they want to.
At least they could talk to the workers. That would not cost them anything.
The Big-Bellied Four
The Big Four, well fed, boss bought, hypocrisy frocked, undersized-hatted, self-important, stupid, skirtlifters of the mill barons, stamped with the Judas dollar mark, rattling with dead men's bones, covering up their nakedness with unholy robes, are having a fit of supreme sympathy for the children who were taken out to get milk during the strike, trying to make out that this was a hardship for the children, which it was not. Could not this big-bellied quartet shed a tear or two over the children that have to slave away in the shops and mills all over the country every day the year around?
Oh, you hypocrites, you vipers, you whited sepulchers! How shall you stand in the day of judgment when the masses of workers and their children rise up to claim their own?
Citizens Committee Appeals to Clergy
The mill owners are now appealing to the clergy, through the citizens committee, to use their influence to break the strike.
There are some clergyman --- many of them --- who will refuse to become the agents of the bosses in this contemptible attempt. The strikers know who they are and honor them for the stand they have taken.
The other clergymen, who are the menial skirtlifters of the mill barons, have no influence over the workers. Dollars paid to these hirelings will not be good investment for the bosses. This scum of present civilization which tries to poison and degrade the workers when they ask for justice is destined to be scraped away and left to its own disintegration and decay.
The workers have learned a valuable lesson even through the stupid blunderings of the citizens committee. We realize now that nothing is sacred to the bosses. They will drag religion or anything else into the fight to fool and bewilder us. We were of the opinion once that religion was sacred and used for our good only. Now we see that the bosses use it whenever they can to defeat us and keep us in subjection. It is a rude awakening, but we shall not be afraid of the truth. The bosses have given us the light through their action, and the guilty clergymen have helped them.
All the sermons and prayers of the bosses clergymen in Passaic will not budge us an inch. Instead we will steel ourselves to fight that much harder.
Distorted Christianity
When four Christian clergymen join in signing a protest because the striking Passaic mill hands send their ill-clad, ill-fed children to New York before giving them an outing at summer camps and declare that this act "defames" the "name of our fair city," one cannot help wondering what brand of Christianity is on tap at Passaic, N. J. So far as we know, there is no law on the books that compels children journeying to summer camps to take the route the crow takes, and no reason in the world why they should not be given a little trip to the city before they start on their vacation. If their appearance here aids the cause of the long-suffering strikers, if it stimulates the flow of charity for the dependent women and children, it is hard to see how this defames the name of the fair City of Passaic. After reading this protest, one comes to the conclusion that partisan spirit in Passaic has reached such proportions that all sense of perspective has been lost.
New York World.
Textile Strike Bulletin
The United Front of the Workers Against the United Front of the Bosses
Vol. 1 No. 22 Passaic, N. J., Thursday, July 30, 1926
For Unity
Through Affiliation with the American Federation of Labor
The United Front Committee of Textile Workers which has led the strike for six months, during which time it has maintained the solidarity of the Passaic textile strikers, has proved that it has no other interest than the formation of a union and the winning of the strikers demands.
We stand now where we have always stood --- for a united labor movement in America. It is our most earnest desire to remove all obstacles in the way of a settlement and to do everything within our power to bring about the complete affiliation of the 16,000 striking textile workers whom we represent, with the American Federation of Labor.
The mill owners have declared that they will not deal with the United Front Committee and have stated that they would be willing to settle the strike if the workers were affiliated with the American Federation of Labor. The United Front Committee will use its good offices and all its influence to achieve complete affiliation with the American Federation of Labor.
We declare our intention to accept the constitution and by laws of the United Textile Workers of America and desire to become an integral part that body. We make this declaration without any reservation whatsoever. We stand committed to a program of immediate affiliation, and are prepared to take the necessary steps.
We urge the officials of the American Federation of Labor and the United Textile Workers of America to accept this sincere and open proposal for affiliation.
New Frame-up of Weisbord is Latest Trick of Hysterical Mill Owners
Rubenstein is Again Arrested For "Breaking Cop's Arm"
The cops must have their little frame-ups. On Tuesday night after the monster mass meeting that marked the beginning of the seventh month of strike in Passaic, they indulged in two of them.
Albert Weisbord, leader of the strike, had just returned to strike headquarters after addressing the meeting, and was sitting in an automobile waiting for other leaders to join him.
A cop, quite drunk and very full of plans for a frame-up hopped on the running board like an officious blue-jay and chirped, "You're under arrest." "What am I arrested for?" inquired Weisbord with natural surprise. "For blocking the traffic," piped the blue-jay. "How can I be blocking traffic when I am sitting in this car?" asked Weisbord. "Well, you're under arrest for giving me backtalk," declared the blue-jay cop.
Police Plant Knife
On the way to the station the cop thought of another bright idea. By the time they arrived Weisbord was accused of another charge, that of "carrying concealed weapons." A huge bologna knife, which the cop was able to produce from his pocket, was declared to be the property of Weisbord. Even the sergeant looked skeptical, and released the strike leader under $25 bail. The police court judge was very grave on Wednesday, however, and exacted $200 bail and held Weisbord for the Grand Jury on this serious charge.
No sooner had the excitement at the strike headquarters died down at news of Weisbord's speedy release Tuesday night, than a new alarm was brought in, that Jack Rubenstein had been knocked unconscious and kidnapped on the street below. Jack's activities as a strike leader and picket captain were only causing him another frame-up, however, and he was soon released from the same police station at the same bail, under the charge of using "vile and offensive language." The blows he received on his head, on his way to the station, were no frame-up, however, but were very real indeed.
Jack Rubenstein Again
After his "trial" on Wednesday, Weisbord issued the following statement. "It seems that I am to be visited with every frame-up the police officials of Passaic can imagine. This time it is a case of carrying concealed weapons. I had never seen the large knife which was found until I saw the officer take it out of his own pocket. He played with it a while, and then accused me of having this knife in my possession. Officer MacAvely seemed to be strongly under the influence of liquor at the time. The whole charge is ridiculous and I dare say will never pass the Grand Jury. They are trying to frame Jack Rubenstein also. He has now had so many frame-ups that he can very easily stand one more.
Passaic Cossacks Club Down Visiting New York Furriers
Brutal Attack on Union Belonging to American Federation of Labor
Giving the lie to Mayor McGuire's declaration that "the A. F. of L. will always be welcome in Passaic," Local police Cossacks yesterday attacked a delegation of 400 New York furriers, who headed by Ben Gold, visited the strike area, to demonstrate their solidarity with the 16,000 striking textile workers, and announce a contribution of $12,000 to the cause. The Furriers union is affiliated with the American Federation of Labor.
When the nine bus loads of visitors arrived at the open air park and started to march into the meeting, the police objected to their signs, attempted to break their ranks, and clubbed several. The entire police department of Passaic seemed to have been assigned to the meeting, and itching for trouble. On the pretense of "keeping traffic moving," all the buses carrying the furriers were ordered to find other parking places, so when the meeting, at which Ben Gold, Dave Shapiro, Irving Potash, Albert Weisbord and others had spoken was about to disperse, the furriers did not know where to go. When they finally attempted to leave the park, they were set upon by the police and more than forty were badly beaten. Francesco Coco, organizer of the United Front Committee was injured so badly that he was not able to appear in court on Monday. Others who were arrested were Sylvia Kleiman, Esther Kleiman, Eva Kleiman, Katie Sogorka, and John Fedo, the first four from New York and Fedo from Clifton.
Worst Disorder Yet
It was one of the worst disorders of the entire strike, during which brutal assaults by police have horrified the country. The Furriers, deprived of their vehicles, were shut into the park by the police, and clubbed as they attempted to march to the strike headquarters. Unaccustomed to Passaic Streets, it was impossible for them to scatter out of the way of the clubs. Coco was beaten in the patrol wagon when he protested against the man-handling of the four New York girls who had been arrested previously.
Charging that the attack was "fomented and encouraged" by the Citizens' Committee, which has been busy in Passaic launching attacks upon the strike leaders and urging sympathizers cut the strikers off from all relief, Albert Weisbord made the following statement shortly after the "made-to-order-police-riot":
Weisbord Makes Statement
"Engaged at the truly wonderful demonstration of ten thousand textile strikers, beginning now their seventh month of struggle, the police, acting under orders from Mayor Maquire, Commissioner Preiskel and the rest of those who "welcome the A F. of L. organizers" in the city of Passaic, made a vicious attack both upon the strikers and the A. F. of L. union organizers, Furriers, who had come to speak at the meeting. Today's meeting called by the United Front Committee was called "Furriers Meeting." Several hundred Furriers came to the meeting from New York in buses led by their leader Ben Gold and others. The meeting was tremendous, the Furriers receiving cheer after cheer from the many thousand textile strikers as they pledged their solidarity with the Passaic strikers and promised to help with everything that they had and every means at their disposal.
As the strikers were walking out peacefully, for no reason whatsoever, the police began their brutal assault, beating up ruthlessly the men and women, and boasting that they would "get" the Furriers, --- the members of the Furriers Union affiliated with the A. F. of L. The police then drove away they buses that were waiting to take the Furriers back to New York, and prevented the Furriers even from going into the street, closing them up in the Ukrainian National Home.
Coco Badly Beaten
One of the organizers of the United Front Committee, Francesco Coco, was seized by the police while he was standing on the private property of the Ukrainian National Home and most criminally beaten. At the same time wholesale arrests were being made.
There can be but one answer to this kind of made-to-order police riots. Already the police officials of Passaic stand indicted by their own statements of violating time and again, the Constitution in every fundamental right that belongs to America. They have openly boasted that they have driven A. F. of L. organizers out of the city and now comes this attack upon the A. F. of L. Furriers Union.
Oust The Mayor
We call upon every decent citizen to throw those police and city officials out of office --- to denounce them for their betrayal of American institutions. We call upon the American Federation of Labor to take a definite stand against these police brutalities which are being visited now upon A. F. of L. organizers as well as the United Front Committee.
Behind all of this police brutality stands the Citizens Committee that deliberately foments it and encourages it. We call upon all decent and honest citizens in this locality to band themselves together and break this disorderly crew that stands for chaos and anarchy called the Citizens Committee.
We, the strikers, are only the more encouraged and determined to stand firm until we win the strike and we have a union that will prevent the repetition of these brutalities.
Organized Labor Opens Children's Playground in Passaic Strike Area
One Thousand Happy Kiddies Enjoy Celebration and Listen to Speakers
Victory Playground, organized labor's gift to the children of the striking textile workers, was officially opened on Saturday, with a large delegation of New York workers and over 1,000 happy kiddies present.
The New York labor delegations came over in busses during the afternoon and were vociferously welcomed, by the children, who cheered them thunderously for several minutes.
Addressed by Workers
A meeting of the children, called to order by Miriam Silverfarb, chief organizer and leader of the children, was addressed by Esther Lowell, of the Federated Press, Fannie Rudkowitz, of the strikers relief office, Kate Gitlow, of the United Council of Working Class Housewives, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, of the League for Industrial Democracy, and Clarence Miller.
Victory Playground is well equipped. There are showers for the kiddies, swings, see-saws and other amusements. Games and plays are organized under the direction of experienced and capable leaders, who have donated their services for the summer. The carpentry and other work on the grounds was done by the strikers, and the cost of equipping the playground was very small.
Food and Sunshine
The playground is equipped with a children's kitchen and milk station, and the kiddies are given a nutritious meal and lots of milk during the day. Women of the United Council of Workingclass Housewives take care of the kitchen and milk station.
Order is kept in various novel ways. One method is by song. "Sit down, sit down, this is a union town" will invariably send the children squatting on the grass. Perfect discipline is maintained without ever a cross word from the leaders. These leaders are Miriam Silverfarb, Sophie Melman, Mary Trask, Edna Eisman, Martha Bornstein, Martha Gartenlaub, and others.
During the day many strike songs were rendered by the children, together with an impressive recitation of "We are the Builders," which brought enthusiastic applause from the large crowd of New York workers present.
Furriers Answer Cossacks With Contribution of $5,000 to Strikers
"Soon we shall go back to the mills with an unbreakable union."
This was the keynote of Albert Weisbord's report to the striking textile workers of Passaic when he spoke to the largest mass meeting held during the strike on Tuesday evening, and told them of his conferences with Senator Borah in Washington.
"The fake issues of Weisbord and Communism are done away with," he declared, "for I explained to Senator Borah that they had only been injected into the situation by mill owners who wished to evade discussion of the real issues. I told him that Weisbord will never stand in the way of the interests of the workers. My interests are not separate and apart from the interests of the workers. I came here because I understood the need of the workers, ---their desperate situation After six months of struggle in which a strong union has been built that cannot be broken, Weisbord is willing to step aside."
Over and over again he emphasized in his report that although he might eliminate himself from negotiations, "the organization cannot and must not withdraw." He told the workers that he had made this a condition of settlement in his talks with Borah, --- that the mills must deal with the union.
Touching upon the attitude of the United Front Committee toward affiliation with the American Federation of Labor,
Weisbord referred to it as "the main stream of American labor from which we can not afford to be separate." He reaffirmed, and the strikers ratified with applause, the "unqualified desire of the United Front Committee to affiliate with the American Federation of Labor.
Four representatives of the Associated Societies and Parishes of Passaic and Vicinity spoke at the meeting, urging the strikers to stand firm with their leadership, and attacking the Citizens Committee "which is breaking up every day."
They were Chairman W. R. Vanecek, the Rev. C. L. Orbach, the Rev. Michael Sotak, and the Rev. Ivanyshin. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, and Robert Dunn were other speakers.
"The clubbing of the furriers who are A. F. of L. members, in Passaic on Sunday is an outrage that will never be forgotten," declared Miss Flynn. "These innocent people, who merely wished to show their solidarity with their Passaic brothers and were brutally attacked and wounded have shown their defiance to the Cossacks with a contribution of $5,000 delivered this morning."
Untermeyer Takes Citizens Committee Report "with Grain of Salt"
Mr. John M. Campbell,
Chairman, Citizens Committee of Passaic, Clifton, Garfield, and Wallington.
My Dear Sir:
Replying to your yesterday's letter with accompanying copy of letter to you from Dr. John N. Ryan, Health officer of Passaic. Permit me to say with all due respect to your Committee and to Dr. Ryan, the spirit evidenced by the public officials and minor courts has been so partisan, intolerant and unjust to the workers that I accept with many grains of allowance any reports or other statements that they may make.
I had occasion to familiarize myself with the facts of both sides connected with this strike in the argument before the Committee of the United States Senate upon the resolution for the investigation of the strike. I heard through Senator Edwards, who was the spokesmen of the mill owners, all that the letter had to say in their behalf, and read the shoals of affidavits presented on behalf of the strikers making the strongest case I have ever encountered of callous official brutality and the prostitution of the processes of the law and of the reign of terror and persecution inaugurated and pursued against the strikers for purpose of destroying their morale and inviting violence in retaliation for the violence being practiced against them.
I said at the time and now repeat, that the administration of justice in the State of New Jersey has completely broken down and that "mob law" was executed upon the strikers, destroying the right of free speech and peaceful assemblage. It was because of this conviction that I consented to go to Washington to urge an open investigation to the end that the truth might be made known.
One would have imagined that if the story of the mill owners and of their official henchmen and public officers were but half true, they would have welcomed such an investigation, instead of which they used their political power to suppress it.
Whether or not there are 5,000 children in Passaic in need of milk I do not know, but that there is great suffering, and will be greater among the children as the strike continues, I have no doubt.
Very truly yours,
(Signed) Samuel Untermeyer.
The Company Union Always The Same --- Only A Snare For The Workers
Passaic workers, especially those who have been on Mr. Forstmann's payroll should note what the company union has done to the workers on the Interborough Rapid Transit Co. in New York City. It has done just what it tried to do to the workers in Passaic --- ENSLAVE THEM. And the Passaic textile bosses, you remember, once suggested that the strike could be settled by the workers all coming back to work under this form of slavery! But this idea didn't break the strike. The Passaic textile workers are wise to company unionism. They want no "union" over them that resides in the vest pocket of Julius Forstmann or any other boss.
The New York Nation points out some of the tricks of the company union on the I. B. T. They are substantially the same tricks that Mr. Forstmann's representative assembly has tried on the Passaic workers. Here are the jokers.
1. The workers have no free choice of their machinery for collective bargaining. They take what the company gives them. If they don't like it they are invited to "get the hell out."
2. Matters of "discipline and efficiency" are settled exclusively by the company. Which means that the worker doesn't parrot the company union phrases is discharged for some pretext or other. The company union does not help him.
3. No general mass meetings of the workers are held. The workers are split up into locals just as in the F. and H., they are split up into "wards". In this way the companies always keep the workers from getting together in unions.
4. The company suckers get special treatment. " ." who do what the company tells them are given special favors. Some of them even land nice jobs with the company, for betraying their fellow workers.
5. "The company union has stripped the workers of their power. Under it they cannot strike and they cannot unite with any national body which can supply strike funds." This describes the company union of Julius Forstmann just as it describes the company union of Frank Hedley, boss of the Interborough.
The conclusions are simply:
Company unionism is a fraud and a trap.
Company unionism is a denial of the workers rights.
Company unionism is opposed to trade unionism.
The American Labor Movement, the American Federation of Labor, and all the organized workers of this country must realize the menace of the company union. They must fight it. They must back the textile workers of Passaic in their magnificent struggle against the company union.
"Hold The Fort, We Are Coming"
The following telegram has been received from Ella Reeve Bloor, Relief Field Organizer:
"Tell the strikers Mother Bloor and her gang sends love and says to keep up good courage and we will go over the top together. Hold the fort, we are coming strong."
Mother Bloor has been doing splendid work in the field. She has organized several important relief conferences which are now doing good work in their respective cities.
Shame System in the Pacific Mills
The new card system introduced by the Pacific management is a system of speeding-up and slavery. The $10,000 a year efficiency experts are running wild with schemes to speed you, time you, and check every move that you make. Soon you will not be able to turn your head but be like a soldier standing at attention, without being timed and docked.
This new system is a shame system. You are slowly being turned more and more into actual machines, timed and measured and weighed. You are being prepared to an indirect cut in wages through this system. That is the object of every checking system. You will be paid only for the time punched on the SHAME card, and you will lose money while waiting for work, or repairing something gone wrong through no fault of yours. When you stop from work for a minute you will have to punch a card, when you go out to the toilet, you have punch the card when you leave and when you come back, and you will be deducted for the time lost.
You are all opposed to this system. You realize what it means. There is a way of getting rid of it. When you kick individually, the boss tells you "If you don't like it you know what you can do." He threatens you with the loss of your job. But when all the workers act together, in a organized manner, the bosses are powerless. REFUSE TO PUNCH THE CARDS ALL TOGETHER AND THE BOSSES WILL WITHDRAW THEM.
But this is not all. The efficiency board is paid to make new Slave systems all the time. The only way to prevent the bosses forever from speeding you up and making machines out of you is to organize. Join the union. Act together. Organization is the ONLY remedy the workers have.
Poverty and Hunger Extreme in Lawrence
The Lawrence mill workers are suffering terrible poverty. Thousands are going hungry daily. The Sunday news of July 25th reports cases of women, skilled weavers tramping the streets for days looking for some house work without success. The old and young are especially hard hit by the mismanagement of the mills by the textile barons.
The Lawrence textile mills are encumbered with parasites. Young degenerate and high life college graduates who draw from 25,000 dollars a year up, and know nothing about the industry. They filch as much as the traffic will bear without regard to the welfare of the workers.
The greedy millionaire mill owners have turned the mill cities into bleak desolation. Even Cardinal O'Connel, whose home town is Lowell, Mass., condemned the utter disregard of the owners for the terrible conditions in the textile industry. Today there are workers starving and suffering in Lawrence. The bosses say their are no orders. Trade is slack. There is no work. And still they use the most cruel speed-up system and drive the workers like slaves. If there is not enough work, why not divide the work there equally among the workers, and stop the slave driving. Every worker in Lawrence is driven to do the work of three men. There is enough work for everybody. People are not going nude. They are still buying clothes.
Then if the mill owners claim that there is not enough work for all, on the present 48-hour basis, why are they moving heaven and earth and spending tens of thousands of dollars for publicity to repeal the 48-hour law, and bring back the 54-hour week? Will there be more work when every worker works 54 hours for the same or less pay? Or will thousands of more workers be thrown out into the streets?
The greed of the mill owners knows no limit. They will force thousands of workers into the most dire suffering in order to make profits out of the industry that mounts to millions of dollars yearly. THE WORKERS MUST ABOLISH THIS INSANE EXPLOITATION AND SUFFERING. THEY CAN DO IT ONLY BY ORGANIZING AND FIGHTING FOR THEIR OWN INTERESTS. JOIN THE UNION OF TEXTILE WORKERS. BETTER YOUR CONDITIONS. LIVE LIKE HUMAN BEINGS.
Boss Speaks at Company Union Meeting
Francke, chief of the company union of the Pacific mill addressed a meeting of Dyers at 184 Broadway. Many Dyers were fooled by the Shop Council representative who very cleverly does the Bosses work in the Dye House of the Lower Pacific mill. The meeting was called to protest against the new card system which is hateful to all the Dyers, who for some time refused to accept it.
At this meeting this member of the Bosses Shop Council who is collecting dues from the Dyers for the company union, by fooling them with the idea that they are paying to a real union, allowed bosses and overseers to be present. And the man who boasted some time ago that "He cowed the Pacific Workers," Mr. Francke, chief of the company union, was given the floor to speak. In this way the Dyers were fooled again. The same bosses shop council that puts over all the new speed-up systems by order of the management, speaks at the meeting called to protest and do away with the card system. The Dyers are fooled with clever speeches and everything remains the way it was. And the "Efficiency" Board with the help of the Bosses Council is preparing new card and slave systems.
The Dyers must wake up, and realize that they are hoodwinked by the clever agent of the bosses. The only way to do away with the card system and all speeding devices is to repudiate the Shop Council of the Bosses and its agents who parade as a union, and join a real fighting workers union.
A Dye House Worker and Unionist.
Lowell Silk Workers Strike Against More Speeding And Wage Cuts
The workers of the Lowell Silk mill are exhibiting a wonderful spirit of solidarity in their strike against increased number of looms and a wage cut, which has practically shut down the mill.
The strike developed as a result of an attempt of the Newmarket Company which owns the mill, to increase the number of looms operated by the Pongee weavers from 4 to 6, and at the same time to cut wages from 2 cents and 6 per 1,000 picks of cloth to 1 and 51 mills. The Pongee weavers refused to accept the increased speeding-up and wage cut. Twenty weavers walked out, and were followed by 150 weavers of the other departments, all the loomfixers and some winders and twisters.
The strikers elected a strike and picket committee and drafted the following demands which they instructed the strike committee to place before the agent, Mr. Walter Gallant.
In answer to the boss's misrepresentations of the workers demands and the causes of the strike, given out to the press by Mr. Gallant, the strike committee made public the following statement:
"We the striking employees of the Lowell Silk Mill declare that the strike has been forced upon us by the action of the company. Under the false pretence of the so-called "Readjustment Plan", the number of looms of the silk weavers has been increased from 4 to 6. This makes an increase in production of 50 per cent, while our wages have been cut at the same time 33 per cent.
"Not content with making us speed-up and lose our health on 6 looms which it is humanly impossible to operate, produce good work and maintain our health, we are getting a cut in wages.
"Mr. Gallant, the agent, claims in a statement to the press that we are satisfied with our wages and conditions. This is not true. We are only making on the average $21 a week. A great many girls don't get more than $10 to $12 weekly. This is not a living wage. Most of us are forced to deny ourselves many necessities, and it is impossible to meet the high cost of living.
"Furthermore, the conditions in the mill are extremely unsanitary. The work rooms are hot and stuffy. There is no ventilation of any kind. The temperature in the mill is 90 degrees constant, while the windows are kept shut. Girls and women work in this unbearable heat. Our clothes stick our backs. We are always wet through and through with sweat. There is no rest room for the girls and women, and toilet windows are fastened.
"The Company raises the cry of poverty. They say that we are opposed to alteration in machinery and the introduction of new styles of silk. This we brand as absolutely false. The mill has the most modern silk manufacturing equipment. No alteration of machinery is necessary, and no styles of silk have been introduced. The cry of poverty is also untrue. The mill has been running steady for years, and the company has made $800,000 last year. The true cause of the strike is the cruel speeding-up through additional looms, bad working conditions, and insufficient pay.
"We have elected a strike and picket committee and declare that we will not be satisfied to return to work under the old conditions. We are ready and willing to negotiate, but we are determined not to lose our health under unsanitary conditions and inhuman speeding-up, nor will we allow our bread to be snatched from our mouths through cutting our already small wages."
Told The Truth
The United Front Committee was stopped by the police from speaking on the street corners. There are so many organizations that speak every night in the open air and they are never stopped. Why the discrimination against the United Front Committee?
I used to come to every meeting. I never missed one before the police stopped them, and I never heard the speakers speak about anything but the Passaic strike, and our conditions in Lawrence. They always told us to organize into a Union. And what they said about our bad conditions are all true. I know. I worked in every mill in Lawrence for the past twenty-five years.
I guess that's why the police stopped the meeting. They did the work of the bosses. We the workers should demand the right of the UFC to speak. Why are police afraid to let them speak? If conditions are good, then all their talk will go to waste. It's because what they say about our conditions is true that the police stopped the meetings. The bosses don't want us to hear the truth about the way we are exploited by the mill owners. Because when the workers do find out they will organize, and get better conditions and a better life.
S. B., an old-time Lawrence Unionist.
I. L. D. Demands Right Of Free Speech For United Front Committee
The New England Division of the International Labor Defense, which defends the workers in their right to organize for better conditions, together with the American Civil Liberties Union have taken up the fight of the Lawrence United Front Committee to win free speech for a labor organization in the city of Lawrence.
The ILD which has in its executive committee such men as Eugene V. Debs, Clarence Darrow, Scott Nearing, W. Z. Foster and Ben Gitlow, has issued contribution lists to bring the case of free speech to the high courts with the following appeal.
On July 5th, Independence Day in the City of Lawrence, a peaceful meeting under the auspices of the United Front Committee of Textile Workers was disrupted by the police authorities, and brother Fred Beal was arrested. This unwarranted interference with free speech in Lawrence was perpetrated in spite of the fact that permission was asked in the proper, legal, manner. The city Marshall refused to state the grounds for his refusal.
Workers, DEFEND YOUR RIGHTS. The International Labor Defense with branches in all parts of the country, recognizes in this case an attempt to interfere with a bona fide labor organization, the United Front Committee, which is organizing the workers to protect their own interests. The International Labor Defense therefore calls upon all workers to contribute generously toward the defense of the case of Fred Beal, which involves the basic rights of freedom of speech and organization.
Get a contribution list. Let all your friends and fellow workers on the job contribute generously. Fill up the lists. Send all money collected right away to the International Labor Defense, 113 Dudley St., Roxbury, or to the Lawrence United Front Committee of Textile Workers, 81a Common St., Lawrence.
Few Workers Return To Berkshire Mills
ADAMS, Mass., July 29.
After having been closed for over four weeks as the result of a strike, the Berkshire Cotton Company reopened its mills here today, but only a small percentage of the 2,000 employees resumed their duties. It was evident that hardly more than 150 returned to work.
The Polish Weavers Union called a meeting later in the day. Speakers declare that the strike had been won, basing their contention on the small number of employees who returned to work.
Cheese-Paring Arlington Bosses
There are only ten workers in the Dewey room of the Arlington Mill and these ten workers have to work like hell for 48 hours a week to make the immense wages of $l9.68. The wages for this room total up to $10,233.36 a year; if the workers are lucky enough to work every day for the full 52 weeks, which happens.
The combined capital and property value of the Arlington Company was $19,000,000 in the year 1923-24, and we can stake our next wage cut that they have it increased it since then. Yet these cheese-paring pikers, who claim to be generous and good to us workers, are introducing a new machine that will throw ten of us out on the street.
The Dryer and the Dewey machine used to be separate, but two weeks ago some sucker had a bright idea for the boss and they have now fixed a sprayer on to the Dryer and whenever the cloth comes out it is immediately sprayed, not by the men who have hungry families to keep, but by the machine that is hungry only or work.
To save one 19,000th part of their wealth the bosses will throw ten workers and their families into the hell of unemployment. They are not giving us work, like they said in their advertisement in the paper. They are taking our jobs away. We workers don't object to the machines helping us with our work, but there should be some way of keeping our jobs. The machines they are inventing now always seem to put us out of work and more money into the bosses pockets. Why is this?
Lawrence Worker.
We Must Have Out Rights
I am a weaver in a Lawrence mill. I have worked in Lawrence for the last 23 years. We had many fights with the bosses for better conditions and against wage cuts. We had many successful strikes and won many victories. But now the conditions are worse than I ever remember. Not only is there unemployment and a cruel speed-up, but the way the workers are treated has never been so bad before.
The United Front Committee points out the terrible conditions. The Textile Strike Bulletin writes the truth about our conditions and the need for organization. I have listened many times before, the police stopped them, to the open air meetings. They speak the truth. We must organize in order to change these conditions.
But the bosses don't like us to know the truth. They don't want us to organize. They like it the way we are when they
can tell us "If you don't like here, you know what you can do."
With a union they could not speed us up so much and fire us whenever they feel like it for any kind of an excuse. That's the only reason the bosses had the police stop the meetings, and arrested the speakers. First they refuse to issue permits for meetings, then they arrest you for speaking without a permit.
We the workers must discuss our conditions and how to organize. Why do the police allow the Salvation Army to speak? We must all help and insist on free speech not only for the bosses but also for the workers, for ourselves.
M. S., a Lawrence weaver.
Resist The 54 Hour Week
Lawrence Textile Workers --- We must prepare to defend ourselves. The millionaire mill owners are prepared to force the 54 hour week upon us. We, the United Front Committee of Lawrence have warned you that it is coming. Perhaps some of us workers thought: "Oh, they will never do it. It is impossible!"
Now it is no secret any more. The owners have officially and publicly declared through their commission "That the 48 hour law must be repealed for 5 years." What does that mean? That means the 54 hour week back again, not only for the men but also for the women workers.
Fellow workers: Work now is slack. It has been slack for months. Most of us work only two or three days per week. The bosses want to lengthen the work day. That means that we will do in a day what it took you almost two days before.
That means less work, less pay.
The 54 hour week will mean thousands of more workers thrown out of work --- more millions for the owners --- more pearl necklaces for their women ---more yachts and automobiles and summer and winter palaces for the textile lords --- AND FO R US? Less bread for our women, less milk for our children --- more misery and poverty.
We must be prepared to fight against this slavery. How?
There is only one way, ORGANIZE. JOIN THE OTHER FELLOW WORKERS IN THE UNITED FRONT COMMITTEE. IF THE BOSSES give up the 54 hour idea it will be only because we are organized.
Look at the Fur Workers of New York. They just won a 40 hour week for which they get from $50 to $60. How did they do it? By organizing and sticking to their union.
How about the Lawrence workers? We realize that our only hope is organization! --- WHY DON'T YOU JOIN THE UNITED FRONT COMMITTEE? We know that you will do it. But why wait till tomorrow or until the other fellow does it first?
United Front Committee
Lawrence Textile Workers.
Office open every night.
81a Common St.
Workers Treated Worse Than Dogs
The workers are treated worse than the dogs.
When a dog, who has served his master for years reaches an age when he can no longer be of much service to him, his master out of regard for the dog's past service and out of pity for this dumb creature keeps him up with food and shelter until his death.
When a worker who has been used up by the mill owner reaches the age when he can not produce over a hundred % profit he is fired into the streets.
Two workers in the Arlington Mills, husband and wife after working there for forty years, producing thousands of dollars for the mill owners, were fired from their jobs.
These workers although they left two-thirds of their lives and all of their strength and energy in the mills, turning it into thousands of dollars for the mill owners, are themselves penniless. They are facing the poor house. They have to console themselves with the fact that they are not the only ones. In the last few months many a worker who has been used up, who toiled for almost half a century in the mill, was thrown into the streets by those whom they enriched.
Arlington Mill Worker.
The More Work --- The Less Pay
The Ayre mill of the American Woolen Company is changing over the Knowles looms into box drapers. The means they are going to run Draper looms with two shuttles. The weavers used to run two looms but they will have to run 6 with the improved Draper.
It will not mean easier work for the weaver because if the loom is improved with the number increased from two to six, the worker will be kept going every minuet of the working time.
The Ayre mill took its place alongside the other Lawrence Mills and increased speeding-up of the workers. The weavers will now produce three times as much, and receive practically the same wages as before. The machinery is improved. The American Woolen Company will make 3 times as much profits. Why is it that we the workers don't get anything from the improved machinery, but on the contrary have to speed and lose our health, when our wages remain the same or even are reduced? It's worth while thinking over this.
An Ayre Mill Weaver.
P. S. --- I would like to give you my name, but I would be fired for it.
Mill Tries Company Union And Welfare
BIDDEFORD, Me. --- (FP) Company unionism and welfare are the latest bids of Pepperell Mills management for their workers willingness to work without protest against low wages and speeding-up. The old weave shed is to be converted into a clubhouse for the workers, who are to be organized in a Social and Athletic Club, the company announces. The building will contain a front display room for Pepperell mills products, chiefly sheets, to further advertise the mill.
Huge signs have already put up on top of the mill and elaborate window displays of Lady Pepperell sheets sent where union labor has protested against the Pepperell products as non-union, displays have been hastily withdrawn. The firm is advertising heavily in national magazines. Pepperell workers have the multiple loom system which speeds them up without greater pay. The mills are now on a four day week basis. The United Textile Workers is trying to organize the workers. It has distributed handbill appeals to them.
The Bluff Is Out
The golden promises made by the bosses when they urge us to accept more speed-ups, are once more proven to be nothing but bluff. When we weavers of the Pacific mill No. 10, Room No. 4, were urged to accept an addition of 10 looms to the 10 that we are already running making it twenty looms, we were promised a $40 a week wage.
The weaver who took this bluff (by the way she is a member of the bosses council) made only $17 the second week. She worked only 3 and one-half days as the work that is done in a whole week with 10 looms can be done in half that time on twenty looms. She had to work twice as hard. Did she make twice as much? Not on your bet. The boss gets twice as much as the workers. But the workers when they accept twice as many looms as they had before not only work doubly hard but actually get a 50 per cent wage cut.
We weavers must refuse to accept any more speeding-up. We must refuse to take the bluff of the bosses. For more speeding up means much harder work and goodness knows that we work hard enough. It means also less pay and our pay is quite low now.
It also means more unemployment, more part time unemployment and of that we have plenty. We weavers of the Pacific Mill No. 10 must refuse the twenty looms. Our hands many times feels paralyzed on 10 looms. We must refuse to take the bosses bluff.
A weaver of the Pacific Mill No. 10.
In Support Of British Miners
To rally the American workers to the assistance of their struggling British brothers, the striking British miners, the International Workers Aid has arranged a mass meeting at Central Opera House, Tuesday evening, August 10th.
Among those who have been invited to speak are the following: James H. Maurer, President of the Pennsylvania State Federation of Labor; John Brophy, President of District 2 of the United Mine Workers of America and Powers Hapgood, who is well acquainted with the miners problems having worked in the mines in different countries throughout the world.
It is expected that the meeting will be packed to capacity as the workers in this country are interested in hearing the latest news of the brave struggle of the 1,250,000 miners and at the same time show that they stand shoulder to shoulder with them in solidarity until they are victorious in their fight.
Sick Woman Beaten Up; Faces Operation
Legal terrorism is again to be an instrument in the mill barons effort to crush the textile strike. That is the only conclusion to be drawn from the brutal attacks by police on strikers during the last two days and the savage sentences inflicted on these clubbed strikers when brought before the judges.
Early this morning police on duty at the Lodi picket line picked out Maggie Pitoeeo, aged seventeen, for a dose of brutality that was as shocking as it was unprovoked.
Maggie was marching in line with about three hundred other pickets at the entrance of the United Piece Dye Works in Lodi, when Officer Louis De Rosa sprang across the street and wrenched her brutally from the line shouting "you are under arrest, you damn .."
The men in the line were all he-men and did not witness the brutal assault unmoved. Even the woman in the line sprang at the police, so aroused were they, and a general melee followed.
The fight was over when Reta Varile, a striker, appeared on the scene and was knocked down by a Cossack. Her offense laid in inquiring the cause of the excitement. She had to be taken to a physician who declared an immediate operation necessary as the result of complications arising from the assault.
Maggie with five other women and two men strikers were arrested and arraigned before Judge McCarthy of Hackensack at nine o'clock, and before they were able to get in touch with union headquarters were given heavy sentences and fines. Seventeen-year-old Maggie was given six months for being beaten up by the police.
The union is appealing all cases, and will fight to a finish to block what on the face of it is a plain-attempt to remove and punish the leading spirits in the strike.
The entire working-class is being assailed in these savage attacks on the striking textile workers. These strikers are bearing the weight of the police attacks. The workers of the country must help defend them and feed them. Every worker should send his contribution at once to the Strikers Relief Committee at 743 Main Avenue, Passaic, N. J.
Playgrounds Unaffected by Competition
During the hot weather, the city officials of Passaic laid themselves out to help keep the children comfortable. They turned on the hose in the streets at a number of points. They had a wading pool in the First Ward Park. And the local newspapers fell all over themselves in eulogizing these strenuous efforts of the city to keep the children cool.
Some old residents of the city, however, noted with astonishment these sudden efforts. Never before had the officials established a wading pool. Seldom, if ever, had they opened the hydrants into the burning streets so that the children could bath and withstand the terrible heat. Never before had they worried whether the children were hot or cold in summer. And so people asked themselves; How come? Why this sudden solicitude?
The answer is easy to find. The Victory playground has been opened, where many, hundreds of strikers' children are taken daily to enjoy country air, shower bath, swings, basket-ball, and a number of other pleasures. The officials, that is to say, the mill owners, have been running a counter attraction in an attempt to draw the children away from the union playground.
Needless to say their clever scheme, like many another effort of theirs, has gone astray. The children prefer to come to the playground where they can learn about the strike and the class struggle. They are so well taken care of there that no competition is to be feared. In increasing numbers the children are flocking every day to Victory Playground and are returning every day healthier, and stronger, better equipped to grow into good fighters for the union.
Life of a Woman Worker in Lodi
The women working in the U. P. D. of Lodi make 18½ cents an hour, some of them 25’. The men make 32’ to 42’ an hour. Men working there 18 and 26 years make no more than 45’ to 50’ an hour. So you can just imagine the swell conditions one has.
The Stock Room of this mill is full to the top of goods lying there sometimes for years, and when the goods is brought to the Grey Room you smell mold that chokes you and makes you long for a bit of air. Also finding dead rats and creeping animals as roaches and bed bugs makes you vomit.
They have girls of fourteen years old who have to lift up pieces of goods that weigh 60 or more pounds, holding 185 yards of goods. This causes rupture. One girl has to lift this goods and make one bunch of it holding 15 pieces or more. These girls are called layers out.
Then there are the markers. They have to sit all day long and mark numbers on the goods by the machine. 240 pieces have to marked for the mill, and all over that they give you a bonus for. This doesn't amount to more than 50 or 75’ a day over your pay. You have to mark 4 or 5 hundred pieces and if one girl does it and another don't she'll get hell.
You sit all day and have little time even to go to the toilet and the bending over gives you stomach trouble and tuberculosis. You have to take the ends of the piece facing you and the rotten dirty things the goods holds make you look like a pig when you finish a day's work.
No wonder we are on strike now and are holding out firm until we can go back into that mill with better conditions.
Frances Ribardo,
A Lodi Delegate.
Police of Passaic in Action Again
The victorious furriers decided to come out to the Passaic Strikers and bring them a message of spirit and solidarity from their organization. As early as 1 o'clock workers began streaming in to the Hope Ave. Lots, at 2 o'clock the place was jammed. About 3 o'clock a wave of enthusiasm swept he crowd and from all over the place one could hear the shout, "The Furriers are here!" It was a wonderful demonstration. At about half past five the meeting was over, the workers began to leave very peacefully and sung our Union Songs. As soon as the Furriers came to the gate to get out, the police became wild and began clubbing men, women and children. A number of women furriers were beaten and arrested. Just because fellow worker Coco protested against such brutalities, he was beaten and arrested.
This was another attempt on the part of the bosses and police to discourage and, break the spirit of the workers. They shall fail now as miserably as they did in their other attempts. We know victory is near. We shall stand as firm and solid as we did up to now until a final VICTORY.
The time is short now, only three days remaining before Sunday, August 1st. Over two thousand tickets have been distributed and returns are coming in so quickly that all the office force has been helping to take them in. It looks as though we would have a record crowd at the picnic grounds in Athenia Sunday. We have ordered a nice warm sunny day from the weather man, and being women, we must have a pull with him. Remember, a pleasant day, Mr. Weather Man, and a warm one so that our soda and ice-cream and the other good things will sell like hot cakes. This is the first joint affair to be held by the Workingwomen's councils, since their organization and all indications are that it will be a big success.
Tickets may be obtained from Council members, from Leone Smith at strike headquarters, or from the following delegates: Anna Fischer, Rusko, Mary Boychik, Steve Gede, John Canazaro. The price of tickets is 25’ each. They will be sold at union mass meetings until Sunday.
Two New Councils Organized Recently
We have now nine of the Workingwomen's Councils, two new groups having been organized during the week. Council 8, Passaic, will meet every second Monday, at the 8th street picket line store, until larger quarters can be provided. An enthusiastic group of women promises good work in that part of the East Side. Council 9 is located in Lodi. A small beginning was made here when thirteen women organized themselves into a Council on Wednesday morning. They are not afraid of the unlucky number since they know that the Council will rapidly outgrow it. The women of these two groups have got to work at once selling tickets for the picnic, and all expect to be present at the grounds Sunday in Athenia.
The Brutality of the Cossacks of Lodi
Last week the owners of the U. P. D. W. thought that it was time to give new orders to the Cossacks of Lodi. That is, orders to break the strike. They saw that for twenty weeks we have stood firm, and nothing could break our ranks. So the bosses thought that it was necessary to use some new violence. They thought that in this way, the workers could be driven back into the mill.
On Monday, they arrested 3 fellow-workers and one was beaten by the Cossack so that he had to have two stitches on the nose. One of these workers is a delegate. On Tuesday morning they arrested eight strikers including our delegates. They also beat up the delegates and one of the other strikers and then put them all in jail on false charges.
Tuesday at noon three more arrested, one of them our good fellow-worker and delegate Sam Elam. Paul Grani suffered a cut on his head which was caused by a blackjack used by a mill sucker. So you see that the total number arrested was fourteen, six of them delegates.
Fellow-workers, you see their aims. They were thinking of arresting and beating up all the delegates and active strikers. Then giving them long sentences on false charges. But you see that this did not crush the spirit of the workers. On the contrary, it made them feel more like fighting. The fight was carried on just the same and even though some of them are still in jail, it will go on.
So fellow-workers we must stand FIRM and SOLID until VICTORY is ours.
Maggie Pitocco,
A Lodi Delegate.
How Children Are Fed at Playground
After a week and a system has been developed for feeding the many hundreds of children at the playground which works rapidly and smoothly. The children's meals, exclusive of milk, is placed in paper bags. Each child's bag contains two sandwiches, and a piece of fruit. The children form in several lines, each marshaled by a leader. After a preliminary tour of the ground, singing strike songs, they march past the distributing station where the bags are heaped up in large boxes and baskets. Each child is handed his bag from one of the women workers. He then passes on to the milk station where he receives his cup of milk.
The sandwiches are prepared beforehand inside the house by committees of women, most of them members of the Workingwomen's councils.
This method is cleanly, convenient and quick. It takes about three quarters of an hour to give lunch to all the children.
Women's Conference Meets
The second regular meeting of the United Women's Conference, held on July 10th at the Forward Building, New York City, reported excellent work in supporting the relief of the textile strikers children. The tag day and house to house collection held during the week of July 3rd to July 11th netted $2000.
The various units of the Conference are continuing to work enthusiastically in support of the strike. Some of the women have given up summer vacations in order to give their time to raising money.
Motions were passed providing for support of the picnic to be held on August 1st by the Workingwomen's Councils of Passaic and vicinity, and the Coney Island Stadium concert scheduled for August 28th.
The United Women's Conference, founded for the purpose of helping to feed the children of the Passaic strikers, is a permanent body holding monthly meetings. It is composed of delegates of women's organizations of New York and New Jersey. Among its members are the United Council of Workingclass Housewives and various neighborhood councils of New York, Brooklyn and Newark, affiliated with this organization, the Workingwomen's Councils, the Women's Educational Club, the Community Welfare League of Passaic, the Mother's Club of the Henry St. Settlement, New York, several branches of the Lithuanian Workingwomen's Alliance of America and others.
All organizations wishing to affiliate and join in this work of feeding the children of the textile strikers should communicate with the Secretary, Leona Smith, 743 Main Ave., Passaic.
Council Feeds Many Children
The United Council of Workingclass Housewives is now feeding a thousand children more on the Strikers Playground in Passaic with the cooperation and help of the United Women's Conference to help feed the Passaic children and other woman's organizations.
All who helped maintain the children's kitchens can see for yourselves what your help is doing. Come and visit the playground of the strikers' children. You will see the U. C. W. H. actually in action at these playgrounds where children are provided with play and everything that makes a child grow to a useful man or woman who will be able to take up the struggles of the workers.
Help us again in this splendid work to feed the children. Send your contributions and donations to U. C. W. H., 80 East 11th Street, Room 234, New York City.
Nine Year Old Aids Kiddies Milk Fund
Dear Comrades:
I, Milton Ritz, nine years old, have sold five dollars worth of milk tickets. I wish you success in your campaign.
Yours truly,
Milton Ritz.
Cossacks Launch New Attack On Kids
Collaborating with the textile bosses starvation offensive against the children of the textile strikers, the police Cossacks and courts in the strike area have launched a savage offensive against the strikers children.
Last night, 150 children marching past the sacred, but dungeon-like and dingy walls of Botany Mills, on their way to a mass meeting at Belmont Park, were attacked by Officer Max Meyer, a police man with a specially unsavory reputation, who attempted to break up the marching line of singing kiddies.
But the strikers kids were not to be intimidated. They come of heroic stock, as the world now knows. They kept their line and they kept on singing. Meyer, infuriated by the defiance of tiny tots, rushed the line and picked out one of the larger girls, Dickie Trask, and after abusing her in the most indecent language, heroically marched her off under arrest.
Kids Sing "Solidarity"
Dickie went along bravely, and the kids encouraged by her example, began singing "Solidarity." They called out to each other in the hearing of the cop, "She is not afraid, why should we be?" At the police station, Dickie was charged with leading a crowd of 150 children past Botany mills and encouraging them to sing and shout."
This morning before Judge Davidson, well-known for his mill sympathies, an attempt was made to railroad the girl to prison. The union lawyer, sensing this, and remembering the case of Maggie Pitocco, a 17-year old striker, who was sentenced last week to six months in jail, secured an adjournment to prepare more data on the case and find more witnesses.
Workers Must Help
Judge Davidson made no bones of his anxiety to send Dickie to jail if he gets the chance. "If you are convicted on this charge," he bawled at her, "you are going to jail."
Such is the desperation of the textile bosses and their tools in the strike area that they are willing to resort to the most despicable and stupid expedients in their futile, but tireless, attempts to crush the splendid spirit of the strikers, and break the strike. In this situation, the General Relief Committee of Textile Strikers appeals to the organized workers of the country to come to the aid of their sorely beset fellow workers in the Passaic strike zone. Milk for our children and money for defense will win the strike. This is the vital period of the struggle, this is the darkest hour before the dawn --- the dawn of union victory. Send in your contribution NOW and punch home the final victory.
Suffers Heart Attack in Dye Works
Ernest Leach, of 3 Clay Street, who was employed in the United Piece Dye Works at Hawthorne, died at 9:15 o'clock yesterday morning while at work. Death was due to an attack of heart failure, which was evidently caused by the excessive heat in the mill.
Workers are Ready Support Strikers
I am sending today remittance of $10.00 to the General Relief Committee Textile Strikers which is in settlement for two books of MEAL COUPONS sent me recently.
The workers everywhere are ready to support these brave and courageous strikers in their battle with the employers and their hired thugs and gunmen for the recognition of their union and for human conditions under which to work. They express great sympathy for children who are compelled to suffer under the conditions which the Textile Barons have forced upon them. I wish everyone could do their utmost in this work.
Joe Tzamavaros,
Cleveland, O.
Franco-Belgian Unit Sends $I00
Enclosed find money order for one hundred dollars to help the Passaic Textile Strikers keep up their gallant struggle against the Textile Barons.
This money is donated by the Franco-Belgian Unit of the Lawrence Relief Conference, we would like to send much more, but that is about all we have in our treasury at present. More will follow however.
The workers here have just gone through a long period of unemployment or part time employment but the Textile mills are beginning to pick up, and we believe, now is the time for a final blow at the United Front of the Textile Bosses.
Yours for One Industrial Union for the Franco-Belgian Unit of the United Front.
Paul Cannie.
Pledge Support Unto Victory
Dear Brothers:
Enclosed you will find a check for $14.00 as an additional weekly contribution from the Workers of Meyers Hat Company.
Allow me to say that we will not tire of supporting you until you gain a victorious settlement.
We are convinced that your bosses will eventually see the futility of their stubbornness and recognize your organization.
Hoping this will be soon, we remain,
Fraternally yours,
Workers of Meyers Hat Co.
S. Brickman, Committee.
Brooklyn, N. Y.
What They Say, And What They Do
On Friday, July 23, Mayor McGuire of Passaic, N. J., told newspaper reporters that he had never driven A. F. of L. men out of Passaic. He further declared he would be always glad to welcome the A. F. of L to Passaic.
On the same day, and to the same set of reporters, Commissioner Abram Preiskel, director of public safety, also denied he had ever driven A. F. of L. men out of town. He, too, declared that he would be suffocated with joy to welcome the A. F. of L to Passaic.
All of this was to the tune of the mill bosses swan song that they will never, never talk settlement with Albert Weisbord.
It is just possible that these notoriously partisan officials might have fooled the unthinking, but for the fact that their bluff was called two days later.
On Sunday, July 24, a delegation of A. F. of L. men, members of the New York Furriers Union, came to Passaic in a demonstration of solidarity with the textile strikers. These fur workers, whose union is affiliated with the A. F. of L., were molested and harassed by Passaic police. Ten of them were brutally clubbed and nine locked up.
So quickly is the hypocrisy of the Passaic public officials exposed by their own actions. What they say, and what they do are as different as night and day.
The only way for the workers to answer this hypocrisy is by emphatically demonstrating that they are not hoodwinked, and that can best be done by contributing generously to strike relief. We have got the bosses and their lackeys on the run now. Help punch home the deciding blow. Money for relief and milk for the children will do it. Send your contribution in at once to General Relief Committee of Textile Strikers, 743 Main Avenue, Passaic, N. J.
Inhuman and Brutal Assault
A demand for an "immediate investigation of the unprovoked and brutal assault of police upon union workers visiting Passaic Sunday" was made by the American Civil Liberties Union in telegrams to Mayor McGuire of Passaic, Gov. A. Harry Moore of New Jersey, and Senator Borah in Washington.
Forrest Bailey, a director of the Union, designated "as 'illegal" the attack by police upon "defenseless workers" and upon four women who had done nothing provocative. His protest was made in the "name of a large body of citizens devoted to the preservation of the constitutional right of peaceful assemblage."
The telegram follows:
"We request immediate investigation of the unprovoked and brutal assault by police upon union workers visiting Passaic, yesterday afternoon. Eyewitnesses of the attack on defenseless workers report that four women who had done nothing to incite such illegal-action were beaten by the police and that persons who attempted to interfere in behalf of peace and order, were likewise clubbed unmercifully. One of them, Mr. F. Coco, a textile union organizer, is now in the care of a physician.
"In the name of a large body of citizens devoted to the preservation of constitutional right of peaceful assemblage, we respectfully protest against this outrageous and inhuman assault."
The Children's Playground
By Lena Chernenko.
The children of the textile workers in Passaic and vicinity for the first time in their lives are getting a real vacation. Due to the very small wages the textile workers are receiving it was impossible for them to keep the family from starvation, leave alone vacation. Only when the workers decided to go on strike and during the strike period to strengthen and build the union, is it possible for the children to get what they should really have all the time.
The playground has swings, sea-saws, showers, sand-house, and many other things that are enjoyed by children. The children are divided into groups of 30 with leaders at the head, playing, singing and learning the spirit of solidarity. These children are growing up into good fighting union men and women.
Fellow-workers send your children to the playground. Help them grow up into real fighters for labor.
The busses come daily to take the children at the following points:
1. Belmont Park.
2. 170 3rd Street.
5. New Street, Lodi.
Labor Paper Calls Passaic Strike Test Case for All Workers
PASSAIC, N. J. --- "The textile strike is a test case as to how far he profiteers may go in their brutal reign over defenseless workers and a test as to the fitness of the Jersey officials to continue in power," declares the Upholsterers Journal, organ of the Upholsterers International Union of North America.
The Furriers Visit Us
The New York have been more than an inspiration to the textile strikers.
First of all these fine fighters sent us check upon check --- one for $1,000 --- while they were still on strike.
Then they showed to the world it what solidarity and intelligent organization can accomplish when they brought the bosses on their knees, winning many of their demands and the most important one --- the 40-hour week.
The victory came like a powerful inspiration to us during our hard battles. We picked up new courage and went on more determined than ever, and we are still in splendid trim.
On Sunday the Furriers wanted to visit us and see what we were up to. It was a beautiful day. Ten thousand workers had gathered in their meeting and were waiting to welcome the visitors.
But another rude awakening was to be experienced. Without the slightest provocation the police, drunk and riotous, attacked the visitors in their buses, tore off their banners and pummeled them as if they had been low down cattle.
When the meeting was over, after a most impressive demonstration of solidarity and fellowship, the brutal Cossacks again began their clubbing. For a long time they kept the visitors in the lots where they had gathered and would not let them out to go home. They were held virtual prisoners. Then followed a number of arrests and brutalities such as shame the most abominable events in history.
Behind all this are the mill owners. As tools are the local and state authorities. Had such outrages been committed by the workers, the nation with all its force of arms would be used to put them down.
But the mill owners and their willing tools are never so much as questioned about their assaults upon orderly and peaceful workers.
Good and well. These assaults will not be without effect. In the days to come they will count mightily against the powers of tyranny and will be the background for a powerful revolt and in the long run will militate against the present inhuman system that now makes slaves of the workers.
Another Frame Up
On Tuesday night, after the monster mass meeting where 10,000 workers again pledged themselves to the cause for which they have fought over half a year, the police [snooped] around the car in which Organizer Weisbord and other workers were taken to the headquarters.
When the car stopped the Cossacks grabbed Weisbord and told him he was obstructing the traffic.
Later they placed him under arrest for having concealed weapons in his possession. To prove that he had concealed weapons the cops picked up a big knife in the car that Weisbord had come home in and only after he was up in the office did they discover this instrument.
That is pretty clumsy.
Between the time Weisbord left the car and the "discovery" of this deadly weapon these cops could have planted a machine gun or a cannon in the car, and we are surprised that they didn't lug a battleship there to complete the frame-up.
Weisbord was released under $25 bail right away. In court the next morning he said he had never seen the knife, and it was clear that the tools of the mill barons had simply planted this weapon. But the judge could not see it that way. He held Weisbord to the grand jury under $200 bail.
Maybe the workers will do something at the next election to rid the community of such trash.
Mary Yurko
No, Mary Yurko is not dead this is not her obituary. She is a striker, and she is very much alive.
Mary was in the relief office for some time and helped with the mailing. She looked so frail and she was so little that we walked up to her and asked, "Are you a striker or are you just one of the children?"
"Oh I am a striker," she replied blushing.
"How old are you?"
"How long did you work in the mill?"
One year."
"You worked in the mill one year before the strike and you have been out on strike over half a year --- then you were only a little over thirteen when you started in the mill."
"Which mill did you work in?"
"The Botany?"
"How much did you get when you started?"
"$7.45 a week."
"Your father and mother living? How many children in the family?"
"Mother and five children."
Your father?"
"He is dead."
"How much did he get while he worked?"
"$22 a week."
"And there wasn't much saved up when he died, how soon after his death did you go to work?"
"Two weeks."
"Did your mother work too?"
"No, she has always been sickly."
"So you were the only support of the family?"
"What did you have for food?"
"Oh --- bread, potatoes, soup, --- we bought some soup meat, --- coffee. I guess that's all."
"Did you have milk?"
"No. O, yes ---condensed milk sometimes."
"What do you burn --- coal? How much a year?"
"About two tons --- we buy it by the bushel, we pay $1 a week on the coal bill."
"$22 a month for four rooms --- small rooms, of course."
"But how did you make it? Didn't you have any other income? How could you live?"
"I don't know."
"Did you get a raise?"
"Yes, after three months I got $8.10 a week, then $9.45 and the last two weeks before the strike I got $10 30."
"Did you want to go out on strike?
"Of course. We couldn't live. What else was there to do?"
So Mary Yurko, thin and worn out, a year in the mill, running two spooling machines --- one with 250 and the other with 350 spools, came out on strike with the rest, and she will stick to the bitter end. For if she goes back she will die in a few years at most. She believes the union will help protect her and give her a chance to live.
Maybe the Citizens Committee could learn something from this worker. But we can hardly expect that much.
This Strike Must Be Won
The strike s still 100 per cent. It must not become any less. The scabs are so few that they are only an expense to the mills. The strikers are more determined than ever in their battle.
But relief must continue. If we cannot feed the strikers as we have done, it will be hard for them to exist. There has been a slump in receipts during the summer. That was to be expected. But now the workers are getting down to business again and relief is increasing. Still we must have more. This is no time to get lazy. Make up for lost time by sending in your dollars now.
Nothing can beat the strikers but starvation. They have faith in the working class of America and they have not been mistaken. The strikers are serving the workers of this country in a most powerful way. Let labor keep these strikers in shape to fight till they win. For with their victory the whole American working class wins a victory.
Textile Strike Bulletin
The United Front of the Workers against the United Front of the Bosses
Vol. 1. No. 23 Passaic N. J. Friday, August 6, 1926
On To Victory
Now in the seventh month of our strike we are stronger than ever before. Our solidarity remains unbreakable. The committee that was chosen to represent us has already arranged for a full meeting of the national executive board of the United Textile Workers of America to take up the question of our joining with the broad stream of the labor movement --- the American Federation of Labor.
We are taking every step to remove all obstacles standing in the way of a settlement of our strike and preparing the way of our affiliation with the United Textile Workers of America. Every step that we are taking is in line with policies long ago accepted by the strikers. Every step is in the interests of our union. We started out to win this strike, to build a strong, powerful union of the textile workers in Passaic and vicinity and to unite this union with our fellow textile workers in a national organization.
We are winning all along the line. There must be no slackening in our fight. The strike is on and we will fight on to victory. When we go back to work we will go back with a strong union and we will win our major demands. We have prepared the way for a settlement. It is up to the mill owners to make the necessary moves to end the strike. Organized labor all over the country will continue to support us until we win.
Close the Ranks! Stand Firm! Battle on to Victory!
Twelve Thousand Vote Unanimously to Join American Federation of Labor
Monster Demonstration by Huge Throng Cheering United Textile Workers
Albert Weisbord, organizer of the Passaic textile strike which ends its twenty-seventh week Saturday, made the following personal statement to the 12,000 strikers in Hope Ave. Lots on the occasion of the vote of the workers to place settlement in the hands of a disinterested group of citizens, and ask for affiliation with the United Textile Workers of America.
"While I have repeatedly said that I would be glad to step aside at any time in the interests of the workers, nevertheless I heartily agree with Senator Borah when he says that I should not resign until the way is clear for someone else to take up the work of organizing the workers. Certainly I shall not step aside until there are definite guarantees made for settlement on the basis of the recognition of the workers union, nor will the United Front Committee disband until negotiations have reached such a point where the workers can join the United Textile Workers without any danger of the employers breaking their strike."
In introducing the resolution to the workers at the meeting held Saturday at 6:45 p. m. said in part:
"In advising the workers to adopt the resolution I am faced with two alternatives. On the one hand there is a possibility of a speedy and honorable settlement of the strike on the basis of a recognition of the union of the workers if the workers affiliate themselves to the United Textile Workers of the American Federation of Labor. On the other hand, if there is no such affiliation, there is a certainty of a continued struggle for some time to come, and while I feel no doubt about the final outcome and that the workers fighting independently will win this struggle, nevertheless I certainly feel that it is in the best interest of the workers and that it is my duty to tell them so, to advise them to join the United Textile Workers and thus bring the strike to a speedy and just end.
"It should be remembered that from the very beginning I have repeatedly stated that we should join the main stream of the American labor movement as represented by the American Federation of Labor. The very name that we chose, the United Front Committee, proves that this was our purpose. We did not wish to form another and dual union, separate and apart from the textile union of the American Federation of Labor. Rather has it been always our aim to form one united front of the workers against the united front of the bosses, to organize the unorganized workers on the basis of a struggle against the present system of exploitation and to amalgamate all unions in the textile industry into one powerful union, taking in all of the textile workers in America.
"This resolution therefore, not only carries out in the best practical way the immediate interests of the workers, but it also carries out our policy of unity and harmony in the workers ranks in their struggle against the employers."
Again the 12,000 voted with their union cards, unanimously, enthusiastically. The demonstration surpassed any previous one since the strike started.
For Unity by Affiliation with the American Federation of Labor
Resolution Submitted to the Striking Textile Workers of Passaic, New Jersey. July 31, 1926.
In order to remove the obstacles, real or fancied that stand in the way of a speedy and honorable settlement, be it resolved:
First --- That the settlement of the existing strike and negotiations with employers are hereby placed in the hands of a disinterested committee of citizens of W. Jett Lauck of Washington, D. C., Henry T. Hunt of New York and Helen Todd of New York with F. P. Walsh as member in absentio.
Second --- that they are hereby given plenary powers to represent us in the settlement of the strike through Senator Borah at Washington, or through any other mediation or adjustment agency.
Third --- That the said committee is further empowered to conduct a special election, by secret ballot, for the striking textile workers of Passaic and vicinity, for the purpose of establishing a union with officers and committees to deal with representatives of the mills, and
Fourth --- the said committee is further empowered to negotiate and arrange with the United Textile Workers of the American Federation of Labor, for the admission of this duly organized union into the United Textile Workers of America.
Recommended by the United Front Committee of Textile Workers of Passaic and Vicinity and passed by the striking textile employees Passaic and Vicinity, in mass meeting assembled July 31, 1926.
Albert Weisbord, Chairman.
Attest: Gustav Deak, Secretary.
Passaic Strike Relief Chairman Urges Support Until Definite Settlement
Warns Against Slowing Up of Essential Relief Because of Settlement Talk
Alfred Wagenknecht, chairman of the General Relief Committee of the textile strikers of Passaic and vicinity, today issued a statement urging the labor unions and other organizations sympathetic to the strikers cause to continue relief contributions until the strike is definitely settled. He pointed out the danger of being lead, by settlement talk, to discontinue or slow down on relief, and stressed the increasing demands of the relief organization in this, the twenty-eighth week of the great textile struggle. The statement follows:
"Reports of the settlement negotiations now going on, under the auspices of Senator Borah, should not be permitted to slow up relief. These negotiations are likely to drag through several weeks. In the meantime, the work of feeding the children and families of the strikers must continue if the fruits of victory are not to be lost at very moment when prospects are brightest.
"Without the generous aid of organized labor and sympathetic organizations, the strike could not have been brought to the present promising stage. It was this aid that defeated the textile bosses starvation offensive and their barbarous attempt to break the strike with the cries of hungry children. In the period of negotiations before us, organized labor must continue to support relief. To slow up on relief would be to play into the hands of the textile bosses, who all along have been trying to isolate us and cut off essential relief.
"Even if settlement negotiations take up less time than anticipated, the General Relief Committee will be compelled to issue relief cards for several weeks after the workers have returned victorious to the mills. The workers will not receive a pay envelope until the expiration of two weeks, and for these weeks they must be supported by us.
"Furthermore, the work of building up the sickly, puny bodies of the strikers children must be continued even after the strike is over. These victims of the mill bosses inhumanity will need our assistance just as long as we can give it.
"Every labor union, conference and sympathetic organization is asked to carry through to success every activity at present planned and to plan as many new activities as possible. Tag days and house to house collections must be held at once. Books of seals for Milk and meals for textile strikers children should be obtained and sold as fast as possible. Contribution lists should be secured and every effort made to collect money for relief. Nothing must be overlooked that will bring in money to enable the strikers to carry on through this difficult period."
Alfred Wagenknecht, Chairman,
General Relief Committee of Textile Strikers.
743 Main Avenue, Passaic, N. J.
Philadelphia Workers Are Sending Relief
Report by Clara Thomas, Phil., Relief Organizer
"The Phil. Workers will send relief and support until your strike is won."
We find these pledges and sentiment in nearly all the trade unions and other workers organizations that our committees visit. For example:
The Bakers and Confectionery Union local No. 201 told our committee to tell the strikers that they are not only sending them wishes for their victory but will support them as long as they stay out and until they Win a Union. Here is $100 to
begin with. Then in the meeting of the Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union Local 98 after hearing our committee tell the story of Passaic, a motion was unanimously passed to donate $50. One member got up and said to the committee: Mr. Chairman, I want to tell the delegates that I am a member of organized labor 12 years and I have seen and helped many strikers in those 12 years and I feel that I know a real strike when I see one, or hear of one and in my opinion I think the Textile Strike in Passaic is a real genuine strike for an union and the strikers are out for demands that all trade unionists should support."
Then we visited the American Federation of Musicians and they donated $150 for the children's kitchen. The Carpenters Local 1061 donated $25 in May and $60 in June and told the committee to come again if the strike continues.
These are just a few incidents. The warm reception our committees get at union meetings is so encouraging to our relief workers in Phil. that we have a hard time getting delegates to do anything else but visit unions.
Besides visiting unions we go to take collections in shops and many textile mills and hosiery mills in Kensington. And here is another example of the solidarity of our textile workers in the Philadelphia Mills with the Textile strikers in Passaic and vicinity. In Chas. P. Cochrane's carpet mill many workers asked our committee why it did not come last week for a collection. "Be sure to send someone next week," they said. In another mill, this time a hosiery mill, a girl said, "Here's my weekly 50’, that's little, I know, I wish I could help them on the Picket line but I have a mother to support."
Slavic Committee Urges All Workers to Get Into Union
Also Send Apologies for Passaic Brutalities against Visiting Furriers
The Executive Committee of the Associated Slavic Societies and Parishes issued the following statement today, renewing its advice to strikers to join the union.
"At a regular weekly meeting of the Slavic Executive Committee held Tuesday the third of August, at the office of Chairman William R. Vanecek, 172 Passaic street, the Committee unanimously adopted a motion to call upon all working people of this vicinity, men, women and children, to join the union without any further delay.
"It is evident that there can be no peace and that this strike can never end unless the right of organization of the working
is granted and the union duly established. It is evident that we have reached this point, that the STRIKE IS WON AND THE UNION, now duly organized, will be affiliated with the United Textile Workers of America, which is a branch of the great American Federation of Labor.
"It is evident that only then will we have a reign of peace and better conditions for our people, when all of them will be members of the Union and so constitute a real united and not a divided people. It is evident that, while we do not as yet
have the assurance of the mills that they will accept the American Federation of Labor, nevertheless there is no room for doubt that the mills, will soon fall in line and agree to the wishes of Senator Borah and all the working people of this vicinity and their friends. We therefore, earnestly call upon the working people to join the Union while it is not too late, and so establish a unity and peace amongst themselves and all other people of Passaic and vicinity."
The meeting sent the following letter to the furriers of New York City.
Mr. Ben Gold, Chairman, Furriers Union,
22 East 22nd street,
New York City.
Dear Sir:
The Slavic Executive Committee of Passaic and vicinity desires to express its sympathy with you and your comrades who were unjustly and brutally attacked and beaten in Passaic last Sunday, the 26th of July, when it was the duty of everyone in this city to respect you as our welcome guests.
We trust that you were made acquainted with the protest of our committee, which appeared in the Passaic papers the day after the infamous clubbing.
May we ask you to be good enough to extend our expression of sympathy to your members, especially to those little girls who were victims of brutality and whom we saw at the Police Headquarters, also at strike headquarters, at Passaic. I assure you that we will see to it that Passaic shall be liberated from the hands of the oppressors of labor in the near future, and that labor men and women will have no reason to fear to come to visit their brothers and sisters in Passaic. With kindest regards and best wishes, sincerely yours,
Associated Societies and Parishes of Passaic and Vicinity,
William R. Vanecek,
Members of Community Church Give $247.36
Dear Sirs:
The enclosed check for $247.36 represents donations made in response to a special appeal to members of the Community Church in behalf of the children of the textile strikers, and also money made by a benefit dance given at the church house.
These contributions were made for the children of the strikers, and more specifically for the milk fund. Will you therefore please have them used for this purpose?
Sincerely yours,
Marion S. Severn,
Chairman, Community Church,
Committee for Passaic Strike Relief.
What a Stranger from Ohio Saw among the Strikers
Now that there are so many rumors in the air regarding the successful termination of the long drawn out struggle of the 16,000 textile workers of Passaic N. J. and vicinity, what I am about to say about this great event may not have the same effect it would have had a month ago.
Of course, like many others of the working class away from the actual conflict, I had read a great deal about the strike; the courage and solidarity of the strikers, the police brutalities, the splendid work of the relief committees, etc. Still I did not fully realize how big a thing it was and is until I actually got on to the ground.
It was on the Fourth of July, "Independence Day" (certainly a fitting day for such a struggle). They were having a picnic, these 16,000 striking textile workers and their families and when I saw them I thought, "surely they must all be there."
I drove all the way from Brooklyn, N. Y. through lines of traffic congestion and finally over a long stretch of dusty road out of Passaic to see this picnic. You can believe I was anxious to get a glimpse of these workers in revolt, about whom I had heard so much.
Now when most folks think of a picnic there are visions of swimming, rowing, games, dancing and plenty of good eats. This picnic was conspicuous by the absence of all of the things most folks consider necessary for a picnic. But it had something about it that made all the "necessary" things seem unnecessary and insignificant. There were pretzels and pop on sale. I bought two pretzels when I came into the grounds and though I was hungry, I ate a half of one pretzel and never thought of food for several hours.
Scattered on all sides of a great near circle of marchers five or six abreast, were thousands of human beings; the bent bodies of men and women prematurely old, girls and boys in their teens, pale-faced and hollow chested children. The marchers were mainly young folks singing as they trudged along keeping half time to the music of an Italian Band which was nothing if not lively. There were whispers of "mass picketing tomorrow". This seemed to give everyone a thrill for mass picketing had been forbidden by the constituted authorities, "doncher know."
The real thrill came when Weisbord, their leader, mounted the platform and started to speak. A great cheer arose and a clapping of hands. Then we all crowded in uncomfortably close and listened for an hour or more to a talk on "Americanism" --- not the kind advocated by the Ku Klux Klan, the Chambers of Commerce and the American Legion. No, Weisbord told them that Americanism means to fight against tyranny, against oppression, against the cutting of wages, against long hours of labor, etc. And he told them the way to fight against these things and for better conditions is through organization --- Unity. By presenting a United Front to the enemy.
He closed amidst cheers. Then there was singing by the young folks. "Solidarity," "Hold the Fort," etc.
Before I left I entered into the spirit of the thing. I had felt the power of the mass in action. I had seen men and women of many nationalities who a few months before had been willing slaves at the machines working, eating, sleeping, knowing only a few neighbors at most, probably hating all other nationalities but their own; now singing songs of revolt, fraternizing with their fellow workers of many nationalities, white and black, now speaking the same language as all of their fellows, the language of "Industrial Solidarity."
I saw girls in their teens probably ordinary girls a few months ago, chewing gum, flirting with the boys, singing likely "Yes, We Have No Bananas," now taking actual leadership and giving fire and steel to their fighting comrades in the great struggle. I saw young men who before the strike had been principally likely interested in baseball and pretty girls, now directing and marshalling the forces of this great struggle. I know as never before why Weisbord is hated by the mill barons and their hirelings. He is the personification of the things for which these 16,000 workers fight and fight effectively.
I attended several meetings after that at Belmont Park and Lodi and always there was the same spirit which is best expressed in the words "fight on!" It was just not the spirit of youthful folly, but spirit of bull dog tenacity manifested by down-trodden slaves who had learned how to fight, had become conscious of their own power and had determined to use it to gain the things they want.
I was there when the "Citizens Committee" was organized. I spoke at some of their meetings and my denunciations of this pack of wolves in sheep's clothing were greeted with great cheers. I pointed out to them that we of the working class all over the country were helping Passaic workers because the working class everywhere is in the same boat and that we must sink or swim together. They certainly appreciated this, too.
I said to myself and of course to everyone whom I met "Here is a strike which is being well conducted. Here is a strike where in the first place the workers have suffered together --- that has suffered en masse so much that the logical thing was to fight en masse. However, this fight has been so led and conducted that that mass spirit has been educated and not led blindly into the slaughter of the bosses.
However, most folks with logical minds would ask, "How is it possible to maintain this fighting spirit for weeks and months, even for more than a half a year with no immediate prospects of an end. Surely workers who were already underpaid even with the greatest enthusiasm would get discouraged and quit after the first few weeks." The only answer is THE RELIEF COMMITTEE.
The relief office is a most efficient unit employing only a few skilled workers, the main part of the work being done by strikers (the same boys and girls who lead the picket lines and sing songs at the mass meetings). I should like to mention names in my praise of the tireless workers who work all day until midnight and even sometimes until the wee small hours of the morning, writing letters, sending out appeals, etc. However, these workers get joy from their work, for like the militant youth who are leading the strike, they realize that this strike is only a part of the great world struggle of the workers against bosses; of the employed against the employer; of the worlds dispossessed against the possessors of the worlds wealth. These workers realize that nothing else matters but the successful issue of that struggle.
So the relief office is well managed. The money that is being sent in from organized labor all over the country is being so well spent in the four relief stores, the three soup kitchens and the one clothing store that the strikers reply to the ravings of the Citizens Committee about Communist propaganda, "If it is a Communist propaganda to tell the rest of the workers about our conditions and to ask them to help us, let's have more Communist propaganda! If Communists are the folks who can lead us to victory over the mill barons, were for the Communists every time! If it is Communism to help us win our strike by giving us food and clothing and milk and vacations for our children, let's have more Communism!"
John W. Marshall of [Chicago] visited the strike area several weeks ago.
Figures Tell Story of Woolen Mills
The American Woolen Company issues reports every year and these reports are not always kept a secret. So we felt that it would be interesting to the workers in Lawrence as well as in other textile centers to look at the actual condition in this particular company and remember that other mills are no less prosperous.
According to reports, the total assets for the following years ending December 31 of each year were:
1919 --- $133,174,043
1920 --- $126,945,332
1921 --- $131,886,844
1922 --- $135,876,733
1923 --- $152,622,956
1924 --- $142,602,825
The working capital was as follows:
1919 --- $59,103,261
1920 --- $63,602,009
1921 --- $62,780,623
1922 --- $70,160,613
1923 --- $81,364,960
1924 --- $62,959,723
Final income on surplus for following years ending December 31:
1919 --- $2,470,196
1920 --- $2,723,531
1921 --- $6,406,648
1922 --- $10,654,601
1923 --- $14,739,379
1924 --- $11,969,836
Note: The Sawsheen mill with assets on December 31, 1924 of $14,300,931 and the Webster Mills with assets on the same date of $6,027,378 are controlled by the American Woolen Company, but are not included in the above records.
Any plea of poverty by these mills will fall like water on a duck's back if used as an argument to intelligent workers. Others will sit down and get soaked.
It is quite clear that this tremendous wealth has not been created by the mill owners. It is equally clear that it has been created by the workers.
But the workers have none of this wealth that they have created. It is in the hands of the millionaire bosses who still want more at the expense of the workers.
The bosses are organized and are in control of all the powers of oppression, the police and the courts and all other instruments of force.
We workers must organize for our own protection or we will become virtual slaves and die in utter poverty.
Bad Conditions
Andover, Mass.
I was a worker in the Smith and Dove Mills until recently and never worked under such bad conditions outside of that mill. The bosses there have the workers completely under their thumbs. They are afraid to call their souls their own. The workers are speed-up like real machines on one day and told to take a vacation on the next one.
Many of the workers there make about $11 for three days of work a week. On this big sum they have families to support. The cost of living is very high. The workers are dissatisfied but do not complain for fear of being fired. The bosses are so eager to make money for the Co. that many times they do the work which should be done by the workers. The poor Co. is more in need than the workers.
A Smith and Dove Worker.
Sample Weavers Get Raw Deal
At the mill where I am employed, the Ayer Mill, a plant of the American Woolen Co., the weavers on samples used to be paid by the hour on their sample looms and piece work on their regular work. This is the rule nearly all over the country on piece dye goods. This is the rule because in weaving samples there is a great loss of time on the part of the weaver and much more time is required in sample weaving than in regular weaving. To make up for the loss, the weaver is paid by the hour rather than by the piece of work as is done on regular work.
Lately however, the overseer of the weaving room, taking advantage of the unemployment which is the result of the speeding-up introduced by the greedy mill owners, decided to have us weave samples on two looms and at the same rate paid for doing regular work. Which means that one weaving a 10 yard sample is paid at the same rate per yard as one weaving an 800 yard warp. A worker then who gets samples on his two looms works very hard and makes far below twenty a week for a full week's pay. The weavers are very much discontented but because they are not organized they do not dare to kick.
An Ayer Mill Weaver.
Help Wanted
Extra! Extra! Help Wanted, Male or Female! Wanted in Pacific mills a few efficiency experts who can devise some more ways of speeding-up the workers. We have had experts who have speeded up our workers 100 per cent within the last few years but much more speeding up is still needed.
For instance, the work that a few years ago took two or three men is taken care of by one man now. Of course this has forced many a worker into the street, but this is where he belongs for being a loafer. However, the workers still have some energy left at the end of the day, much energy is still used up in talking and walking to and from work, and in reading during lunch hours that terrible Bulletin that tells about those 16,000 strikers of Passaic who dared to refuse a wage cut. All this wasted eating, walking, reading and sleeping, energy must be turned into some more profits of which the company is badly in need.
For instance, in 1919 the poor company was worth only $40,000,000. In the year of 1925 its value amounted to 80,000,000. This excludes the ten millions of dollars paid out in dividends and the other expenses taxes, interest, etc. As even a blind man can see, the company is losing heavily. Only a few good efficiency men can get it out of its present state of bankruptcy.
Men of science! Lovers of Humanity! You must come to the rescue. Ample rewards await those who are qualified! Please apply to our Employment Bureau. Don't be scared to see many people at the office who come every day asking for work, they are only loafers. Push through the crowd and announce yourself as the Savior.
A Sweet Surprise
Lowell, Mass.
After returning to work after a two weeks vacation, our dear agent, Mr. Gallant sprung a sweet surprise upon us weavers of the Silk Mill of Lowell.
During his vacation, Mr. Gallant, who is very much interested in the welfare of his workers, spent all his time thinking and planning how best he can greet and welcome us when we return from the seashores.
And finally he hit upon a fine idea. As soon as we entered the most sanitary mill in Lowell where the windows are always shut (where the toilet windows are nailed down) and the average temperature is 90 degrees, he sprung this pleasant surprise upon us: The Company's Readjustment plan.' You still don't seem to know what it is. It is nothing but 6 looms and a 30 per cent wage cut.
And why this magnanimity?
Here are the reasons:
1. The company is losing money. Last year it lost it's head. (We later found out that the company made $800,000.00 net profit last year.)
2. Our wages are too high --- $15-$18 a week on an average for experienced weaver (many of them have families to support) and $8-$15 a week on the average for the rest.
And now you must be anxious to know how we accepted this Readjustment? We took our coats, all the weavers, about 180 strong, followed by our faithful loomfixers --- and out we went.
We got ourselves a hall, elected a strike committee --- and by golly it is a good one --- organized our pickets --- and you can see them on the line in rain or shine --- determined to stick out until Mr. Gallant changes his mind.
A Determined Striker.
Still Speeding Up
Andover, Mass.
I am a weaver in the Marland mills and I would like to try and explain the conditions and the speeding-up systems that are in this plant. Where we used to run one loom with 19 picks and one kind of filling, we run now two looms with 36 picks for the same money. The average wage being from $17 to $21 a week for experienced weavers.
The wool which we get to weave is very bad, it is almost impossible to work with. There are weeks in which we make very little money. The mill owners seem to be making plenty of money despite their cry that they are losing. Within the last two years they built up two new weave rooms, one extra out building and one doing repairs all over the plant. In those new rooms they have placed 48 automatic looms which are taken care of by twelve men. When the men complained that it was too hard for them to run that number of looms, they were told that if they did not like it they could get the hell out of there.
The workers in the card room are also very poorly paid, the wage being $17 a week for mending 3 and four cards. The workers are afraid to complain because there is not much work.
The speeding-up brought about the unemployment. If a weaver makes bad cloth which is a result of the bad wool that we get, he is fined one cent a yard.
Marland Weaver.
Wise Miss Wise
(Editorial from Oklahoma City Oklahoman)
Miss Justine Waterman Wise, daughter of Rabbi Stephen S. Wise of New York, comes of a family whose outstanding characteristic is to hunt earnestly and honestly for the facts and to speak them out boldly when they have been established. Her father has shown this quality conspicuously several times at considerable cost to himself and he has a daughter after his own heart.
Miss Justine had read and heard contradictory reports as to the situation in the textile mills at Passaic and came to the conclusion that the only way to find how the matter really stood was to go over and study conditions on the spot, if possible from the inside. So she secured a position in one of the mills, and worked several months beside the poor exploited foreign girls, till her employers discovered that she had a college education and discharged her. The reason why having attended a university disqualified her for employment is pretty certainly a reason which does not reflect credit on the mill owners.
But the young woman had been a mill operative long enough to learn for herself, beyond any possibility of doubt, who was principally to blame for the disagreement, which resulted in the strike. Of 100 applicants for strike relief whose credentials were studied by another investigator, only two had been paid as much as $35 a week, and the average for the 100 was nearer $15. Miss Wise claims to have discovered that various laws concerning conditions of factory labor, such as the one prohibiting night work for women, and the one demanding a lunch period at intervals of a few hours, were constantly ignored, and that the laborers dared not protest. An extensive spy system was in such successful operation that every new employee was long under suspicion with his fellow workers and she reports that she never heard such phrases as "trade unions" and "labor movement" even whispered inside a mill. The policy of the Passaic textile manufacturers is to encourage racial and national antagonism among the workers and it was not till the strike brought leisure and fraternization that many of these poor foreigners began to learn English or came to know each other sufficiently well to realize that they all had kind hearts and honest intentions. It is a sad commentary on human nature that it often takes a common enemy to make men friends.
"Read 'Em and Weep"
On July 2 some Lawrence newspapers carried an interesting news item giving the report of the business done by the Pacific Mills for the first six months of this year. The report stared off with this sad refrain:
"Profits of Pacific Mills show Decline." The subheading further laments that for the same period last year profits were twice as much. The report comes from the Boston office of the company.
Here is the bad news. "The net operating PROFITS are $1,552,621."
"READ 'EM AND WEEP" Textile Workers of Lawrence.
This means that in the six months operation of the Pacific Mills, the entire expense of operation including the big fat Salaries of the officials and hangers on and who knows what other non-inherent expense? There is left a PROFIT of $1,552,621.
Remember, workers of the Pacific Mills, times "are bad' so don't you dare go to your boss and ask for a living wage, the first thing you know he will put you down as a Bolshevik.
By the way, this same report says that last year for the first six months profits were twice as much. WERE YOUR WAGES DOUBLE LAST YEAR WHAT THEY ARE NOW?
And furthermore this report says that it is the opinion of leaders in the industry that business is going to be better for the balance of this year. WHAT IS AWAITING YOU?
OFFICE --- 81 Common St.
A Lamuglia.
Silk Workers Strike For Union
Bangor, Pa. --- Silk Workers of Korn Bros. at Bangor, Pa. are striking for improvements of their conditions and reinstatement of discharged weavers. The firm says that it will not take back any strike leaders.
Ten Questions
For Mr. Forstmann, Mr. Rheinhold and associates. (Replies, if received, will be printed in the Textile Bulletin!)
1. Why did you introduce your "phony" Company union?
2. Did you really think you could fool all the workers all the time with your suckers association, with its 4 meetings a year?
3. Who advised you to install the company union --- or was it your own bright idea? Perhaps you picked the idea up from John D.
4. Since you live in America why try to make it worse than it is?
5. What has this "representative assembly" ever done for the workers?
6. Did it ever raise our wages?
7. Did it ever shorten hours?
8. Did it ever improve working conditions?
9. Did it ever try to stop the horror of night work for our women folks?
10. Did it ever oppose the speed-up system?
(Lets have your replies to these questions. If you don't answer them we'll answer them ourselves. For we know the answers. Do you?)
Onward, All You Workers!
(Tune: "Onward, Christian Soldiers")
Written During the British General Strike
(By Herbert Tulin, X-175453)
Onward, now you workers --- for our cause is right!
End the rule of shirkers --- let us show our might;
Teach the greedy master --- surely he must go.
Forward against the grafter --- worker's common foe.
Onward now you toilers,
Hands across the sea,
Showing all the spoilers,
Like the workers banding ---now on that little isle,
All as one are standing ---fear can not beguile.
They are not divided ---all for one they stand,
As one for all united ---workers hand in hand.
Crowns and thrones are tottering --- Kingdoms now may fall,
Despots now are trembling --- fear excites them all;
Prison gates can never 'gainst our cause prevail,
In one grand endeavor WE can never fail.
Onward, all who labor --- use your mighty power
Curry not for favor --- speed the fateful hour ---
Raise the one Red emblem o'er the Workers Band ---
When as one we've shown them that workers rule the land.
Citizens Committee Uses Stolen Letter
The citizens committee issues a letter that it has either planted or stolen, through which it attempts to throw dust in the eyes of the workers.
At best it did a clumsy piece of work. For as far as the letter is concerned it is not even addressed to anybody in Passaic. It is addressed "To the Pioneer Department of District Two."
Not a single word is found in the letter to indicate the allegations of the citizens committee. The letter plainly states that the pioneers should be on the job and do all they can to support the strike and help win it. No one would be ashamed to help win the strike, except the citizens committee, the bosses and their supporters.
The Slavic Committee, hosts of people who are not strikers and multitudes of workers belonging to the American Federation of Labor have been and are supporting the strike as heartily as the Pioneers.
Only those who are fighting the strikers and making it hard for them to win the strike need to be ashamed. The citizens committee should feel very much ashamed.
For it is exceedingly foolish, insincere, hypocritical, raw, nasty, ugly, and everything else that is abhorrent. But the citizens committee hasn't brains enough to be ashamed.
So what's the use?
I've Been Working For The Bosses
I've been working for the bosses
All the live long day,
I've been working for the bosses,
Never got no pay, no pay,
Now I've gone and joined the union,
Ain't going work no more
Till I got the bosses howling,
Down upon the floor.
Nobody's Business
The bosses think that how we live,
Is nobody's business,
The bosses think the pay they give,
Is nobody's business,
But this is what we tell to you,
The things that we are going to do,
To the bosses when the strike is through,
Is nobody's business.
Dedicated to Chief of Police Zober
As if the workers and their wives don't shed enuf tears in their lives, the chiefs police have sed in meetin' that tear-gas is a form of greetin' that bosses otta throw around, wherever strikers can be found.
The poison gas concerns sent in exhibits of the stuff in tin, in hand grenades, in billie clubs, in everything that points at dubs what has the awful nerve to ask for pay without gas masks.
A lotta other gas they brew to show the workers something new. Gasses they say will give you pain, without your really being slain. After the poor deluded worm has groaned and twisted, crawled and squirmed, you will recover from the shock in time to punch the blasted clock. To meet the boss's profit need, they still will let you live and breed. Your life and plasm is secure, while profit taking shall endure.
So buy bandanas by the yard; for tear-gas tears are on the card. Perhaps this gas will wash your eyes, so you will see thru bosses' lies.
Scottish Paper Tells of Strike
Nelson Stewart of Wallington, received a clipping from newspaper published in Scotland, picturing the scrimmage between strikers and police at the Eighth Street Bridge. The Scottish paper told how the police knocked down women and children with their clubs.
Gone And Forgotten
By Dickie Trask
On Friday, July 30th, the Sissizens Committee formally buried at Victory Playground. The children decided that the committee had long since ceased to exist, and though its ghost still stalks about with its scare-cry, the noble Sissizens themselves are no longer a live issue. So in mock sorrow, we held a funeral.
Never before has Victory Playground heard such speeches as were made. Before a large gathering of children that wept and wailed, who flourished large handkerchiefs and uttered sobs that sounded suspiciously like laughter, the speakers paid tribute to the dear departed. The virtuous of the Sissizens were extolled, and the full calamity which had befallen the fair city of Passaic was described as fully as the emotion of the orators would permit.
Now that the Sissizens were no longer able to give the strikers the noble support and encouragement which they had so courageously offered, there was absolutely nothing left, said one speaker, to prevent the city from going to the dogs. The death of the Sissizens committee was not only felt to be an irreparable personal loss, but all sorts of disasters would come as a result of this --- the strikers would win their strike, the Union would be recognized, and, worst of all, the strikers would get decent pay so that their children would be able to have milk and good food.
At this thought, the gathering was almost overtime with sorrow. Loud sobs rent the air, and several of those present threw themselves upon the ground, wailing with grief. When order had been restored the gathering was asked to join in three sobs for the departed heroes, and then the funeral procession was formed and mournfully advanced to the sand-house, where the burial was to take place.
At the open grave, Clarence Miller spoke a few broken words and gave to the mourners a message of sympathy and hope. Although the Sissizens Committee was dead, he felt that we must not despair. Perhaps other heroes would form themselves together into a similar band for the preservation of Passaic's fair name. After all, we still have the Mayor and the bosses, who will strive earnestly to prevent the winning of the strike, and so carry on the good work begun by the committee.
With this message, Miller sadly gave the signal for the coffin to be lowered into the grave. A few flowers were dropped upon it and the honorary pall-bearers threw in the first handfuls of sand.
And what happened then? Surely, a most unexpected thing! From the crowd of mourners there suddenly arose a shout not of sorrow but of merriment, and there was a rush toward the grave. Many feet trampled the floral tributes, as the children pushed and shoved in an effort to be among those who added a little more sand to the mound.
A whistle blew, a voice cried --- "The funeral song." And 800 children began to sing the dirge for the dead Sissizens Committee. That song was "Solidarity!"
The newspapers still carry headlines about the Committee --- but we of the Playground read them with a smile --- for we know that the Sissizens Committee, together with its lies and its hypocrisy, is dead as a door nail --- dead and buried by the children of the undefeatable strikers.
Hurrah For The Playground
Oh my, oh me
Our hearts are full of glee
If anyone here likes Victory Playground
Its me-me-me-me.
Well I sure do like Victory Playground. I like it for many reasons. First we are safe there and the streets of Passaic are not so safe for the children when there are Cossacks around. And then there's the food. It's awfully good and we get milk. I love milk. We play games at the playgrounds. There are see-saws and swings and showers and a sand-house. Yesterday one comrade made a workers hut in the sand and I made a house like Forstmann lives in and it was some difference.
And the leaders at the playground arent like our teachers. They are just older comrades. And we learn a lot of things at the playground. We learn about Workers Solidarity and what a union means to the workers and how to fight for a union. We'll never forget these things. When we grow up there will be no scabs among us. We are all going to be union men.
M. C., age 12.
Dear Mr. Weisbord:
I like victory playground very much. I like the leaders very much. We have good food to eat and milk too. We have all kinds of games to play too. We do not suffer any MORE. The policemen will suffer for what they did to our fathers and mothers. Many of our leaders were arrested for making picket lines.
Yours truly,
Written by a strikers son,
Kuzman Loveich.
July 27, 1926
Dear Comrade:
I am at the International Workers Aid camp. I like it here very much. I have gained 8 pounds.
We have good food here and plenty of milk and I feel fine. We have lots of fun here and we learn a lot about the workers here too. Please tell all the comrades at the playground that I am having a good time and give them my regards.
Your comrade,
John B. Age 11.
The Union Is Right
(Tune: The Dutchman)
Let us join in a song
To cheer the union along,
For the firmer it stands,
It will win our demands.
Fellow workers unite,
We for union will fight,
And will use all our might,
For the union is right.
From a Lodi Woman Worker
Twenty years ago the United Piece Dye Works was a small place holding no more than 175 or 200 workers. Look at this place today. It holds thousands. It owns half the town and controls the whole town.
What do these bosses care so long as we are satisfied and keep on slaving for them? But today the people woke up and intend to stay awake. We will not enter the mills as slaves any more but we will enter them as union men and women.
Our strike is on now for six months. The bosses could not believe that we would hold out so long. They thought they could starve us back but this time they got fooled. That is because we have all other labor unions in back of us. We are going to break this chain of slavery in Lodi and all other mills where the workers are exploited as we have been.
Picnic Postponed Until Sunday, August 8.
A cloudy, drizzling, day made our picnic impossible last Sunday. It will therefore, be held this coming Sunday, August 8, at the same place, Van Houton avenue, in Athenia. All arrangements will hold good for this Sunday.
To reach the picnic grounds from Main Ave., take a bus at the corner of Howe Ave. and Prospect Street labeled "Van Houton Ave. ride to the end of the line and walk a few blocks along Van Houton Ave. to the picnic grounds. Don't worry about getting lost on the way, for plenty of signs will be posted to direct you.
If however, it is a hot day (and we want a hot day, so as to sell a lot of soda and ice-cream) you can avoid the walk by taking the Athenia bus at the corner of Lexington and Central Avenues. Get off at Penobscot Street and Van Houton Avenue. This is a longer ride, but it lands you right at the picnic grounds.
Educational Meeting for the Women on August 12
The Workingwomen's Councils are holding another joint educational meeting on Thursday evening, August 12. To this they invite all women who are interested in learning about the class struggle and becoming better fighters for the working class.
The meeting will be held at 7:30 at 25 Dayton Avenue. The subject of the talk will be: "What the Unions Do for the Workers." The speaker will be Rose Wortis, one of the active members of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union in New York City. Her talk will be based on actual experience in the struggles of her own union and the benefits it has brought the garment workers. She will give a very interesting talk and all women are urged to attend.
Last Thursday's Educational Talk
"The Working-class Mother and her Children" was the subject of last weeks educational talk, the second one of a series given by the Workingwomen's Councils. A rainy evening kept away some of the members, but those who attended felt well repaid. The talk and the discussion that followed were on a subject vital to every woman and were most stimulating.
Stanislava Piotrowska, the speaker, first showed some of the pamphlets on motherhood and the care of infants which are published by the National Child Welfare Association and other organizations. These booklets, illustrated with ideally beautiful pictures, describe in glowing terms the beauty of bearing children. They give full directions for what every prospective mother should do to maintain her health and insure the birth of a healthy child.
The speaker then showed that these directions are followed carefully by wealthy and middle-class mothers --- those who have the means to care for and protect themselves. But what about the poor, working class mother? Where does she come in, in this matter of maternity hygiene? How about the woman who must slave in the textile mills up to the time her baby is born, because her husband cannot make enough to provide for the new life? How about the poor mother already burdened with five or six children, who cannot make ends meet already, and yet must bring a new unwanted life into the world?
Can she take this exquisite care of herself which the booklets recommend? Can she drink a quart of milk a day, herself, when she cannot afford even to buy milk for her children? Can she eat plenty of fresh vegetables when she can hardly buy enough bread? Can she lie down and rest for two hours every afternoon, when she must be slaving at her loom in the mill, earning the pennies that are necessary to provide for baby's coming? Can she, perchance, lie down whenever she is tired, as those books recommend, --- when all the housework falls upon her to do in addition to her job in the mill? --- No, she must eat poor food as always, she must slave no matter what pains she endures, she must work even at night in the mills, no matter how much endangering her own life and that of her coming child. The beautiful directions given in the booklets becomes a bitter mockery for the working class mother. She can look forward only to ill health for herself and her children in the present system of society.
The discussion which followed brought out the remedies which must be used if women wish to protect themselves against such abuses. In the first place, those who are textile workers or workers in other industries must organize themselves in unions in order to raise wages and improve factory conditions.
Then women, organized as women in such organizations as the Workingwomen's Councils, can agitate to enforce laws which will forbid night work for women, and will ensure their protection in factories and other work places. Just as we, using our organized strength, have raised money for relief and have conducted the children's kitchens for the support of the strike, so we can turn our attention when the strike is over to these matters which are the concern of women chiefly. When we are organized we are strong and can carry out these things.
Strike Playground Visited by Group of Slavic Leaders
A delegation of members of the Slavic Executive Committee, consisting of William Vanecek, chairman; the Rev. Christopher L. Orbach, the Rev. Emery Jecusko and Marcel Sherman, president of the United Slavic Societies of Passaic and Vicinity, visited the Victory Playground at Saddle River yesterday.
The Rev. Dr. Orbach said they heard "wonderful cheering and singing," an immaculate clean camp and competent young directors. The only feeling of depression which he brought away, he said, was that outsiders had to provide these comforts for Passaic Children.
He said he had heard of the N. Y. Herald Tribune story about the playground, but had not yet read it.
"The time has come," said the Rev. Mr. Orbach, who edits the Slovak America, a Slovak-language newspaper, "to stop calling the strike leaders Bolshevists and Communists, or the strikers will begin to believe that it is only the Bolshevists and Communists who have the cause of labor at heart."
Cossacks Arrest Philadelphia Visitors
We arrived in Passaic 4 A. M. Tired and hungry, yet we first made a search for the picket line. No signs of life around 743 Main Ave. We then undertook the next best suggestion, to find a restaurant in which to satisfy our hunger. The waiter, a friend of the strikers, warned us not to go out of the restaurant while it was still dark. We waited. Presently, the first faint rays of dawn began to show themselves and soon we felt safe enough to go on another search of the picket lines.
We reached 743 Main Ave. about 5.30 A. M. and after two minutes of vain attempts to find any of the strikers we saw a beautiful limousine with four police approaching us. We could not believe that this reception was for us until the cops addressed us in the following manner:
"How did you fellas get up here?"
"How is it yer here so early in the morning?"
"Who is de guy wid you?"
Before we could do much in the way of protesting we were being hustled into the machine and informed that they knew all about us. How we had started late in the evening to hitch hike to Passaic, how it had cost us only one nickel fare to get from Philadelphia to Passaic and how we had been on the road all night.
The four huskies triumphantly marched us up to the bar in the court house and presented their "catch." We were invited into the lieutenants office, where he proceeded to question us, and where we answered as .. as conditions permitted.
At first the questionnaire and the surroundings (unfamiliar) were novel, but eventually the strangeness wore off and we listened quietly to the pretty stories of the lieutenant. It is interesting to remember some of the conversation.
"Don't believe anything you read in the newspapers about the Passaic police. They are not Cossacks. They merely try to make Passaic the peaceful and quiet town it should be. It is those outside people who come here and spoil it all. We must protect private property. The people have no respect. They spit in the policeman's faces."
I complained of being tired and offered references thinking that in this way we might get out sooner. "You ought to be glad I am letting you sit in my office. I should have put you in the iron box. You wait here until Chief Zober comes and no more complaints."
Chief Zober came. A man with small weasel eyes that moved constantly. A big fat pouch and the gait of a mill baron. He looked us over. Dull, yet with the desire to appear quick witted, he maneuvered his questions. Occasionally he would pat the bald spot on the janitor's head to show his superiority and his "keen" sense of humor.
In the meantime, a "hang-around" reporter from a Passaic daily became anxious to have our story but the lieutenant forbade us to have anything to do with him. "You see these fellows are always trying to get stories. They don't tell the truth about the strike," he said.
After some discussion they decided that they could not get very much from us so they let us go, telling us to keep our arrest on the quiet and leave Passaic immediately. A prolonged stay in Passaic would be dangerous for us.
Fellow Workers, Passaic is the hell in N. J. all right. It is impossible to fully understand the significance of this phrase unless one is immediately involved in the struggle. That the workers have stuck out so long against the Hellishness is sheer proof that their metal will last until they win the strike and a Strong Powerful Union.
Isabelle Kleinmann,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Governor Moore Talks Lawlessness
We have read what you said, Mr. Governor, in your Sea Girt speech to your Rotarians. You were pretty raw and you thought you might get away with it easily. But we are not going to let you out before we ask you a few questions at least.
You were complimenting Mayor Hague of Jersey City were you now? You said that if Albert Weisbord had attempted in Jersey City what he tried in Passaic, "Mayor Frank Hague would throw him over to New York in 15 minutes."
That is very nice of a governor to say. If Weisbord or any other worker had said anything as threatening and as lawless as that you would have him incarcerated in a dungeon within 15 minutes.
It may be that the workers in Jersey City will decide to have any organizer they may wish to come there and have him remain as long as they please Hague or no Hague.
You, Governor Moore, are not to decide that. You cannot tell the workers to remain servile and obedient to such kingly and czaristic commands as you may give either from Sea Girt or Trenton.
It sounds like hell to hear a governor talk that way. But it spurs us on to organize and get strong enough to rid ourselves of such potentates.
So, thank you, just the same.
Attack on Negro Picket at Lodi
A brutal police attack on Sam Elam, a Negro picket line leader, at Lodi yesterday afternoon, was followed by a near riot as other strikers, resenting the brutal tactics by the police, rushed to Elam's aid.
The attack on Elam occurred in front of the mill of the United Piece Dye Works, and was participated in by the mill's hired gunmen.
Paul Iannie, a striker, received a gash on the head as the result of being slugged with a black-jack by one of the mill's gunman. Iannie was locked up along with Elam and Mario Jsapelli, another striker. Three hundred strikers stormed the
jail demanding their release, and would not retreat until the relatives of the prisoners were admitted to see them.
This steady recurrence of police brutality in the strike zone coincides with the appearance on the scene of the bosses latest strike-breaking instrument, the infamous Citizens Committee of pot boiled bankers, real estate sharks and others, and the effort of the Citizens Committee to cut off strike relief in order to starve the strikers back to the mills.
Emergency Committee Attacks Strike Breakers
Mrs. Clarina Michelson, Secretary of the Emergency Committee for Strikers Relief, which has greatly helped Passaic strike relief, declared here today she had learned that the Citizens Committee of would-be strike breakers is soon to publish a pamphlet "prepared by a New York press agent and sponsored by Col. Charles M. Johnson of the Botany Mills, where the strike started last January."
At least 5,000 children in the strike area need milk daily, Mrs. Michelson declared, pointing out that the 1925 report of the State Department of Health (of New Jersey) showed a 45 per cent higher death rate for children under one year in Passaic than in the rest of New Jersey.
Examination of 110 strikers children last week by Dr. Samuel Tellman of Passaic, Mrs. Michelson said, showed sixty were underweight, and forty-eight diseased.
Brilliant Program Arranged For Stadium Concert, Aug. 28 For Passaic Strike Relief
Work on the Coney Island Stadium Concert, to be held August 28th for Passaic strike relief is progressing nicely. Ludwig Landy, in charge of the work, reported to the New York Conference for Passaic Strike Relief.
"The program for this concert will be one of the finest ever arranged for an affair of this kind," Landy said. "We have secured the services of David Mendoza conductor of the Capitol Theatre orchestra. He will select 100 musicians from the various symphony orchestras in New York who will make up the orchestra, which play at Coney Island. We have also secured a chorus of 200 voices and the Metropolitan ballet of 50 dancers under the direction of Alexis Kosloff.
Tickets for the concert will sell for one dollar, and two dollars for reserved seats. To date 10,000 tickets have been circulated with every assurance of their being sold.
The program for the concert will be of an unusual character. It will contain the history of the strike and the names of contributors. "Honor Rolls" are being circulated among the various labor and sympathetic organizations. Each organization securing fifty signatures and the same number of dollars will get a page on the program on which the names of contributors will be printed.
United Mine Workers Send Fifty Dollars
Terre Haute, Indiana,
July 24, 1926.
Mr. Deak, Sir and Brother:
Our Local has gone on record to help you workers win! And by donating what we can financially, also prayers for justice of Labor and Godly Dominion.
Now we have given all at present possible as we are helping the English miners and non-employed of our own ranks, at home. But in the near future write and let us know what is going on, whereas we will do our part.
My prayers is WIN at any cost.
D. V. Dunn, Financial Secretary
Local 23, U. M. W. of A.
P. S. --- Enclosed find $50.00 check.
New Haven Youth Organize for Relief
A number of Youth Organizations here have recently formed a committee for the organization of a Youth Section of the Passaic Strike Relief Conference. Every youth organization has been invited to send delegates to the first conference Saturday, Aug. 7, at 7:15 p. m., in Machinists Hall, 99 Temple St., New Haven Conn.
Many youth social, cultural, sports and economic organizations have indicated their willingness to take part in this conference to work out plans for raising relief for the thousands of young textile strikers and the undernourished children of strikers families.
All young workers in New Haven shops are urged to send delegates from their shops.
Information may be obtained from the temporary secretary, S. Hubelbank, 162 West Street, New Haven, Conn.
Sends $10 For Milk Coupons
Dear Comrades:
Enclosed you will find a check for $10.00 for the milk coupon or the two books which I have received. I am sending you the money in advance, although I am in need of cash myself, but I would like to see [the] Textile Strike won.
Yours for a Powerful Textile Union,
Harry Capell.
New York City.
From Gary Workers Cooperative Restaurant
Dear Brothers:
Greetings to the Valiant Strikers of Passaic! The Gary Workers Cooperative Restaurant at its last membership meeting decided unanimously to send twenty-five dollars for the relief of the struggling textile strikers of Passaic.
We send you our best wishes for the victorious consummation of your heroic struggle.
We are with you till the end.
With brotherly greetings.
Gary Workers Cooperative Restaurant.
Carpenters and Joiners Send Fifty Dollars
Enclosed find check for $50 from Local Union 275 of Carpenters of Newton, Mass.
I remain yours with best wishes,
Angus MacLean, Treas.
Toledo Swings Into Line
An enthusiastic Passaic Relief Conference was held in this city last Wednesday at Labor Temple. Field Organizer, Ella Reeves Bloor outlined the nature of the gathering and was heartily applauded.
Louis Dunn, delegate from Electrical Workers Local No. 8 was elected temporary chairman.
Theresa Burke, youthful striker from the Passaic front gave an excellent talk on the terrible conditions in the mills, and the experiences of strikers on the picket lines.
John Di Santo Picket Captain from Lodi district was then introduced, and gave a detailed report of conditions which led up to the strike, and the terrible hardships of the strikers in combating police clubs, gas bombs, and other brutal tactics of the police.
"Mother" Bloor then reported in detail on Relief work and made a fine appeal for local cooperation. The delegates present then engaged in a discussion of the question of permanent organization. The following were then elected to the Executive Committee:
President, John Dunn, Elec. Workers Loc. 8; Sec'y, Mrs. D. Amadon, I. W. A.; Treasurer, Mrs. M. Young, Carpenters Auxiliary; Louis Goldbloom, John Dinsmore, A. S. Beno, Charles Stephenson, J. H. Harris, N. Beck, Moses Bea, Louis Goldbloom, Int. Ladies Garment Workers, Loc. 67; John Dinsmore, Metal Polishers Loc. 2; A. S. Beno, Elec. Workers loc.8; Chas. Stephenson, Int. Workers Aid; J. H. Harris, Steam Fitters Loc. 50; N. Beck, M. Bea, Building Laborers Loc. 500; Cora Gorham, Carpenters Auxiliary; Gus Vossberg, Patternmakers Assn.; I. Katlen, Workmen's Circle, Br. 155; Chas. Stallman, Sheet Metal Workers Loc. 6.
The following is a partial list of delegates present other than above listed: Francis J. Mauzur, Grover Amadu, Workers Club, James Murray, Plumbers & Steamfitters Loc. 50; J. H. Harris, sec'y Plumbers and Steamfitters Loc. 50; N. F. B. Gorham, Carpenters Local; William Patterson, Workers Party; Fred Davey, Int. Labor Defense; Thomas Pasheff, Bulgarian Workers Club; Vinnie Harriman, United Garment Workers of America, No. 186.
Milwaukee Holds Rousing Conference
A rousing conference for relief of Passaic textile workers was held here on Thursday, July 29th, at Labor Lyceum, 759 Garfield Street. This conference did not include the labor unions represented in the Central Trades and Labor Assembly, which is carrying on its own relief campaign among affiliated organizations.
The conference was addressed by Rebecca Grecht, relief field organizer, who described the strike situation, and pointed out the urgent need for an intensified drive in Milwaukee. A number of delegates took the floor, all enthusiastically pledging themselves to make an energetic campaign for funds.
Tells of Plight of Children
Leo Krzyski, general organizer of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, who had just returned from a visit to Passaic, told of the heroism of the striking textile workers, confronted by daily brutal police onslaughts. He emphasized the plight of the children of the strikers, and praised the splendid work carried on by the General Relief Committee in its gathering and distribution of funds.
Many books of milk and meal seals, as well as contribution lists and the pictorial, "Hell in New Jersey," were distributed. It was decided to call a second relief conference on August 19th, and to invite all labor unions of the city to send delegates, in order to unify relief activities in Milwaukee. An executive committee of thirteen was elected, with A. J. Piepenhagen, Manager of the Milwaukee Joint Board of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, as Chairman, and M. Mankoff, also of the Joint Board, as Secretary-treasurer. The committee was instructed to make immediate arrangements for a picnic.
Elects Executive Committee
Others on the Executive Committee are: Goldie Berg, of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America; Ben Rubin, Ward 6 Branch Socialist Party; H. Speizman, United Relief Conference of Milwaukee; G. Piccoli, Workers Party; Mrs. S. A. McIntosh and Anita K. Koenen, of the Women's Trade Union League; Clara Knappe, Bluebird Lodge 106 Ladies Auxiliary to International Association of Machinists; Metz Berger, wife of Victor Berger; Cora Meyer, International Labor Defense; John Mileager, Amalgamated Clothing Workers.
Other delegates present were: Mrs. H. Kent and Mrs. M. R. Almon; Commonwealth League; Louis Majtan, Slovak Workers Society Br. 31; Mrs. W. Kleing and Mrs. A. M. Jaeger, of Blue Bird Lodge No. 116; Hattie Kluchesky, 13th Ward Branch Socialist Party; Alex C. Ruffing, 7th Ward Branch, Socialist Party; Wm. Rohring, German Branch Socialist Party; Mrs. M. Sigulnik, Mrs. Kulker, David Pinsker Club; Postyp Ukrainian Fraternal Organization, Mike Andrysaik; M. Zalisko and Joe Kovach, International Labor Defense; J. Kuiz, Br. 5 Jewish National Workers Alliance of America; Frank Garber, Freiheit Dramatic Club; H. Speizman, United Conference of Milwaukee for Passaic Relief; representing Capmakers Union, Workmen's Circle Branches 425 and 166, and Rialto Club; John Piccoli, of Young Workers League.
The Conference has established local headquarters at the office of the Joint Board of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union, 321 Third Street.
Buffalo Holds Rousing Relief Conference
Organized labor in this city held a rousing Passaic Strike Relief Conference last Tuesday at Engineers Union Hall. The spirit of the conference was that the big textile strike must be won.
The Conference was called to order by Relief Field Organizer Ella Reeve Bloor, who then gave an outline of relief work carried on by many local conferences throughout the country, and explained the details of the efficient and economical distribution of the Relief funds through the General Relief Committee of Textile Strikers, at 743 Main Avenue, Passaic, N. J.
Committee to Visit Unions
Ray Leffe, of the Electrical Workers Union, was elected temporary chairman.
Ellen Dawson, secretary of the Strikers Committee, made a report on the strike, the cause of the strike, and the brave fight carried on by the strikers against the fierce and brutal opposition of the mill bosses.
It was decided after a very interesting discussion, to enter into preparatory work for a house-to-house drive for milk for the strikers kiddies. A committee was appointed to continue visiting unions and other organizations, and to get donations.
To Show Strike Movie
It was also decided to get the Passaic Strike Moving Picture here at an early date, and a committee was appointed to see about a suitable hall. It was also decided to arrange a mass meeting and picnic, to be addressed by Albert Weisbord if possible.
The Field Organizer was instructed to order 1000 of the strike pictorials "Hell in New Jersey" for the members of the conference.
A permanent organization was effected, with the election of the following Executive Committee:
Chairman, Ray Leffe, Electrical Workers Union No. 41; Secretary, James Campbell, Moulders Union; Treasurer, William Jamison, Carpenters Local No. 374; W. L. Sears, Stationary Engineers No. 907; Mat Hamilton, Int'l. Dredge Workers No. 6; A. M. Green, Workers Party, Dist. 4; Frank E. Ziegelmaier, Photo Engravers Union; Sam Dardick, Indep't. Workmen's Circle No. 90; Elizabeth Rabinoff, Ind't. Workmen's Circle No. 52; Max Herndle, Proletarian Party; William Murdock, from Passaic, member of Machinists Union Relief Committee, now working in Buffalo.
List of Delegates
A partial list of delegates present: Frank F. Ziegelmaier, Photo Engravers Union No. 105; Matthew Price, Painters Union No. 112; O. Rabinoff, Br. 378, Workmen's Circle; A. M. Green, Workers Party, Dist. 4; Franklin Brill, Workers Party, Dist. 4; .Mat Hamilton, Int'l. Dredge Workers No. 6; Thos. Bradley, Paperhangers Loc. 161; Elizabeth Rabinoff, Women's Br. No. 52, Workmen's Circle; I. Greenberg, Women's Br. No. 52; Max Herndle, Proletarian Party; W. L. Sears, Stationary Engineers No. 907; Sam Dordick, Indep. Workmen's Circle, Br. No. 90; Kaaris Kalke, Finnish Workers Club; Carl Berger, Int. Labor Defense; William Murdock, Int. Workers Aid; Ray Leffe, Electrical Workers Union No. 41; James Campbell, Iron Moulders Union; Wm. Jamison, Carpenters Loc. 372.
Individual delegates were present from the I. W. W. and other unions.
The conference was adjourned to meet Wednesday, July 21.
Amalgamated Food Workers Donate $200 Again
Amalgamated Food Workers, Bakers Loc. No. 164, Bronx,
Dear Brothers:
This will notify you that at our general meeting held July 4th, we considered it a good way to celebrate by donating $200 to our fighting brothers and comrades of the Textile Industry. You will also find list which was collected by our secretary and carrying $5.00.
Eugene Schneider.
Local 9, U. M. W. A. Sends $250.00
United Mine Workers of America
Associated with A. F. of L.
Shamokin, Pa.
Dear Sirs and Brothers:
In answer to your appeal for relief, I am enclosing a check for $250.00 for the relief of your strikers. We regret that we cannot make this more but it is impossible just at this time. Please receipt for this payment as donation from district No. 9, U. M. W. of A.
Sincerely hope you will win.
We are,
Yours fraternally,
James J. M. Andrew,
Sends Second Check on Membership Tax
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America
Local Union No. 157.
Boston, Mass. July 26, 1926
Dear Sir and Brother:
Enclosed please find a check for $100, the second installment of the taxation we have levied on our members for the benefit of the textile strikers and wishing you success and a speedy victory in this struggle. I am
Fraternally yours,
Jacob Schafer, Rec-Sec.
Mattapan, Mass.
We have Voted to Join the American Federation of Labor
We voted with 12,000 union cards last Saturday to join the American Federation of Labor. We have always been ready to do so. Always ready to become a part of organized labor so that we may fight side by side in our struggle for higher wages and better working conditions.
Many times during the strike have we been told by our leaders that it would be unwise to remain outside the main body of organized workers in this country, and that by no means should we form a union apart from the larger mass of workers already organized.
And many times have we been reminded how the bosses of all industries are organized into their local clubs and associations, but how all these are tied together in the one central body of the International Chamber of Commerce.
With the bosses thus united under one banner for the purpose of squeezing as much out of the workers as possible, it is necessary for us to unite into one powerful body and not into many small groups that can easily be destroyed by the owning class.
In addition to that, we were told by the press and the representatives of the bosses that they would never deal with us and our leadership as a United Front Committee, but that they would deal with us if we were a part of the American Federation of Labor.
Very good! This has not been and is not now opposed to our policy. There is nothing to quibble about as far as that is concerned.
So now we are looking forward to the time when we shall have a charter from the United Textile Workers of America, which is a part of the American Federation of Labor, and be on the way to build up a solid union in the textile mills, so that every worker may have the protection and power and guidance of the union and enjoy a larger portion of the product of his labor.
We voted enthusiastically for affiliation with the American Federation of Labor, confident that in this unity we will gain greater power and be further able to inspire all other textile workers as well as the unorganized throughout the entire country to follow our example.
The Mayor With A One Track Mind
We have him right here in Passaic. He is that usual kind that no one envies.
Mayor McGuire advises the strikers to go back to work first and then settle the strike.
That is the same advice he gave us February 15.
Our mayor appears to have a shortage of ideas. He has had this one now for nearly six months and has not had a new one since, or he is hiding it.
We are a bit curious about out Mayor. Could we venture to ask if he is capable of more than one idea a year? Or does one idea last him several years?
And he makes the headlines with it. The papers think it is the grandest notion on deck. To them it is as fresh as if it had been begotten early last week.
He also makes the editorial page. "Coming from an elective official, even in the sixth month of the strike it is courageous ," says the Passaic Daily Herald.
Now we know how to say something that makes us look "courageous." All you have to do is to say something so utterly silly that it falls through the bottom of a wheelbarrow and you are at once "courageous."
"It is not easy to give the advice to the strikers, 'go back to work,' unless one is convinced that the best interests of the persons affected lie that way," continues our unworthy contemporary.
For silliness we cannot see whether the Herald or the mayor is entitled to the cake. It would seem that both of them should have a slice.
Will the strikers go back without a union? Ask them. They have answered that question many times. They answered the mayor six months ago. They answered the Herald also. They have backed their answer well.
But what do you say of a mayor who tells a mass of workers to go back under the old conditions? Who wants men and women to slave for wages that no decent living soul would have "courage" to call reasonable? A mayor who wants women to work nights for $5 a week?
Thats the kind of mayor we have in Passaic. And thats the kind of mayor the Herald says is "courageous."
Less Poor in Passaic This Year
The so-called Citizens Committee, a combination of the most vicious and stupid elements in the East, now backing the unspeakable textile barons in their brutality and their attempt to degrade the workers still further by forcing them back into the mills without a union, is now harping on a new string.
The noise, however, is not as bad as the silliness committee wants it to be. It is a question of relief. The committee is mad at the strike relief committee because it gets food for the strikers and their children.
Naturally it wanted the strikers and especially their children to starve to death. That was the stated wish of the mill owners at the beginning of the strike. It was a ghoulish wish, and now the lickspittles of the bosses who call themselves the Citizens Committee are having a spell of horse colic because the workers of this country took care of the strikers while they were fighting for a union.
And the relief committee has been so successful that the Citizens Committee exclaims with great pain:
"The Overseer of the Poor in Passaic is on record as stating that in the ten years of his occupancy of this office, this year so far has been the lightest in its demands upon it for relief of the indigent, and he cites the food bills of his office for the first seven months of 1926 to show that they total less than those for the corresponding period of 1925."
Only a fool committee like the one that calls itself the "citizens" could be stupid enough to quote such figures as a condemnation of the strike. It simply spells that the wages in the mills were so horribly low and that the conditions of the workers so bad that they have actually been better off during the strike than working.
Just exactly what the strikers themselves have said. This hopelessly stupid committee adds another proof of its stupidity when it says:
"Similarly the death rate in Passaic for June of this year shows that the deaths of children from ages under one year and up to fifteen years totaled eleven, as compared to seventeen in June 1925."
Fine! Fine for the strikers. They have cut the death rate also. The mills at work found 17 deaths. The strikers saved 6 this year. The mills killed exactly 54.5 percent over this years death rate.
The Citizens Committee proves every point that the strikers have made, but the contemptible committee is so stupid that it thinks it can fool the workers to believe that the mills this year and the highmindedness of this supremely stupid and vicious committee has saved the lives of the children, when it is exactly the strikers and the workers all over this country who have done so.
Give us another volley of your Hooligan stupidity. It sort of jokes up the pages of the Bulletin, and makes us laugh a bit.
Textile Strike Bulletin
The United Front of the Workers Against the United Front of the Bosses
Vol. 1 No. 24 Passaic N. J. Wednesday, August 18, 1926
Up to Bosses Now
Obstacles Are Removed From the Path of Settlement;
Whole Labor Movement Awaits Action of Mill Owners
On January 25, 1926, 16,000 workers of Passaic and vicinity went out on strike against the wage cut and for the right to organize. For nearly seven months we have demonstrated to the whole world our unbreakable solidarity and our determination to build a union.
During that period we have been supported by every branch of the labor movement in America, whose generous aid has enabled us to feed and clothe the strikers. We have now won the official recognition of the American Federation of Labor and by becoming a part of the United Textile Workers of America we have reached our first milestone --- the formation of a permanent union of textile workers in Passaic and vicinity.
The struggle now goes on to its next and final stage --- the recognition of our union by the mill owners and an honorable settlement of our strike.
The leaders of the strike and the United Front Committee have demonstrated that in every action the first consideration was the immediate interest of the workers.
..striking employees or stand branded before the world as the open enemies of the entire labor movement. In the event that the mill owners remain obdurate, American labor will know how to answer and every progressive force in America will be brought to bear upon the situation thus created.
Every effort is now being made to bring the striking employees and the mill owners together for negotiations, but in the meantime all friends of the Passaic strikers should redouble their efforts for raising money for the relief work in order that the splendid struggle may be brought to a successful and victorious end.
Every striking textile worker in Passaic and vicinity must realize that now is the time to remain firm. The same splendid spirit that brought about the recognition of our union by the official labor movement will in the end bring about the recognition of our union by the mill owners.
There will be no let up in the struggle. From now on and until actual settlement has been achieved every striker must be on the job.
Stand Firm and United!
Man the Picket Lines!
Every Man, Woman and Child in Full Activity!
Victory Will Come!
A. F. of L. Will Accept The Passaic Mill Workers
Employers Have Repeatedly Said They Will Deal With A. F. of L.
At a conference at the headquarters of the United Textile Workers between the committee selected by the Passaic strikers and the emergency committee of the United Textile Workers of America, the way was paved for bringing the Passaic strikers into the American Federation of Labor organization.
At previous conferences it was agreed that on Thursday the reply of the executive council of the United Textile Workers of America would be given to the impartial committee selected on recommendation of Senator Borah, which consists of W. Jett Lauck, chairman, Henry T. Hunt, and Miss Helen Todd.
The membership of the emergency committee of the textile workers was as follows:
Mr. McMahon of Providence R. I., Chairman; John H. Powers, Pawtucket, R. I.; Mrs. Sara A. Conboy, New York; James Starr, Paterson, N. J., and George Hayes, also of Paterson.
President McMahon of the United Textile Workers told the committee in behalf of the executive council that the Passaic workers would be received into the union and welcomed.
Accept Workers
He seemed to stress the fact that they must obey the constitution and by-laws, and added that none but bona-fide mill workers would be accepted.
In the statement issued from McMahon's office the public is informed that it is specifically provided that if the workers decide to affiliate with the United Textile Workers of America there is one condition required of them and that is the elimination of Albert Weisbord and his associates from any connection with the local union or unions of Passaic workers.
The constant reiteration of the elimination of Weisbord is the same tune the employers sing and is unnecessary in view of the fact that Weisbord has agreed time and again that he will step out in order to pave the way for a settlement. He does insist, however, on the existence of an effective labor organization in Passaic that will ensure the workers a weapon against the mill owners. The striking workers who have secured work elsewhere and are now paying dues to the organization in Passaic must continue to pay dues as well as initiation fee of one dollar with the understanding that this money is turned over to the relief committee of the strikers. Those not working and still on strike are not required to pay either initiation fees or dues at this time but will be held morally responsible when they resume work to meet this obligation.
Reply to McMahon
In reply to McMahon's statement of the position of the executive council, the committee wrote the following letter:
"Aug 12, 1926
Mr. Thomas F. McMahon,
"International President, United Textile Workers of America,
"605 Bible House, New York.
"My Dear Mr. McMahon:
"We beg to acknowledge receipt of your statement advising the request for affiliation of the striking textile employees of Passaic into the United Textile Workers of America. We are very much gratified with your action as it entirely conforms with the conditions which we stated we could offer as a basis of affiliation.
Weisbord Agrees to Withdraw
"Mr. Weisbord, as we told you, has already agreed to withdraw when the Passaic textile Workers have formally been organized as a union of the United Textile Workers of America, and we are confident that he will make such further definite statement as you suggest.
"We shall be very glad indeed to cooperate with you further in bringing this matter to a successful conclusion. It is clear now that there cannot be any objection whatsoever to the recognition of the striking employees when they shall have become affiliated with your organization.
(Signed) "W. Jett Lauck, Helen Todd, Henry T. Hunt."
Chairman Lauck was well pleased with the outcome of the conferences and says he is confident that the workers in Passaic will accept the proposals, since they are advised to do so by their leaders who have directed the brilliant struggle of more than six months.
McMahon, when asked whether the United Textile Workers of America would carry on the fight in case the employers refused to recognize them, eluded the question by stating that they would cross that bridge when they got to it.
There are many details yet to be worked out before the entrance of the strikers into the United Textile Workers of America is consummated, but the main objections and points of disagreement have been overcome.
Reiterates Stand
As soon as the results of the meeting were communicated to Albert Weisbord, organizer of the strike, he reiterated his declaration that he would eliminate himself from the situation as far as the strike and the union is concerned.
At a gigantic meeting of strikers, Weisbord, commenting upon impending organization of the Passaic workers into the United Textile Workers said:
"I deeply regret that I have been compelled to make this move, it seems strange that my head should be demanded as a punishment for the sole crime of having served the interests of the working class loyally and faithfully. I have repeatedly said and I reiterate that I have no interest separate and apart from the interests of the workers. My actions can speak for themselves. They are the actions of one who has given the very best for the workers and who is determined to continue to do so under all circumstances.
"I feel that when I retire from the situation, leaving as I shall a victorious textile union in Passaic, well established and well recognized, I shall have retired with the respect and love of the workers of Passaic and throughout the country.
Relief Needs Urgent
In the meantime, the Relief Committee of the strikers has issued an urgent appeal for funds, stating that the relief situation is extremely acute, and calling upon all workers and sympathizers to send money for food for the strikers and milk for children. This is the thirteenth week of the big struggle, and the strain on the relief machinery is necessarily very great.
Down with Your Roses Into the Dust (Passaic, 1926)
Down with your roses into the dust!
Let the lips of your song be sealed!
Snatch manhood's sword from the scabbard of rust,
And strike till this curse be healed.
Let us hymn no more to Apollo and Pan!
What use in the face of a wrong,
To be wasting the life and the strength of a man,
In a cowardly, meaningless song!
We are weaving the linen and purple rich,
Made of heart and of soul and of brain,
Of the children who strain, and the women who stitch,
Till their eyes burn out with pain.
Oh, down with your roses into the dust!
Let the lips of your song be sealed!
Awaken your soul from the scabbard of rust!
And strike till this curse be healed!
H. E. Herd. The Industrial Solidarity.
Gala Concert in Coney Island Stadium for Strikers Children
What promises to be the most magnificent spectacle and a wonderful musical evening will take place on Saturday, August 28th, at the giant Coney Island Stadium. The special features will include an elaborate symphony program prepared by Mr. David Mendoza of the N. Y. Capitol Theatre. He has chosen 100 players from the leading symphony and philharmonic orchestra of Greater New York to play with him. Mr. Alex Kosloff has decided to offer his well known number, Scheherazade, by Rimsky-Korsakoff. He did this to attract his multitudes of followers who know him best by his work. Mr. Jacob Schaefer will lead his prominently known chorus of 800 voices in a number of songs.
The concert also promises to be one of the greatest demonstrations of solidarity on the part of the workers in Greater New York. The stadium which seats 35,000 people, from all indications, will be packed. The local unions are responding and will be there in blocks. The Furriers Union of N. Y. City with their Passaic Relief Committee are cooperating 100 per cent in this drive to raise funds to buy milk for the strikers children.
Fellow workers, put your shoulders to the wheel. Push the sale of tickets and advertise the grand concert at the Stadium. Your cooperation will mean the success of the affair and a victory for the Passaic strikers in their long and bitter struggles with the textile barons.
Reserve the evening of August 28th for the children of Passaic.
General admission $1.00. Reserved seats $2.00.
Tickets for sale at the General Relief Committee, 743 Main Ave. Passaic, N. J., and at 709 Broadway, Room 512.
Victory Playground Compared with Miserable Municipal Attempt
Strikers Children Get Recreation, Food and Splendid Training
The Citizens (Vigilante) Committee, which attacked the campaign get money for milk for strikers children, has now attacked Victory Playground, which the union has opened for our children. The strike-breaking Citizens Committee has tried to give out the impression that Victory Playground was not necessary --- that the city had sufficient playgrounds in the workers quarters for workers children. The Committee even claims that the children are given meals and milk at the municipal playgrounds, which everybody knows to be a brazen lie.
Apart from the fact that the municipal playgrounds are inadequate, we strikers feel that the city's playgrounds, controlled as they are by politicians who are openly or secretly opposed to us as strikers and to our legitimate demands, are not proper places for our children. We believe our children would be subjected to insults, and intimidation as was the case in the public schools, which are controlled by this same gang of politicians.
With the notorious strike-breaking activities of the school authorities in mind, we determined to remove our children from the influence of the politicians and tools of the mill bosses who are in control of the public schools and the municipal playgrounds.
Workers Quarters Congested
There is terrible congestion in the workers quarters in Passaic. A survey made by the United States bureau of education in 1920 showed almost half of the population of Passaic crowded into one-sixth of the city's area, while 9.9 per cent at that time lived in nearly half of the total area of the city.
In spite of this fact there are only two municipal playgrounds in the workers district, and these are used as a means of political pull. Workers are made to understand that if they do not support the political powers that be, the appropriations for these playgrounds would be cut off. These municipal playgrounds are hot and dusty, devoid of shade, and until this summer there were no showers nor pools. Only one of them now has showers and a pool. The municipal playgrounds do not give children meals or milk. They do not afford supervised play.
We have asked repeatedly that the city open food kitchens and milk stations to feed the children of the workers who are not able on the wages paid in the slave mills, to supply their children with nutritious food. We have asked repeatedly that the city open nurseries for the children of those who have to work at night in the mills. We have asked repeatedly that the city take steps to abolish night work in the mills, in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey. We have asked repeatedly for a clean-up of vice conditions protected by the commissioner. To all of these demands, the city authorities absolutely dominated by the mill owners, have turned a deaf ear.
City's Playgrounds Dusty and Hot
At the First Ward Park, which the Citizens Committee makes particular mention as being located in the workers district, a ten inch wading pool was installed AFTER Victory Playground was opened for the strikers children. There is no dressing room and the children must change in a clump of bushes near by. The playground itself is dirty and devoid of shade although there are lots of trees and grass in the surrounding park, where signs warn children off the grass. During their play the children are at the mercy of the sun, and are apparently left to their own devices. The only other playground in the workers section is the Wilson School playground, at Louise and Monroe streets, and here conditions are even worse. For instance, there are no toilet facilities, (there are toilets in the adjoining school but this is rarely open during the play period), no showers and no pool, and no grass or trees at all.
In sharp contrast to these municipal playgrounds in the workers districts is Hughes Lake Playground (Third Ward Park) which is reached through streets lined with splendid mansions and imposing church edifices. Here are lots of space, shade and grass, a baseball field, basketball court, swings and a sliding pond. There are also toilet facilities, and while there are no showers or bathing here, it is certainly the best of the municipal playgrounds. But it is for the children of the rich only. And early last April when a group of strikers children, accompanied by proper supervisors, visited this playground, they were driven away.
Our Own Playground
We have opened our own playground. We are developing our children physically and mentally. We furnish meals (Not charity but WORKERS SOLIDARITY). We organize games and plays. We teach the children the meaning of the struggle now going on in the textile area. We teach them to be good union men. We are building healthy children. We are bringing health, strength to puny limbs and underweight bodies. and the dark shadow of depression, had long forgotten how to smile. We have succeeded in cutting down the number of white hearses appearing daily in Passaic, we have succeeded in cutting down the high child death rate as even the hostile and strike-breaking Citizens Committee has admitted --- unintentional though the admission was. We have also succeeded in cutting down the number of applicants to the Poor Master of Passaic, according to the testimony of that worthy himself.
In other words, the union has done more for the workers on strike than the bosses did for them when they were slaving in the mills, or rather, than the workers were able to do for themselves and their children on the pitifully inadequate wages they received.
Tests carried on at Victory Playground, our own playground in Saddle River County, show the children are gaining decidedly in weight. They are being developed both physically and mentally. There are clay modeling classes, instructions in basketry, drawing, etc. There are also dramatic classes and instruction in English.
Children Get Along Fine
Victory Playground is organized on the lines of a camp, and is governed by an executive committee of the children themselves, thus making for democracy a sense of responsibility and good citizenship.
The reaction of the parents to Victory Playground is one of the best evidences of the need. Mothers and fathers are alike delighted over the fact that their children have received proper care, intelligent training and nutritious meals. Its existence has helped to stiffen the already splendid morale of the strikers, and this is the chief [reason] for the attacks on our playground by the Citizens Committee and other tools and allies of the textile barons.
Workers of Lawrence
The millionaire mill owners of Lawrence fear the United Front Committee. They know that the UFC is persistent and will stick on the job --- to organize the Lawrence workers.
The United Front Committee fights fearlessly for the textile workers by telling you the truth about your conditions and how to overcome them.
That's why the bosses fear the UFC and try their best to crush it. First they stopped us from speaking to you, by ordering the police to refuse us permits for street meetings. And Mr. Carr, faithful as the master's voice, had our speaker arrested, while he allows the salvation army and other organizations to use the streets.
Now the bosses have struck out against the wonderful little Bulletin. Not satisfied with stopping us from speaking to you, they want to stop also from reading the truth. The police acting on the complaint of the mill owners and the stools and spies of the company union, arrested our secretary because you had the nerve to take Bulletins from him at the mill gates.
Why this suppression when the Boston American is allowed to give out samples of its comic section and its magazine at the mills? Here is the reason. Workers remember it. Whenever the bosses prepare to put something over on the workers, they first jump on those who are the best fighters for the workers.
The bosses are now attempting to bring the 54 hour week back. They also decided on a policy of wage cuts in the fall of the year. We, the UFC warned you against it. We do more, we organize the workers against it.
And this is what the bosses don't like. Hence the police suppression. But are we defeated? Will you workers be kept from listening to the truth about the plans of the bosses to increase exploitation and speed-ups and wage cuts? Will we be muzzled? No. The UFC is a union. It will continue to organize and educate the Lawrence workers. Free speech is not yet dead in Lawrence. Mr. Carr and the Mill owners will soon have a little surprise. WE WILL SPEAK TO THE LAWRENCE WORKERS.
You have a right to read the Bulletin. We have a right to stand at the mills with them. Continue to take them as you have in the past.
United Front Committee.
Lawrence Textile Workers.
Now, Gentlemen, Be Yourselves
One of the characteristics of real gentlemen is that they never no matter what the circumstances are forget themselves. We understand that the MILL Officials of Lawrence are, above all, Gentlemen and as such they are not to be easily ruffled.
For some twenty weeks or so we of the United Front have distributed unmolested and unmolesting, thousands of Passaic Textile Strike Bulletins to the Lawrence Textile workers. All this time the mill officials have contained themselves superbly. Apparently they have disdained to take notice of us. Sufficient in their righteousness and in the proper treatment of their workers, they conducted themselves as the gentlemen they are, and allowed us to convey our message to the workers without molestation.
But now the gentlemen seem to be forgetting themselves. Last Friday a complaint was lodged with Police by the officials of the Wood Mill and our redoubtable Secretary, Fred Beal was arrested for distributing Strike Bulletins.
On Monday, noon time, a humble representative of the United Front standing in the proximity of the Washington Mill with an armful of Strike Bulletins which he was not handing out but which the workers were taking themselves without specific invitation, was hailed by a motorcycled officer of the Law and told to vamoose. On inquiring of the officer as to the reason for the order he was informed that there had been a complaint. After a little chat with the officer (the gentlemanly deportment of whom was a revelation) the representative of the United Front remained until the workers had relieved him of the Bulletins.
Now we realize that we are not ordained to preach, nor to explain the cause of the change of the behavior of our fellow creatures, but this is such an interesting case that we cannot refrain from venturing a couple of guesses.
We have a hunch that the mill owners have been following the Passaic strike with interest. They hoped and believed that the Textile workers of Passaic would be beaten down and their strike lost. And it would be well (they reasoned) to have the Lawrence workers know that their brothers in New Jersey had failed so that any thought the Lawrence workers who may harbor the notion of putting up a fight for better conditions would be discouraged.
The local papers may be depended upon to distort the truth but the BULLETIN will ring true. That of course is highly [understandable]. So the Gentlemen are forgetting themselves and becoming ruffled. But Gentlemen, "the truth will out" one way or another, so it is useless to get ruffled.
Workers of Lawrence Help
The Lowell Silk Workers are on strike against intolerable conditions of work, speeding up and a wage cut of 33 per cent.
The bosses of the Lowell Silk Mill are trying to get workers from Lawrence. The other day five Lawrence weavers were brought to the mill, but refused to work when they found out that there was a strike on.
WEAVERS OF LAWRENCE. Help your brothers, the silk workers of Lowell.
Don't take their bread. Our fight is your fight.
Strike Committee,
Lowell Silk Workers.
Striking Weaver Gives Some Facts
This is a copy of letter sent to the Lowell Sun where it stands little chance of seeing the light.
Editor of the Lowell Sun,
Lowell, Mass.
Dear Editor,
I have seen reports in your paper to the effect that the conditions in the Lowell Silk Mills are good. As a weaver in that mill for the past two years I am in a position to say that the working conditions in the Lowell Mill are not fit for human beings. I would appreciate if you would print these few facts for which I can vouch.
First of all the windows are always closed tight. The air in the mill is hot and muggy. The temperature is so high that most of the time we find it hard to work. At one time it was so great that our aprons and clothes were wet through and through with perspiration. We sent word to Mr. Gallant, the agent of the mill that it was hardly possible to work that afternoon and that he please allow us to go home. but he did not permit us to go.
We have no sanitary place to eat our lunch. We have to sit on the floor and eat. Many times the mice run past us as we sit on the floor eating our cold lunch. There is no place where we can heat our lunch in winter.
After we clean our greasy looms there is no hot water for us to wash the grease (very black and dirty grease) off our hands.
The windows in the toilet are nailed closed. We have no rest room in the mill. When we feel tired or faint we rest in the toilet.
Many mornings when we come to work we find our warps have been cut many a time in two or three places by the mice. At times the warps are so bad that it is very hard for an experienced weaver to earn over $15 a week. Many of the weavers do not earn even that much.
Yours for the truth,
A striking weaver.
P. S. --- I would gladly sign my name to it if I did not fear discrimination.
Puzzled Nuts
How the American Woolen is doing away with unemployment. At the Ayer Mill (an American Woolen Co. Mill) they are transforming their Knowles looms into Draper Knowles looms so that each weaver will run six looms instead of two.
They are also starting up their English looms, four to each weaver, instead of two, with no improvements made on those looms whatsoever. The only change is that they give the weavers bigger shuttles so that the fillings will be longer. But it requires no imagination on the part of any weaver to know that the bigger the shuttle the worse the warp will break.
As a result of these changes more weavers will be forced out into the streets to join the big army of the unemployed. The Industrial Commission still has not discovered what the cause of the great unemployment in this city is. They should look into the mill and the puzzle will be solved. I suppose then they will suggest a 60 hour week instead of 54 as they have already suggested.
An Ayer Mill Worker.
Punk Remedy
Just a few of the reasons why we want free speech in Lawrence. Walworth's Worsted Woolen Mill deserves the Bouquet. The weavers at Walworth's Bros. Mill are running two looms on Bolivias for less money than anyone can imagine. They are running two looms on Bolivias which consists of single yarn warp and shady filling. The highest that an experienced weaver can make on it is between $12-$15 a full week. What remedy has our commissioner of public safety for this inhuman exploitation in his home town? Refusal to grant the Union a permit to the street corners.
Lawrence Worker.
Lowell Silk Strike Solid
The strike of the Lowell Silk workers against the crushing speed up through additional looms, a wage cut and unsanitary working conditions is in its 4th week. The ranks of the strikers are solid. Besides a few rats and strike breakers, not a striker has returned to work.
The agent of the mill, Mr. Gallant, through his lieutenants, a certain woman of questionable character, and a second hand is making extraordinary efforts to break the strike. Several automobiles are always in use, visiting the homes of girls with all kinds of lies and fake promises. They transport the handful of scabs to and from work. The agent attempted to import weavers from Lawrence, but without success. The weavers refused to work as soon as they were notified that there was a strike on.
The relief committee appeals to the labor movement for aid. The strike was begun without an organization or funds. The Lowell workers have no savings. To date about 30 needy cases were cared for.
The strikers are determined to stick it out and to fight to the last against the cruel speeding, the wage cut and inhuman conditions in the mill. The mill declares the strike committee is unfit to work in. The windows are always shut. The temperature is 90 degrees in rooms full of humidity. The girls and woman wash in greasy and filthy pails. They eat their lunch on the floor in company with roaches and rats.
The strikers are determined to fight against these abominable conditions until they win.
There is no Middle Ground
(Editorial from Seattle Union Record, Aug. 2)
We fail to understand how any union man, or indeed, any worker or friend of the workers, can hesitate as to where he stands with regard to the Passaic strike. You are either for the strikers, who are putting up one of the most gallant fights in labor history, or you are for the bosses, who have employed every despicable method for breaking strikes. There is no middle ground. It is quite too late to discuss whether this is the best time or these the best conditions for a strike. The strike is on; the morale of the workers is high; the one thing that may defeat them is lack of relief.
There is only one conceivable justification for withholding relief, and that is if funds are misapplied. Of that there is no evidence. There is a great deal of evidence to the contrary. The few Communists prominent in the leadership of the strike could not amass a war chest for other than strike purposes even if they so desired. There is not enough money. Every cent that can be got for relief must be used in order to hold the strike together. The United Front Committee and the General Relief Committee would both open their books to proper A. F. of L. inspection. We believe that they might be willing to have a sympathetic A. F. of L. man cooperate in the business of relief.
We have repeatedly said that we wish the strike were under A. F. of L. auspices. The United Front Committee itself still hopes to work out some arrangement for union with the United Textile Workers. If the A. F. of L. by its action helps to starve the strikers into submission it will not be Communism but the whole labor movement that will suffer. The one vital thing in America today is the organization of the unorganized worker. The defeat of the Passaic strike will set that cause back for an infinite period. If there is any statesmanship in the A. F. of L., any such devotion to a cause as Weisbord has shown, the A. F. of L. can handle the Communist problem at Passaic and elsewhere. If a united front can be achieved among the striking cloakmakers, it can ultimately be achieved in the textile industry. The last way to do it is to check the flow of relief by spreading openly and secretly unwarranted insinuations as to the conduct of relief in Passaic. It is not yet too late for the A. F. of L. to take steps to aid these heroic strikers under conditions which need not involve Communism or Communist tactics.
One further point must be made. The strike is not already lost. If it were do you suppose the employers would be trying so hard to frame-up Weisbord? Would they be importing strike breakers? Would their allies, the Babbitts of Passaic, be as active as they are against the strike? The important thing is that there should be recognition of the workers own organization and something like decent wages for those who can work. Starvation wages and company unions are no cure for a sick industry.
You may either send money to the General Relief Committee in Passaic or to the Emergency Committee for Strikers Relief at 799 Broadway, New York. It is raising a milk fund for the children.
New Haven Forms Youth Conference
NEW HAVEN, CONN.--- An enthusiastic relief conference was held in this city by delegates representing several important youth organizations.
The conference was called to order last Saturday evening at the Machinists Hall. A permanent conference was organized, with Philip Horowitz, Young Workers League, president; Sophie Huplebank, secretary-treasurer, the Pioneers. A member of the Plumbers Helpers Club was elected vice-president.
The Conference will gather funds as long after the strike as necessary for the care of the anemic and underweight children of the strikers. Meal and milk books are now in circulation. An affair is planned to raise money for relief.
The organizations sending delegates were: The Pioneers, the Plumbers Helpers Club, The Young Workers League, the Self-Education Club, and the Hebrew American Club.
Other youth organizations will be visited and urged to join the conference. It is expected too, that other cities will follow New Haven's lead in the matter of organizing Youth Conference for Passaic Strike Relief.
Fine Clothes Are Dyed With Blood
By Esther Lowell
Federated Press.
Brilliantly colored silks and satins, velvets and other fine fabrics as well as the hardier wools and worsteds are dyed with workers blood ---blood drained from the living bodies of the men and woman who work in the unhealthy dye houses. The Workers Health Bureau examination of 77 dye workers striking against intolerable conditions, in Lodi, Passaic, Paterson and other New Jersey shops tell the tale. The Bureau has issued a report entitled Health Hazards in the Dyeing and Finishing of Textiles, which included the findings of the examination.
Dyes are usually poisonous but the fumes in most Jersey dye-houses are left to saturate the air of workrooms and to seep into workers lungs. The poisonous fumes and the terrific steam fog which too frequently envelops dye workers can be drawn off by mechanical ventilation, the Workers Health Bureau states. In this health-undermining atmosphere of the dye-houses, the workers are employed up to 72 hours per week. The workrooms drip with water as the steam condenses and the workers clothes become soaking wet. The dye workers have no opportunity to change to dry clothes before going home; so that winter air easily brings pulmonary troubles to them.
Not one of the dye workers examined by the Workers Health Bureau was free from physical defect, although they were chosen at random from the strikers. Three had active tuberculosis and had to be taken to sanitariums. Seven others have serious respiratory disturbances which may yet prove to be tuberculosis. Eight of every ten examined complained of severe irritations of the eyes, nose or throat; over one third are unable to digest their food; and over a third have constant headaches while working or nearly as many have rheumatism or muscular pains. Twenty-three had suffered from industrial accidents, burns from caustic soda, acids or steam; falls, sprains, strains, blows and ripping of arms and hands by machinery. Dye workers showed higher blood pressure than painters, furriers or bakers, other groups affected in this way from their work.
Dye workers drop from sheer exhaustion on the wet sloppy floors of the workrooms. Rest rooms, wash rooms, garment lockers or lockers, lunch places are all unheard of in the dye houses. Toilets are primitive and inadequate, the workers report. Their wages are very low --- as low as $16 to $20 for 65 hour weeks for a father with dependant children. He worked in the washing and drying room.
Our Sand House
On the playground we have a sand house. All the children between the ages of six and twelve play in the sand house. Once we made Johnson's house and a striker's house. And boy!, you could tell the difference all right. Johnson's house was a great big mansion and the striker's was just like a chicken coop.
Do you think that it's that way only in the sand house? No! It's really true. If any one of you ever visited the house of Johnson and a strikers home, you would see the difference. And its no wonder that the bosses have nicer houses than the workers.
My father got $20.00 before the wage cut. The boss thought that was to much so he gave them a ten per cent wage cut. Now we had to make a living on $18.00 with a family of six. How can we afford to live in a nice house?
In the sand house we have a leader. She tells us stories and everybody talks things over. I think that after we get a union the strikers will be able to live in the same kind of houses that the bosses live in. all the children are going to help get it. The playground teaches us that.
B. R., Age 12.
Workingwomen's Picnic Great Success
A fine day and a big crowd made of the picnic of the Workingwomen's Councils a most successful affair. It was held for the benefit of the strikers children in Athenia last Sunday, August 8th. We wanted crowds of people there and we got them --- in fact we got so many that for a time we didn't have enough sandwiches and soda water for them to buy. Some scurrying around the neighborhood supplied that want. The refreshments committee under the capable management of Mrs. Bloomkin was kept hustling all afternoon to keep people fed. Mrs. Severdin in charge of the cash box was rushed within an inch of her life and she is a pretty substantial person too.
There was music, and as the sun lowered and afternoon verged into twilight, there was dancing under the lofty trees. The girls danced, of course, and middle-aged women and men too, forgot their troubles and jigged and trotted gaily.
A group of children from Victory Playground directed by Sophie Melman, presented an interesting tableau called "The Weavers." They entertained the crowd, too, with the novel and spirited songs and cheers they have learned at the playground.
The picnic was a success financially, since it brought in about nine-hundred dollars. This money will be used to feed the strikers children at the playground and kitchens. It is the first joint affair held by the recently organized Workingwomen's Councils. Its success proves that the women have organized themselves on a firm basis. All members of the Councils worked hard at selling tickets and refreshments. Encouraged by this accomplishment, they will go on to bigger work.
A fuller financial report will be printed in the Bulletin next week.
They Like Their Dumb Friends
Mrs. William E. Swift, of the packing house family, is so fond of "scabs" that she has given the name Strikebreaker to one of her favorite saddle horses, we learn from the society columns of a Chicago paper. Openshop bosses like horses and "scabs" for the same reason, that they can ride them at their convenience, and then get rid of them when they have no further use for them. If that horse ever bucks under the insult and deposits Mrs. Swift a la Prince of Wales, we guess she's liable to re-christen him Union Man.
The Illinois Miner.
Washington Ships Food and Clothing
Fellow Workers:
Enclosed you will find a bill of listing for thirteen cases of food stuff and clothing that we succeeded in collecting here in Washington. We are still collecting more, and as soon as we get enough we will ship again.
Kindly advise us of the receipt of these goods. I am also enclosing check for five dollars.
H. Coleskey,
1201 E. Capitol Street.
Street Railway Boys Send $525
Amalgamated Assn. of Street and Electric Railway Employees of America.
Div. 268
Cleveland, Ohio.
Enclosed please find checks to the amount of $525 collected at Cleveland, Ohio.
W. J. Couch.
Cloakmakers Keep Up Fine Fight
The largest mass picketing demonstration yet is the answer of the 40,000 striking New York cloakmakers to appeals of the manufacturers association that they come back to work and desert the strike. Eight pickets from the 25,000 walking through the women's coat district were arrested but discharged by the court. Settlements now number 65. The union says it is not worried by the employers threat to "move factories out of town."
Another Snake in the Grass
Jacob Spolansky, ex- Department of Justice sleuth and red smeller of prominence is working for the Botany Mills. He arrived in New York City three weeks ago and his business address is now care of F. J. Davis, Room 740, 200 Fifth Ave., the New York office of the Botany. Davis is an important official of the Botany and was involved in the earlier negotiations with the self-styled "international spy," Dr. Jacob Nosovitsky, alias Dr. Anderson alias Mr. Sanders, who attempted to frame Albert Weisbord in the "Rosalind Lapmore" breech of promise suit.
The Botany people are apparently gluttons for being fooled by the "red experts," stool-pigeons, and frame-up men. Not satisfied with the appalling drivle sold them by the notorious Dr. Nosovitsky they are now hiring another undercover dick who claims he knows all the "inside stuff" about the "Red Trail in America." In fact Spolansky is the author of a hair-raising pamphlet bearing that title, being reprints from articles on the "Reds" which appeared in the Open Shop Review, organ of the National Metal Trades Association and the National Founders Association, two of the most militant anti-labor employers associations in America.
Spolansky has a long record of labor spying and Red-Sniffing. He has been a member of the Socialist Party, the I. W. W., the Communist parties and various labor unions, all for the purpose of framing up leaders and selling out the workers to the bosses. He was connected with the Department of Justice in the days of the deportations delirium and anti-red hysteria. He is known as one of the slimiest snakes ever paid by mill men to break strikes and provoke trouble in labor unions.
Spolansky will attempt to reorganize the anti-labor activities of the Botany in an effort to fight all unions, United Textile Workers or whatever may develop out of the situation in the next few days. He is said to be in close touch with Fred R. Larvin, editor of the open shop, anti-union, New York Commercial and with the officials of the American Defense Society.
What his connections are with the Citizens Committee have not yet been revealed.
Workers are warned to be on the watch for Spolansky agents spreading false rumors among the strikers.
Do Not Fail Us Now
Practically every strikers family in the strike [area] has now been forced to apply for relief as a result of the long drawn out struggle with the mill bosses. Relief is now more essential than ever.
Reports of the settlement negotiations inaugurated by Senator Borah should not be permitted to interfere with relief. These negotiations are likely to last through several weeks. In the meantime, the work of feeding the children and the families of the strikers must continue if the fruits of victory are not to be lost at the very moment when prospects are brightest.
We, the 16,000 striking textile workers, thank our friends for their splendid support in this great battle for a living wage and a union, and we appeal to you to continue your support through the difficult negotiation period and until the hour of victory.
Since the Borah intervention, events have moved rapidly in the strike situation. At the present moment, steps are being made by the neutral committee .. by our union for affiliation with organized labor through the American Federation of Labor Officials of the A. F. of L.
In the meantime, strike relief must be kept up and INTENSIFIED. We ask you to give your full support to the children's Campaign by selling milk and meal books and taking up collections in your shop and in . to do everything in your power to help us at this crucial period.
Workers Need Wage To Save From
Springfield, Mass. (FP) --- What workers need is a "saving wage," not a "living wage," declared Michael J. Shaw, representative in general court from Revere, to the Massachusetts state federation of labor convention. Shaw addressed the convention on the subject of old age pensions. The last state legislature failed to enact an old age pension bill proposed by its special investigating committee.
"According to the Constitution of the United States," said Shaw, "all persons are born free and equal, but the man with the pay envelope finds that he is not free or equal when he is forced to take his children from school before they are properly educated in order to get the [money] they can earn to help to support the family. Figures of experts show that a living wage in Massachusetts is between $28 and $30 a week, but the figure compiled by the authorities show that the average wage in the state is less than $20 a week. In Massachusetts, a pauper is sent to Bridgewater, where he is housed with the insane and criminals, but this can be changed if you get busy and march as a part of the greatest army in history up Beacon Hill to the state house and demand equal rights for all and special privileges for none."
A resolution for the election of judges in order to fight labor injunction granting ones was approved.
John Van Vaerenwyck of the Boston cigarmakers, formerly vice-president, was elected president of the state body.
Barbers Union Sends Us $10
Enclosed you will find a donation of $10 as a relief for the textile strikers.
Yours fraternally,
J. M. Lucas, Pres.
Anthony Gallant, Sec'y-Treas.
From the Barber's Union Local No. 101.
Rumford, Me.
Sends $126 For Passaic Relief
Dear Brothers:
Enclosed you will please find a check amounting to $126 contributed by our members. You will also find a list of the shops from which these contributions came.
We are sorry that the conditions in our shops at the present time are such that the workers could not contribute much more.
Hoping that the strikers will not have to wait much longer, for they deserve victory, we remain,
Suit Case, Bag and Portfolio Makers Union,
I. Laderman, Manager.
The following are the shops that contributed to the aid to the Passaic textile strikers:
S. Lacher ----------------------- $17.00
Monitor Auto Truck Co. ----- $5.25
Nat. Dress Suit Case Co. ----- $2.00
Franklin Leather Goods Co. -- $8.56
Olympic Suit Case Co. --------$13.00
Hercules Leather Goods Co. - $3.00
Specialty Suit Case Co. ------- $5.00
Whitehouse Leather Pr. Co. -- $5.00
Schmickl-Bryon Co. ---------- $
Intern. Luggage Co. ---------- $
White Luggage Co. ----------- $ .
Daily News Spills More Stupidity
The Daily News has joined the silliness committee in competing for the presidency of the Dumbell Club.
It is supposed that even if a public agency is horribly stupid, it generally tries to hide as much of its stupidity as possible in order that the run-of the masses may not perish laughing.
Not so with the Daily News. Look at one example of its exalted indignation and the subsequent moralizing splurge.
It is the leading editorial of August 5, headed "Stop this Corruption of Youth." You would certainly hold your breath and prepare for some terrifying exposure that would shake the foundations of our government and call upon all the nations in the world to come to our rescue.
The "investigator" pulls himself together and sums up the total of moral depravity in the children's playground and here it is:
"While the investigator of the Daily News who visited Victory Playground yesterday did not find conditions there so morally corrupting to the children of the strikers as the article in the New York Herald Tribune painted them --- and we are heartily glad he did not --- still he found enough to make us all think, and think pretty hard.
"A little boy, asked what he was going to use his toy pistol for, replied with enthusiasm: "To shoot the scabs."
There you have it. No other instance of "moral corruption" is cited.
It was enough. The boy had a toy pistol. He had been so morally corrupted that he was going to shoot a scab with it. Now let the angels weep and see if they can catch up with the Daily News which must have filled a tub with tears by this time.
What is a toy pistol for? Why are toy pistols made? Who permits making them? Who sells them? are bad weapons, why do the authorities allow their manufacture? There might be a question there. But after toy pistols are made and sold, there is no reason why a striker's boy should not have one well as anybody else.
Of course the boy as well as other people, except the Daily News investigator, know that you cannot shoot anybody with a toy pistol. It is to play with as most people understand. It appears that the "investigator" did not grasp this profound fact. The kid was a bit impish and probably winked with one eye at the lordly "investigator."
Can you blame the kid? It seemed utterly evident that no one can shoot even so much as a bedbug with a toy pistol, that the youngster simply poked fun at the "investigator," substituting a "scab" for a bedbug.
And now, Lo and Behold, the kid finds that the "investigator" for the Daily News couldn't see the joke. The News moralizes and spoils eleven and a half inches of "valuable space," lamenting the moral "corruption of the youth."
There is no reason why this article should not put the Daily News over the top and give it a unanimous vote for the presidency of the Dumbell Club.
More Dumbell Stuff
The Passaic Daily News says: "The idea of this playground for strikers children is admirable and much of the work that is done there is evidently fine and good. The sinful thing in connection with it is the fact that children are not taken there to forget the strike, which would be the right thing, but remember it every moment."
Come, come, now. How can the children forget the strike which is the only ray of light that has ever come into their lives?
During the strike they have had better food and better sanitary conditions than at any other time since they came into the world. Your citizens committee said so just recently. You remember what the committee said, don't you? In ten years, the Overseer of [Passaic] says this year has been the lightest in demands of the indigent. And the death rate has declined [from] 17 to 11 during the month of June last year, did this. That is a decrease of 54.5 per cent.
You want the children to forget that, do you?
The children have also seen and felt the club of the "Cossack." They know when a cop is a cop, and when he is a "Cossack." They understand quite well when a policeman looks after the welfare of the whole people and when he knocks down the workers to help the bosses break the strike. In other words, the children know the difference between a decent policeman and a strike breaking thug.
One day when a cop came along the walk he heard a child of some four or five years sing "Solidarity Forever." The cop who had been one of the brutes in the strike was at once recognized by the child who stopped singing and started for the house. The cop called the child and said: "Sing that song again for me."
The child turned with the curt reply, "That song isn't for you Cossacks."
This happened about the middle of the strike. No one except the cops were responsible for such a reply from a child of four or five. It is the mill barons that have shown the strikers as well as the children that there is no fairness among the cops in this fight.
The children are not taught that the bosses are fine fellows and that the police are a set of good and decent men. It would be telling a lie to the children if they were told any such thing.
The police are controlled by their superiors and their superiors are controlled by the mill owners. Why lie about it?
The scabs are the deluded slaves who are not intelligent enough to realize that their interests should lie with the strikers. They do not know that they hurt themselves as well as the strikers when they scab. If they understood that they would join the strikers and fight with them against the common enemy that robs and exploits them.
So there is no question but that the scab is the enemy of the strikers and all workers who try to better their condition. The scab is the traitor who lends aid and comfort to the enemy and must be treated as such.
The children realize and understand this. The News cannot be expected to be as intelligent as the children at Victory Playground --- or what do you think?
The Red Menace at Passaic
In the best fee-fi-fo-fum style, a staff correspondent prints in the Herald Tribune a description of the horrendous Red activity among the Passaic school-children. Stripped of adjectives and innuendoes, the facts appear as follows: A Victory Playground has been organized for children by the strikers United Front Committee. The avowed object is to keep the youngsters out of the strike area and give them wholesome lunches. There are councilors of radical aspect about ---one girl wears knickerbockers and bobbed hair! The youngsters have the unspeakable wickedness to act as if they sympathized with their parents in the hard-fought battle.
Now, this is calculated to send a thrill of horror down all 100 per-cent American spines. But to the ordinary thoughtful citizen, satisfied to be a 99.44 per-center, it is not quite so convincing, and raises certain questions. Which does more to manufacture Reds --- a Weisbord, or an industry which pays adult workers $14, $16, $20 or $22 a week? Which converts the more people to radicalism --- inflammatory literature, or mills which take immigrant mothers and work them at machines all night after they have done housework most of the day? Just how much patriotism is inspired by City and County Governments which deny workers the right of free speech and free assemblage and attempt by wholesale arrests to break down their strike? Does a community which never lifted a finger to supply free playgrounds, supervised play and nourishing lunches to the pathetic children of the Passaic tenements have any right to yell "Red" when the strikers furnish these benefits themselves? In [fact], what is Americanism, anyway?
New York World.